

单词 abuses
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OBVIOUS〕The regime has often been criticized for its flagrant abuses of human rights. 该政权经常因公然践踏人权而遭到指责。朗文写作活用〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕Without external pressure, it is unlikely the civil rights abuses would have stopped. 假如没有外界的压力,践踏民权的情况是不可能停止的。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕Many workers feel they may be putting their jobs on the line if they protest about safety abuses. 许多工人感到如果对安全缺乏保障提出抗议的话,就可能要冒失去工作的危险。朗文写作活用〔abuse〕An independent committee will look into alleged human rights abuses .一个独立委员会将对被指践踏人权的行为进行调查。朗文当代〔abuse〕The regime had been responsible for serious human rights abuses.该政权对严重侵犯人权的行为负有责任。麦克米伦高阶〔abuse〕This book is about the uses and abuses of power.这本书是关于权力使用与滥用的。外研社新世纪〔atonement〕He's living in a monastery in a gesture of atonement for human rights abuses committed under his leadership.为了弥补自己当权时对人权的践踏,他以出家来谢罪。柯林斯高阶〔atonement〕He's living in a monastery in a gesture of atonement for human-rights abuses committed under his leadership.为了弥补自己当权时对人权的践踏, 他以出家来谢罪。外研社新世纪〔cry out〕People around the world are crying out against the government's civil rights abuses.世界各地的人们都在谴责该政府践踏民权的行为。韦氏高阶〔degree〕He believes in himself to such a degree that he abuses his friends.他对自己太有信心了, 竟然去辱骂朋友。外研社新世纪〔degree〕He believes in himself to such a degree that he abuses his friends.他对自己极为自信,以至于竟然辱骂朋友。柯林斯高阶〔detail〕The report detailed the human rights abuses committed during the war.这份报告详述了战争期间所发生的践踏人权的情况。柯林斯高阶〔evidence〕Campaigners now have compelling documentary evidence of the human rights abuses that they had been alleging for several years.人权运动者数年来一直声称存在践踏人权的现象,而现在他们已经掌握了令人信服的书面证据。剑桥高阶〔expedient〕Governments frequently ignore human rights abuses in other countries if it is politically expedient to do so.如果在政治上对自己有利,各国政府经常忽视其他国家侵犯人权的行为。柯林斯高阶〔gloss over〕Some foreign governments appear happy to gloss over continued human rights abuses.一些外国政府似乎很乐于掩盖不断出现的侵犯人权现象。柯林斯高阶〔gloss over〕Some foreign governments appear happy to gloss over continued human-rights abuses.一些外国政府似乎很乐于搪塞持续发生的侵害人权问题。外研社新世纪〔human rights〕A report documents human rights abuses by the government.一篇报道纪实地描述了该政府对人权的侵犯。麦克米伦高阶〔interventionist〕The UN needs to become more interventionist to prevent human rights abuses and suffering.联合国应该更多地进行干涉以阻止对人权的践踏和苦难的发生。柯林斯高阶〔intolerable〕Human rights abuses by any party are intolerable.任何党派践踏人权的行为都不能容忍。柯林斯高阶〔movement〕The movement emerged out of concern for human rights abuses.该运动发端于对侵犯人权现象的关切。牛津搭配〔oblivion〕The perks and abuses attached to company cars should be consigned to oblivion.公司配车的特权和滥用现象应该被遗忘。外研社新世纪〔perpetrate〕The military perpetrated many human rights abuses during the earliest phase of the conflict.冲突的最初阶段军队实施了诸多侵犯人权的行为。麦克米伦高阶〔redress〕These abuses require redress.这些流弊必须革除。英汉大词典〔reformed〕Improved by the removal of faults or abuses.改良的,改革的:通过清除缺点或弊病后改进的美国传统〔reform〕Correction of evils, abuses, or errors.改良;改进:改正罪恶、弊病或错误美国传统〔reform〕We must reform the political abuses by every possible means.我们必须千方百计地煞住政治上的不正之风。21世纪英汉〔religious〕Human rights abuses included discrimination against religious and ethnic minorities.不尊重人权包括歧视宗教和少数民族群体。麦克米伦高阶〔retribution〕She was asked whether a civilian government should seek retribution against military officers involved in human rights abuses.她被问及一个平民政府是否应该严惩涉及践踏人权罪行的军官。剑桥高阶〔safeguard〕Appropriate safeguards would have to be built into the procedures to avoid abuses.必须在程序中设置适当的保障措施,防止滥用。牛津搭配〔silently〕The administration has recently become silent about abuses in Haiti.最近政府对发生在海地的虐待事件绝口不提。柯林斯高阶〔stamp〕It is our duty to stamp out any abuses of political power.彻底杜绝任何滥用政治职权的现象是我们的职责。麦克米伦高阶〔take〕He continually abuses her, and she just sits there and takes it.他不断地辱骂她,而她只是坐在那里默默忍受。剑桥高阶〔tarnish〕His regime was tarnished by human rights abuses.他的政权因践踏人权而形象受损。朗文当代Campaigners now have compelling documentary evidence of the human rights abuses that they had been alleging for several years.运动发起者现在有了侵犯人权有力的书面证据,那是几年来他们一直在指控的。剑桥国际He continually abuses her, and she just sits there and takes it.他不断地辱骂她,而她只是坐在那里默默忍受。剑桥国际His answer was a torrent of abuses. 他的回答是连珠砲式的漫骂。译典通The force of public opinion can help check abuses in modern politics. 舆论的力量可以帮助制止现代政治中的弊端。译典通There is a strong demand to reform social abuses. 人们强烈要求革除社会弊端。译典通




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