

单词 fruit
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-infested〕Parts of California are suffering from an infestation of oriental fruit flies.加利福尼亚的部分地区正遭受东方果蝇的大肆侵袭。柯林斯高阶〔AVAILABLE/NOT AVAILABLE〕Fresh fruit is unobtainable at certain times of the year. 一年中有些时候买不到新鲜水果。朗文写作活用〔BUY〕The shopkeeper buys his fruit and vegetables at wholesale prices. 店主以批发价购买水果和蔬菜。朗文写作活用〔CHEAP〕Fruit is fairly inexpensive in Japan because they buy cut-price oranges and apples from South Africa. 日本的水果相当便宜,因为他们从南非购买减价的橙子和苹果。朗文写作活用〔Christmas pudding〕Christmas pudding is made with dried fruit and spices, and steamed.圣诞布丁里放有果脯和香料, 蒸熟后食用。外研社新世纪〔DECORATE〕Garnish the salad with tropical fruits and sautéed wild mushrooms. 用热带水果和油炸野蘑菇来点缀沙拉。朗文写作活用〔Granny Smith〕A variety of apple having fruit with green skin and tart, tough flesh.葛来尼,史密斯苹果:有着绿色外皮、有着酸味粗涩果肉的苹果美国传统〔HOLD〕Please do not handle the fruit and vegetables. 请不要翻弄水果和蔬菜。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕Make sure you add variety to your child's diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. 一定要在孩子的食物中增加新鲜水果和蔬菜,以使其更为丰富。朗文写作活用〔JUST〕Pick the fruit when it's just ripe. 果子一熟就要摘。朗文写作活用〔Key lime〕A lime indigenous to the Florida Keys, having a yellow rind and yellowish-green fruit.浅绿莱姆:原产于佛罗里达群岛的莱姆,有着黄色外皮与黄绿色果实美国传统〔LIVE〕Settlers found a plentiful supply of fruit and game in the nearby forests. 殖民者发现附近的森林里有充足的野果和猎物。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Proprietor Ginny Gavin serves fresh croissants and fruit at breakfast to guests at her inn. 老板娘金妮·加文用新鲜的羊角面包和水果做早餐招待住在她客店里的客人。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕The campaign for debt relief will not bear fruit for another two or three years. 债务舒缓运动在这两三年之内是不会有什么成果的。朗文写作活用〔abscission〕Botany The shedding of leaves, flowers, or fruits following the formation of the abscission zone.【植物学】 脱离:因脱落区的形成而引起的叶子、花朵或果实的自然脱落美国传统〔acidic〕Some fruit juices are very acidic.有些果汁酸得很。牛津高阶〔almond〕Any of several other plants, such as the Indian almond, especially those with fruits or seeds suggestive of the almond.杏树属植物:其它几种植物,如印度杏树,尤指果实和种籽类似杏树的美国传统〔amarelle〕A type of sour cherry having pale red fruit and colorless or nearly colorless juice.酸樱桃:一种酸樱桃,有青红色果实和无色或几乎无色果汁美国传统〔balanced〕A balanced diet contains lots of fruit and green vegetables.均衡饮食包括大量的水果和绿色蔬菜。麦克米伦高阶〔be in〕The fruit crop was now in.水果现已收进来了。21世纪英汉〔be over〕There are some cakes and fruit over from the dinner party.宴会剩下一些点心和水果。21世纪英汉〔beak〕A usually firm, tapering tip on certain plant structures, such as some seeds and fruits.坚果:某些植物组织上通常硬而坚的顶端,如一些种子和果实美国传统〔bear〕As the plants start to bear fruit they will need a lot of water.植物开始结果的时候需要大量水分。外研社新世纪〔beggar ticks〕Any of certain other plants or their clinging fruits, especially species of the tick trefoil.