

单词 airlines
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHEAP〕Continental Airlines are to reduce fares by up to 10% in some areas. 大陆航空公司准备在某些地区降低票价,最高达10%。朗文写作活用〔EXAMINE〕Airlines have increased their scrutiny of the size and amount of carry-on luggage. 航空公司对随身携带的行李的大小和数量加强了检查。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕Most airlines offer freebies to children traveling on their planes. 大多数航空公司送赠品给乘坐他们飞机旅行的儿童。朗文写作活用〔GET〕The airlines are trying to win back passengers by offering special low fares at certain times. 该航空公司正试图通过提供时段性特惠票价把乘客争取回来。朗文写作活用〔HELP〕Increased competition among airlines will prove to be a boon to tourists. 航空公司之间竞争加剧将使游客受惠。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕All the major airlines have raised their fares. 所有的大航空公司都提高了机票价格。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Rising fuel costs have forced many airlines to put up the price of air tickets. 不断上涨的燃料价格已迫使许多航空公司提高了机票价。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕I did a quick search on the Internet and found three airlines with tickets available on that date. 我在互联网上快速查找了一下,发现那天有三家航空公司有机票。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Janis was suspected of masterminding a plot against US airlines in East Asia. 贾尼斯被怀疑策划一宗针对在东亚的美国航空公司的阴谋。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The airport faces a chicken-and-egg dilemma: Airlines won't add more flights unless there is more demand, and there won't be more demand until there are more flights. 机场面临着鸡和蛋的难题:只有需求上升航空公司才会增加航班,但不增加航班,需求是不会上升的。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕Most airlines offer reduced prices for children. 大多数航空公司都为儿童提供折扣票价。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕Try the smaller, no-frills airlines for cheap late flights. 到小一点、只有基本服务的航空公司去问问有没有便宜的夜间航班。朗文写作活用〔SMOKING〕We are calling for all airlines to be smoke-free. 我们在呼吁所有航空公司都禁烟。朗文写作活用〔SPECIAL〕United Airlines is offering a special deal on flights to London. 联合航空公司正在推出伦敦航班的特价活动。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕These days most airlines concentrate their advertising on business travelers. 如今许多航空公司把广告的注意力放在商务旅客身上。朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕Employees of American Airlines get generous reductions on the cost of flights. 美国航空的雇员享有很大的机票折扣。朗文写作活用〔WORKING〕The terminal is fully operational and airlines will begin using it next week. 航站楼已经全面启用,各航空公司下周起就会开始使用。朗文写作活用〔across〕Over 70 airlines fly across the Atlantic between Europe and North America.70多条航线飞越欧洲和北美之间的大西洋。麦克米伦高阶〔air taxi〕A small aircraft that makes short local flights to areas not serviced by regular airlines.短程小客机;出租飞机:往没有固定航班的地区作短程飞行的小飞机美国传统〔airline〕American Airlines 美国航空公司英汉大词典〔airline〕Eleven of Europe's 15 busiest routes are controlled by only two national airlines.欧洲15条最繁忙的航线中, 就有11条由两家国有航空公司控制。外研社新世纪〔airline〕Prices on charter airlines are usually lower.包机的价格通常要低一些。牛津搭配〔alcoholic〕The airlines have turned to alcoholic drinks to keep its planes full of passengers.航空公司向乘客提供含酒精的饮料以使航班满座。英汉大词典〔and〕Commuter airlines fly to out-of-the-way places. And business travelers are the ones who go to those locations.支线航空公司航班飞往偏僻地区。商务旅客就是会前往那些地区的人。柯林斯高阶〔backup〕Know about backup flights on other airlines if the flight you're booked on is cancelled.了解一下,如果你预订了座位的那班飞机取消的话,可换乘其他航线的哪些航班。英汉大词典〔beat out〕Indianapolis beat out nearly 100 other cities as the site for a huge United Airlines maintenance center.印第安纳波利斯从近百座城市中胜出,成为美国联合航空公司大型维护中心所在地。柯林斯高阶〔beat out〕Indianapolis beat out nearly 100 other cities as the site for a huge United Airlines maintenance centre.印第安纳波利斯击败近100个城市成为美国联合航空公司一个大型维护中心所在地。外研社新世纪〔beat〕Virgin Airlines must beat off stiff competition to win the contract.维珍航空公司必须击退强大的竞争对手才能赢得合同。