

单词 go for
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔HOLIDAY/VACATION〕to go for a holiday somewhere 去某地度假朗文写作活用〔bathe〕to go for a bathe 去游泳牛津高阶〔debate〕debate about where to go for one's holiday 讨论去何处度假英汉大词典〔gallop〕to go for a gallop 去骑马奔驰一番牛津高阶〔go〕an opponent who is known to go for the jugular in arguments.在辩论中以犀利有力而有名的对手美国传统〔go〕give the astronauts a go for another orbit 同意宇航员再沿着轨道绕行一圈英汉大词典〔go〕to go for a walk/drive/swim/run 去散步╱兜风╱游泳╱跑步牛津高阶〔message〕to go for the messages 去买东西牛津高阶〔mixed〕a club for mixed groups to go for drinks and dancing 供各类人喝酒跳舞的俱乐部英汉大词典〔moonlight〕to go for a walk by moonlight/in the moonlight 在月光下散步牛津高阶〔moor〕to go for a walk on the moors 到旷野去散步牛津高阶〔piss〕to go for a piss 去撒尿牛津高阶〔ramble〕to go for a ramble in the country 去乡间散步牛津高阶〔walkies〕to go for walkies 去遛狗牛津高阶




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