鬼针草属植物:任何其它这种植物或它们有关的果实,尤指山马蝗类的植物美国传统〔blast〕Botany Any of several plant diseases of diverse causes, resulting in sudden death of buds, flowers, foliage, or young fruits.【植物学】 枯萎病:一种由不同原因引起的植物疾病,会导致芽、花、叶和未成熟果实的突然死亡美国传统〔boil〕Boil the fruit up with sugar.把水果加糖煮沸。朗文当代〔butternut〕A brownish dye obtained from the husks of the fruits of this tree.灰胡桃提炼染料:从灰胡桃外果壳中提取的浅褐色染料美国传统〔can〕He works in a factory where they can fruit.他在一家罐装水果的工厂工作。剑桥高阶〔cargo〕The ship stopped to take on a cargo of fruit.轮船停下来装载水果。牛津搭配〔carpophore〕A slender stalk that supports each half of a dehisced fruit in many members of the parsley family.心皮柄:伞形科众多成员中,支撑裂开果实其每一半的细长叶柄美国传统〔citron〕The fruit of this plant, whose rind is often candied and used in confections and fruitcakes.香橼:这种植物的果实,其果皮常制成蜜饯并可用于糖果和水果蛋糕美国传统〔climate〕The Mediterranean climate is good for growing citrus fruits and grapes.地中海气候适宜柑橘属水果和葡萄的生长。剑桥高阶〔cobbler〕An iced drink made of wine or liqueur, sugar, and citrus fruit.果汁饮品:由葡萄酒或甜酒、糖和柠檬果实制成的冷饮品美国传统〔coconut〕The fruit of the coconut palm, consisting of a fibrous husk surrounding a large seed.椰子:椰子树的果实,由纤维状外壳围绕一个大种子组成美国传统〔coffee〕The beanlike seeds of this plant, enclosed within a pulpy fruit.咖啡豆:被包在肉质果实内的这种植物的豆样种子美国传统〔complete〕We ended the meal with fruit and cheese.我们最后吃的是水果和奶酪。美国传统〔consist of〕Breakfast consisted of cereal, fruit, and orange juice.早餐有麦片、水果和橙汁。韦氏高阶〔consist〕What does this fruit salad consist of?这碟水果色拉里有些什么?牛津同义词〔contain〕The bowl contained a variety of fruit.这个碗里盛着各种各样的水果。21世纪英汉〔coriander〕The seedlike fruit of this plant, used whole or ground as a flavoring for food and as a seasoning, as in curry powder.芫荽果实:这种植物的种子状果实,整个的或碾碎用作食物的调味品和佐料,例如咖喱粉中含有它美国传统〔cornucopia〕The market is/offers a cornucopia of fruits and vegetables.市场上有/提供丰富的水果和蔬菜。韦氏高阶〔crop〕Each year it produces a fine crop of fruit.每年果园水果的收成都很好。外研社新世纪〔cubeb〕The dried, unripe, berrylike fruit of this plant, used in perfumery, pharmaceuticals, and commercial flavorings.荜澄茄果实:该植物的干燥的、未成熟的、浆果状的果实,用于制造香水、药物以及调味品美国传统〔cup〕He's gone to get me some fruit cup .他去给我买果汁混合饮料了。朗文当代〔currant〕The fruits of any of these plants, used for jams, jellies, desserts, or beverages.醋栗:茶 子属植物的果实,用来制作果酱、果味、甜食或饮料美国传统〔cypsela〕An achene fruit derived from an inferior ovary, characteristic of plants in the composite family.连萼瘦果:由下位的子房结出的瘦果,具有菊科植物的特征美国传统〔dehiscence〕Botany An opening at definite places at maturity to release or expose the contents, such as seeds from a fruit or pollen from an anther.【植物学】 开裂,裂开:到达成熟期时在一定的位置裂开的口子,以释放或显露出内含物,如从果实的裂口处释放出来的种子或从花粉囊中散发出的花粉美国传统〔delicious〕The fruit tasted delicious.这种水果味道很好。麦克米伦高阶〔dicker〕She dickered with the farmer for the best fruit.她要买最好的水果而跟农民讨价还价。21世纪英汉〔diet〕Her diet consisted of bread and fruit.她的食物由面包和水果所构成。文馨英汉〔difference〕The difference lies in the way the fruit is prepared.差别在于怎样料理这种水果。