麦克米伦高阶〔bid〕Singapore Airlines is rumoured to be bidding for a management contract to run both airports.据传新加坡航空公司正在力争签下两家机场的经营权。外研社新世纪〔billion〕Airlines have lost billions of dollars.航空公司损失了几十亿美元。朗文当代〔black ... out〕The special air fare discount will be blacked out by the airlines over the holiday weekend.假日周末航班机票临时减价将被取消。21世纪英汉〔blanket〕The fare increase blankets the airlines.所有航空公司的机票都涨价。英汉大词典〔block〕The company buys blocks of seats from airlines, then sells them to the public.公司从航空公司买来一批批机票,然后卖给公众。麦克米伦高阶〔boom〕In boom times, airlines do well.在经济繁荣时期,航空公司生意很好。朗文当代〔captive〕Airlines consider business travellers a captive market.航空公司把商务旅行者视为垄断性市场。柯林斯高阶〔cap〕Airlines began to impose a $50 cap on commissions for domestic flights.航空公司开始把国内航班手续费的上限规定为50美元。麦克米伦高阶〔charge〕The airlines charge half price for students.航空公司对学生收半价。英汉大词典〔check〕Many airlines charge extra for checked bags/baggage/luggage.很多航空公司对托运行李收取额外的费用。剑桥高阶〔competition〕There is a lot of competition between rival airlines.航空公司对手之间竞争激烈。牛津搭配〔competitive〕Many airlines now offer substantial discounts in an effort to remain competitive.许多航空公司为了保持竞争力而提供相当大的折扣。麦克米伦高阶〔core〕The core business of airlines is flying people and cargo from place to place.航空公司的核心业务是运送乘客和货物到各地。朗文当代〔courtesy〕First prize is two tickets to Australia, courtesy of Quantas Airlines.一等奖是澳大利亚9航空公司提供的两张去澳大利亚的飞机票。麦克米伦高阶〔cover〕Airlines are raising fares to cover the rising costs of fuel.航空公司打算提高票价来贴补燃油日益上涨的成本。朗文当代〔crore〕Private airlines owe a total of Rs 14,573 crore to state-run banks.私人航空公司一共欠国有银行1457.3卢比的债务。剑桥高阶〔cut〕The major aviation companies need to cut prices if they are to compete with budget airlines.大航空公司如果想和便宜的航空公司竞争,就需要降低价格。朗文当代〔deregulate〕Some industries,including airlines and trucking have already started to deregulate.包括航空业和货车运输业在内的若干行业已开始解除管制。21世纪英汉〔direct〕All the major airlines fly direct to Los Angeles.所有大航空公司都有直飞洛杉矶的航线。麦克米伦高阶〔direct〕For reservations call the airlines direct, or your travel agent.订票可直接打电话给航空公司,或打电话给旅行社。英汉大词典〔discount〕This has forced airlines to discount fares heavily in order to spur demand.这迫使航空公司对机票大幅打折来刺激需求。柯林斯高阶〔discount〕This has forced airlines to discount fares heavily.这迫使航空公司将机票大幅打折。外研社新世纪〔dish (sth) up〕The offer is better than anything the other airlines can dish up.这个报价比其他航空公司能提供的都好。剑桥高阶〔durability〕Airlines recommend hard-sided cases for durability.航空公司推荐使用硬边箱,因其经久耐用。柯林斯高阶〔durability〕Airlines recommend hard-sided cases for durability.航空公司推荐经久耐用的硬边箱。外研社新世纪〔eclipse〕Train travel was eclipsed by the growth of commercial airlines.商业航空的发展使铁路交通黯然失色。韦氏高阶〔fallout〕Airlines are still suffering from the fallout of September 11.各航空公司仍然受到9•11事件的不良影响。外研社新世纪〔follow suit〕After one airline lowers their fares, the other airlines usually follow suit.通常,一家航空公司降价后,其他航空公司会纷纷效仿。韦氏高阶〔follow〕Budget companies have been so successful that other airlines have had to follow suit and lower their fares.廉价航空公司很成功,其他航空公司只得仿效,降低票价。朗文当代〔game〕As it expands its services around the continent, the competition it offers should force the other airlines to raise their game.这家航空公司在整个大陆拓展业务所带来的竞争会迫使其他航空公司有更好的表现。柯林斯高阶〔game〕As it expands its services around the continent, the competition it offers should force the other airlines to raise their game.随着这家航空公司在整个大陆拓展业务, 它带来的竞争压力会迫使其他航空公司改善其服务。外研社新世纪〔guarantee〕European Airlines guarantees its customers top-quality service.欧洲航空公司保证为乘客提供最好的服务。剑桥高阶〔hike〕Several airlines have proposed fare hikes, effective October 1.有几家航空公司已打算大幅提高机票价格,自 10 月 1 日起实施。朗文当代〔horror story〕We've all heard horror stories about airlines losing people's luggage.我们都听说过一些航空公司弄丢乘客行李这样很令人不快的事。韦氏高阶〔impose〕Britain imposed fines on airlines which bring in passengers without proper papers.英国会对运载证件不齐全的乘客进入国内的航空公司课以罚款。