牛津搭配〔dish〕Dishes of dried fruit and nuts were placed on the counter.柜台上放着一盘盘的干果和坚果。麦克米伦高阶〔do without〕We had to do without fresh fruit and vegetable.没有新鲜水果和蔬菜,我们不得不将就一下。21世纪英汉〔dress〕Please dress me a fruit salad.请给我做一份水果色拉。英汉大词典〔drown〕The fruit was drowned in cream.水果在奶油里泡过。牛津高阶〔dry〕The fruit is dried in the sun.水果在阳光照射下变得干巴巴的。剑桥高阶〔enjoy the fruits of your labor/labors〕She worked hard for many years, but now she has retired and is able to enjoy the fruits of her labor/labors.她辛苦工作多年,现在退休了,终于可以享受自己的劳动果实了。韦氏高阶〔especially〕He loves fruit. He especially likes kiwis (NOT Especially he likes...).他爱吃水果,尤其喜欢狝猴桃。朗文当代〔exotica〕Not so long ago, imported television programmes, like foreign fruit, were exciting exotica in Britain.不久之前, 引进的电视节目还像进口水果一样, 是令英国人激动的新鲜事物。外研社新世纪〔fat〕A mixture of such compounds occurring widely in organic tissue, especially in the adipose tissue of animals and in the seeds, nuts, and fruits of plants.动物油脂,植物油脂:此种成分的混合物,广泛存在于有机组织里,特别是在动物的脂肪组织、以及植物的种子、坚果以及水果里美国传统〔feasting〕Lunch was a feast of meat and vegetables, cheese, yoghurt and fruit, with unlimited wine.午餐很丰盛,有肉、蔬菜、奶酪、酸奶、水果, 酒无限量供应。柯林斯高阶〔fig〕The fruit of such a plant.此类植物的果实美国传统〔fleshy fruit〕A fruit, such as the grape, cucumber, or cherry, that has a soft and pulpy wall.肉质果:一种有柔软浆状壁的水果,如葡萄、黄瓜或樱桃美国传统〔floccose〕Covered with tufts of soft hair, as the fruits of quince.有丛毛的,羊毛状的:覆盖着一簇簇软毛的,如榅桲的果实美国传统〔form〕Flowers appeared, but fruits failed to form.开了花,但没有结果。牛津高阶〔freeze〕Some fruits freeze better than others.有些水果比其他的适宜于冷藏。牛津高阶〔freshness〕The fruit had been shipped a great distance, and lacked flavor and freshness.水果经历了长途运输,已经失去味道,完全不新鲜了。韦氏高阶〔fruit〕Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.要多吃新鲜水果和蔬菜。牛津高阶〔fruit〕He runs a fruit and vegetable stall in the market.他在市场里摆了一个水果蔬菜摊。剑桥高阶〔fruit〕His failure is the fruit of laziness.他之所以失败是因为懒惰。英汉大词典〔fruit〕Peaches are my favourite fruit.桃子是我最喜欢吃的水果。麦克米伦高阶〔fruit〕The book is the fruit of a collaboration between several groups.这本书是几个小组合作编写的成果。麦克米伦高阶〔fruit〕The book is the fruit of years of research.这本书是多年研究的成果。牛津高阶〔fruit〕The mountain ash has red fruits.花楸结红色果实。英汉大词典〔fruit〕The tree fruits in late summer.这树晚夏时结果。21世纪英汉〔fruit〕Their work left them enough time to enjoy the fruits of their success.他们的工作使他们有足够的时间来享受成功的果实。牛津搭配〔fruit〕This book is the fruit of 15 years' research.这本书是15年研究的成果。剑桥高阶〔fruit〕To produce or cause to produce fruit.结果,使结果美国传统〔grain〕The fruits of cereal grasses especially after having been harvested, considered as a group.谷物:谷草果实的总称,尤指已收割后的美国传统〔grain〕Used on grains, fruit, and cotton, three of the 19 chemicals have already been removed from use in Australia.19种用于谷类作物、水果和棉花的化学制品中, 有3种在澳大利亚已经被禁用。外研社新世纪〔granola〕Rolled oats mixed with various ingredients, such as dried fruit, brown sugar, and nuts, and used especially as a breakfast cereal.格兰诺拉麦片:在燕麦卷中混有许多配料,如干果、黄糖和坚果,尤用作指早餐食品美国传统〔grapefruit〕The large, round fruit of this tree, having a yellow rind and juicy, somewhat acid pulp.葡萄柚果:这种树的大的圆形果实,生黄皮和多汁的,略酸的浆肉美国传统〔greengrocer〕A retail seller of fresh fruits and vegetables.蔬菜水果零售商:卖新鲜水果和蔬菜的零售商美国传统〔ground plum〕The fruit of this plant.粗果黄芪:该种植物的果实美国传统〔hackberry〕The fruit of such a plant.这种植物的果实美国传统〔heavy with〕The trees are heavy with fruit.树木结满了果实。韦氏高阶〔horned cucumber〕The fruit of this plant.角瓜:这种植物的果实美国传统〔hull〕The enlarged calyx of a fruit, such as a strawberry, that is usually green and easily detached.花萼:水果(例如草莓)胀大的花萼,通常为绿色,容易剥离美国传统〔induce〕The advertisement is meant to induce people to eat more fruit.这则广告意在劝诱人们多吃水果。韦氏高阶〔infestation〕Parts of California are suffering from an infestation of oriental fruit flies.加利福尼亚的部分地区正遭受东方果蝇的大肆侵袭。外研社新世纪〔inspection〕Cut the fruit in half and inspect the pips: if they are turning slightly brown it is ready for harvesting.把果实切成两半,检查一下其中的籽:如果有点成棕色,那就该收获了。柯林斯高阶〔into〕The fruit can be made into jam.这种水果可以制成果酱。牛津高阶〔jam-packed〕His room was jam-packed with fruit, flowers, gifts etc.他的房间里堆满了水果、鲜花及礼品等。柯林斯高阶〔juice〕Juiced fruits or vegetables are ideal for someone with a poor appetite.榨水果汁或蔬菜汁非常适合胃口不佳的人。外研社新世纪〔keep〕Have a piece of fruit to keep you going.吃一点水果,不要太饿。剑桥高阶〔kitchen garden〕A garden in which vegetables, fruits, and herbs are grown for household consumption.家庭菜园:种植蔬菜,水果,和草本植物用于家庭消费的菜园美国传统〔know〕A tree is known by its fruit.树可由其果实辨认。文馨英汉〔kumquat〕The fruit of these plants, having an acid pulp and a thin, edible rind. It is the smallest of the citrus fruits.金桔:这些植物的果实,有酸的果肉和薄而可食的果皮。它是柑橘果中最小的一种美国传统〔laden〕The trees were laden with fruit.树上结满了果实。外研社新世纪〔lebkuchen〕A chewy, usually honey-flavored Christmas cookie containing nuts and candied fruits.蜂蜜果脯饼:一种耐嚼的通常有蜂蜜味道的圣诞饼,内夹有坚果和甜果脯美国传统〔lorikeet〕Any of several small, often brilliantly colored Australasian parrots that feed primarily on soft fruits or the nectar and pollen of flowers and blooming trees.短尾鹦鹉:一种澳大拉西亚的体小、通常色彩鲜艳的鹦鹉,主要食软果或水果原汁花与开花树木和花的蜜美国传统〔lot〕She eats lots of fruit.她水果吃得很多。剑桥高阶〔mainly〕They eat mainly fruit and nuts.他们主要吃水果和坚果。牛津高阶〔market〕There isn't much fruit on the market at this time of year.每年这时候水果供应不多。英汉大词典〔maypop〕The fruit of this plant.粉色西番莲的果实美国传统〔monkey pot〕The fruit of this tree.王蕊属树的荚果美国传统〔monocarpic〕Flowering and bearing fruit only once.只有一次开花和结果的美国传统〔more〕The more fruit and vegetables you eat, the less chance you have of getting cancer.吃的蔬菜、水果越多,得癌症的可能性就越低。麦克米伦高阶〔mushy〕Cook until the fruit is soft but not mushy.将水果煮至柔软,但不要煮成糊状。牛津高阶〔mushy〕When the fruit is mushy and cooked, remove from the heat.当水果变软、煮熟后, 从火上端下来。外研社新世纪〔navel orange〕A sweet, usually seedless orange having at its apex a navellike formation enclosing an underdeveloped fruit.脐橙:一种甜的,通常无籽的橘子,果实中包着一个肚脐形状的未发育好的水果美国传统〔owe〕The fruit owes its extraordinary aroma to a mixture of three main chemicals.这种水果独特的芳香来自于3种主要化学物质的混合。柯林斯高阶〔pare〕Pare the rind from the fruit.削去水果的外皮。朗文当代〔part〕Fresh fruit and vegetables form an essential/important part of a healthy diet.新鲜的水果和蔬菜是健康饮食的基本/重要组成部分。剑桥高阶〔pass ... down〕The fruit-picker up the tree passed the fruit down to his partner who stood at the foot with a basket.树上摘苹果的人将苹果递给站在树下拿着筐子的同伴。21世纪英汉〔peach〕The soft, juicy fruit of this tree, having yellow flesh, downy, red-tinted yellow skin, and a deeply sculptured stone containing a single seed.桃子:这种树上产的软而多汁的果实,果肉黄色,带绒毛,黄里泛红的皮,深刻纹的内核,内有一颗籽美国传统〔peeler〕One that peels, especially a kitchen implement for peeling the rinds or skins from fruits or vegetables.刨刀,水果刀:一种用于削去水果或蔬菜表皮或皮的厨房用具美国传统〔pepino〕The fruit of this plant.这种植物的果实美国传统〔perspiration〕His success is the fruit of perspiration.他的成功是辛劳的结果。英汉大词典〔pick〕They sell freshly picked fruits and vegetables.他们销售新鲜采摘的水果和蔬菜。韦氏高阶〔pimiento〕The fruit of this plant, used in cookery, salad, and as stuffing for green olives.甜椒的果实:其果,用来烧菜,做色拉或绿橄榄的佐料美国传统〔plantain〕The fruit of this plant, used as a staple food in tropical regions.大蕉:大蕉的果实,作为热带地区的主要食物美国传统〔plum〕The fruit of any of these trees.李子:这些树的任一种果实美国传统〔plum〕The fruit of such a tree.李属植物的果实:这种树的果实美国传统〔pod〕A dehiscent fruit of a leguminous plant such as the pea.豆科植物的裂果,如豌豆美国传统〔pomology〕The scientific study and cultivation of fruit.果树栽培学:对果树的科学研究和栽培美国传统〔prickly pear〕The fruit of any of these plants.仙人果的果实美国传统〔proliferous〕Botany Freely producing buds or offshoots, especially from unusual places, as shoots from flowers or fruits from fruits.【植物学】 增生的:无限制地产生花蕾或萌蘖枝条的,尤指从不常见的地方,比如从花朵中长出枝条或从果实中长出果实美国传统〔prune〕You have to prune a bush if you want fruit.如果想让灌木结果, 就必须进行修剪。外研社新世纪〔pulp〕Cook the fruit slowly until soft and pulpy.把水果慢慢地煮成软糊状。牛津高阶〔pulp〕The soft, moist part of fruit.果肉:水果柔软而潮湿的部分美国传统〔purchaser〕The group is the second largest purchaser of fresh fruit in the U.S.该团体是美国第二大鲜果购买商。外研社新世纪〔rather〕The fruit is rather like a sweet chestnut.这种果实颇似甜栗子。柯林斯高阶〔ripeness〕Check the ripeness of the fruit before you buy it.买水果之前要看一下它的成熟情况。韦氏高阶〔rotten〕The fruit is st arting to go rotten.水果已经开始腐烂变质了。牛津高阶〔rot〕The fruit had been left to rot on the trees.水果无人采摘,烂在了树上。剑桥高阶〔run〕This tree runs to quite tart fruit.这棵树的果实往往相当酸。英汉大词典〔scuppernong〕A cultivated variety of the muscadine grape with sweet, yellowish fruit.斯卡巴农葡萄:一种甘甜有黄色果实的,带圆叶的种植葡萄美国传统〔section〕A segment of a fruit, especially a citrus fruit.瓣:水果的切片,尤指柑橘的美国传统〔seed〕Each fruit usually contains a single seed.通常每个水果只有一粒种子。牛津搭配〔sharply〕Using a sharp knife, cut away the pith and peel from both fruits.用一把锋利的刀削去两种水果的外皮和中果皮。柯林斯高阶〔sherbet〕Chiefly British A beverage made of sweetened diluted fruit juice.【多用于英国】 果子露:一种由加甜味的稀释水果汁制成的饮料美国传统〔shortcake〕A dessert consisting of a crisp, light cake served with fruit and topped with cream.水果酥饼:一种上面盖有奶油和水果一起吃的甜食美国传统〔shrub〕A beverage made from fruit juice, sugar, and a liquor such as rum or brandy.果汁甜酒:一种由果浆、糖和水制成的饮料,如糖蜜酒或白兰地美国传统〔sloe〕The tart, plumlike fruit of either of these plants.北美野梅:这两种植物的酸溜溜的,李子状的果实美国传统〔snack〕Fresh or dried fruit makes an ideal snack.新鲜水果或果脯是理想的小吃。剑桥高阶〔soapberry〕The fruit of any of these trees.这种树的果实美国传统〔sorb〕The fruit of any of these plants.花楸果,山梨:这些植物中任何一种的果实美国传统〔so〕I always keep fruit in the fridge so as to keep flies off it.我总是把水果放在冰箱里,以防虫子叮咬。剑桥高阶〔spell〕A prolonged wet spell causes trouble for fruit farmers.漫长的雨天给果农带来了麻烦。麦克米伦高阶〔split〕A dessert of sliced fruit, ice cream, and toppings.盛有冰淇淋、奶油、水果的甜食美国传统〔spoiled〕Some of my apples were spoilt last year by grubs inside the fruit.去年我的一些苹果被果内的虫子给蛀坏了。柯林斯高阶〔spoil〕Soft fruit spoils quickly.软水果很快腐烂。牛津同义词〔squash〕The fruit of any of these plants, eaten as a vegetable.南瓜:作为蔬菜食用的这些植物的果实美国传统〔stem〕The old stems that have carried fruit should be cut out.结过果的老梗应该剪掉。外研社新世纪〔sterile〕Not producing or incapable of producing seed, fruit spores, or other reproductive structures. Used of plants or their parts.不结果的:不产生或不能产生种子、果实孢子或其它繁殖结构的。用于植物或其部分美国传统〔stick〕He served pieces of fruit on sticks.他端上了插着签子的水果块。韦氏高阶〔streusel〕Be sure to cover the fruit with plenty of streusel.确保用大量糖粉奶油细末覆盖水果。剑桥高阶〔sweetmeat〕A sweet delicacy, such as a piece of candy or crystallized fruit.甜食:味美的甜食,如一块糖果或裹糖水果美国传统〔tempt〕It is the fresh fruit that tempts me at this time of year.一年当中这个时节,新鲜水果最能吸引我了。柯林斯高阶〔thistledown〕The silky down attached to the seedlike fruit of a thistle; pappus.蓟的冠毛:蓟的种子样的果实下的丝状物;冠毛美国传统〔top〕The dessert was topped off with whipped cream and pieces of fruit.这份甜点上涂了泡沫状奶油,放了几块水果。剑桥高阶〔turn〕She turned the fruit into a basin.她把水果倒进盆里。外研社新世纪〔upside-down cake〕A single-layer cake baked with sliced fruit at the bottom, then served with the fruit side up.倒置水果蛋糕:烘制时带水果薄片面朝下,而食用时将有水果面朝上的单层蛋糕美国传统〔watermelon〕The fruit of this plant, having a hard green rind and sweet, watery pink or reddish flesh.西瓜:这种植物的果实,有硬而绿的皮和甜的、含大量水分的粉色或红色果肉美国传统〔weigh ... down〕The thick fruit weighs down the branches of the trees.累累果实压弯了树枝。21世纪英汉〔which〕The picking of the fruit, for which work they receive no money, takes about a week.采摘水果,这项工作没有工资,大约花1周时间。剑桥高阶〔which〕These apple trees, which I planted three years ago, have not borne any fruit.这些苹果树是我3年前栽的,还没有结过果实。英汉大词典〔year〕The global economy means that all types of fruit and vegetables are available throughout the year.全球化的经济意味着全年都可买到各种水果和蔬菜。牛津搭配〔zombie〕A tall mixed drink made of various rums, liqueur, and fruit juice. 冰冻果汁鸡尾酒:由若干种朗姆酒、甜露酒和果汁配制而成的大杯混合饮料美国传统A splash (= small amount) of fruit juice over a fruit sorbet makes a simple refreshing dessert.在水果冰糕中搀入少量的果汁,它就成了一道别有风味的小甜点。剑桥国际Because of its tangy smell, many people shy away from eating the Durian fruit. 由于榴梿味道朴鼻,许多人不敢吃。译典通California produces almost half the US fruit and vegetable crop.加利福利亚州生产了美国近一半的水果和蔬菜。剑桥国际Coins cascaded (=fell quickly and in large amounts) from/out of the fruit machine.大量硬币从吃角子老虎机中倾泻下来。剑桥国际Fresh fruit and vegetables are an essential component of a healthy diet.新鲜水果和蔬菜是健康饮食所必须的组成部分。剑桥国际He pruned every branch that did not bear fruit. 他把不结果的枝都修剪掉。译典通Hundreds of trucks full of fruit and vegetables trundle across the border each day.每天都有成百辆满载水果和蔬菜的卡车颠簸着穿过边境。剑桥国际In addition to dessert, they served fruit for good measure. 除了甜点心外,他们再加上水果。译典通In the past, sailors often suffered from scurvy on long journeys because they were not able to eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables.在过去,海员们由于在长途航海中吃不到足够的新鲜水果和蔬菜而常常患坏血病。剑桥国际Johnny doesn't eat anything that has dried fruit in it.约翰尼不吃任何有水果干的东西。剑桥国际Oranges, apples, pears and bananas are all types of fruit.橘子、苹果、梨和香蕉是不同种类的水果。剑桥国际Our farm supplies the market with fruits and vegetables. 我们的农场为市场提供水果和蔬菜。译典通Our local supermarket stocks a limited range of organic fruit and vegetables.我们当地的超市供应少量的用有机肥料培植的水果和蔬菜。剑桥国际Scarcely any wild fruits remain, except the black berries of the ivy.除了常春藤的黑色浆果外,几乎没有野生果子留下来。剑桥国际Squeezers are normally used to extract the juice from citrus fruit such as oranges, lemons and limes.榨汁器一般用来榨诸如桔子,柠檬和橙子之类的柑橘属植物的果实。剑桥国际Sun and rain ripen and swell the fruit (= make it grow).阳光和雨露使水果长大成熟。剑桥国际The fruit was preserved by submersion in alcohol.水果浸在酒精中保存。剑桥国际The centrepiece was a watermelon cut into the shape of a basket and filled with marzipan fruit.放在餐桌中央的装饰品是一只切成篮子状装满了杏仁糖霜水果的西瓜。剑桥国际The peach trees are fruiting early this year. 桃树今年结果较早。译典通The price of fruits remains steady. 水果的价格保持稳定。译典通The room was full of the smell of rotting fruit.房间中充满了腐烂水果的味道。剑桥国际The smorgasbord table was laden with fresh baked salmon, salads, pickled herring, fruit, cheese, bread and desserts.斯堪的纳维亚式自助餐餐桌上摆满了新鲜的烤鲑鱼、色拉、腌鲱鱼、水果、奶酪、面包和甜食。剑桥国际There was a bowl of ornamental china fruit in the middle of the table.桌子中间有一碟装饰性的瓷水果。剑桥国际There's a shop in the hospital which sells flowers and fruit and all the usual gifts.在医院里有个店,出售花、水果和各种常见的礼物。剑桥国际These fruit trees yielded poorly last year. 去年这些果树产量很低。译典通They eat a great deal of fruit in addition. 他们还吃大量的水果。译典通Trifle consists of a layer of sponge together with fruit, custard and cream.酒浸果酱布丁是由海绵蛋糕层加水果、蛋奶沙司和奶油所组成的。剑桥国际Watch out for the fruit punch, it's got a real kick.小心这种果酒,它很有劲儿。剑桥国际When he gambled he always won, whether he was playing roulette, poker or just the fruit machines in Las Vegas.不管他在拉斯维加斯是玩轮盘赌还是扑克牌甚至是吃角子老虎机,他赌钱总是赢。剑桥国际Yield, measured as weight of fruit per plant, was lower in dry years.以每棵果树所产水果总重计算的产量在干旱年偏低。剑桥国际




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