柯林斯高阶〔impose〕Britain imposed fines on airlines which bring in passengers without proper papers.英国对搭载无有效证件乘客入境的航空公司处以罚款。外研社新世纪〔incidentally〕The airlines charge half-price for the students. Incidentally, I've already bought my ticket to New York.航空公司对学生收半价。顺便说一句,我已经买了去纽约的机票。英汉大词典〔integrate〕The two airlines will integrate their services.这两家航空公司将把它们的服务整合到一起。外研社新世纪〔intense〕Airlines are under intense pressure to cut fares.航空公司面临着降低票价的巨大压力。外研社新世纪〔interference〕Airlines will be able to set cheap fares without interference from the government.航空公司将能脱离政府干预设定便宜的机票价格。柯林斯高阶〔legally〕When are airlines legally entitled to turn away passengers, even if they have tickets?法律什么时候给航空公司权利让他们拒载乘客, 即便是乘客都买了机票?外研社新世纪〔low-cost〕The 1990s saw a huge increase in the numbers of low-cost airlines.20世纪90年代,低成本航空公司大量增加。剑桥高阶〔maximize〕Some airlines have cancelled less popular routes in an effort to maximize profits.一些航空公司取消了不太受欢迎的航线以使利润最大化。剑桥高阶〔name〕The government will also name and shame the worst performing airlines.政府还将曝光业绩最差的航空公司。柯林斯高阶〔name〕The government will name and shame the worst-performing airlines.政府将会把业绩最差的航空公司曝光。外研社新世纪〔name〕They're a lot better than some airlines I could name .他们比我叫得上名字的一些航空公司要好得多。朗文当代〔no-show〕Most airlines compensate for no-shows by overbooking.大多数航空公司靠超额预订来弥补订票后又退订乘客造成的损失。外研社新世纪〔obligate〕The ruling obligates airlines to release information about their flight delays.这一裁决规定航空公司有义务公布航班晚点信息。外研社新世纪〔obligate〕The ruling obligates airlines to release information about their flight delays.这一裁决规定航空公司有义务公布航班晚点信息。柯林斯高阶〔order〕The airlines still have 2500 new aeroplanes on order.这家航空公司仍有2,500架新飞机没有交付。外研社新世纪〔overbook〕Planes are crowded, airlines overbook, and departures are almost never on time.飞机上很拥挤, 航班也超员预订, 而且起飞几乎从来没有准时过。外研社新世纪〔overbook〕Planes are crowded, airlines overbook, and departures are almost never on time.飞机拥挤不堪,航空公司超额售票,起飞时间几乎从未准点过。柯林斯高阶〔overcapacity〕The airlines are lowering their prices because of an overcapacity of seats.航空公司由于席位过剩而降低票价。韦氏高阶〔ownership〕On January 23rd, America decided to relax its rules on the foreign ownership of its airlines.1月23日, 美国决定放宽外国持有美国航空公司所有权的管制规定。外研社新世纪〔ownership〕On January 23rd, America decided to relax its rules on the foreign ownership of its airlines.1月23日,美国决定放宽对外国持有美国航空公司所有权的管制规定。柯林斯高阶〔passenger〕Airlines have always viewed passenger safety as a priority.航空公司总是把乘客的安全放在首位。外研社新世纪〔pile on〕Rising oil prices have piled on the agony and will push some smaller airlines into bankruptcy.油价的不断上涨更是雪上加霜, 将会导致一些小型航空公司破产。外研社新世纪〔pilot〕Airlines are implementing new safety procedures designed to reduce pilot error.各航空公司都在实施旨在减少飞行员操作失误的新安全规程。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕The campaign has highlighted differences in seat pitch between competing airlines.宣传活动突出了相互竞争的航空公司之间在座椅纵距上的差异。外研社新世纪〔plug〕Airlines are plugging two fairly recent innovations.各航空公司正为新近问世的两项革新大做广告。英汉大词典〔ply〕Continental airlines ply for trade in the UK.美国大陆航空公司希望在英国开展业务。朗文当代〔potluck〕The scheduled flight was canceled and passengers had to take potluck on the other airlines.原定航班被取消了,乘客们只能在其他航线上试试运气美国传统〔price war〕The airlines are engaged in another price war.各航空公司陷入了另一场价格战。韦氏高阶〔price-fixing〕Two leading airlines have been accused of price-fixing.两大航空公司被指控操纵价格。麦克米伦高阶〔prohibit〕Federal law prohibits foreign airlines from owning more than 25% of any U.S. airline.联邦法律禁止外国航空公司拥有任何一家美国航空公司超过25%的股权份额。柯林斯高阶〔question〕The research raises questions about the policies of airlines.这项研究对航空公司的政策提出了质疑。外研社新世纪〔quietly〕The airlines have invested enormous sums in new, quieter aircraft.航空公司投入了大笔资金购买噪音较小的新型飞机。柯林斯高阶〔rack sth up〕Astronomical profits/losses were racked up by airlines last year.去年各航空公司累计盈利/亏损达到了天文数字。剑桥高阶〔result〕Airlines reported significantly better financial results for the first quarter.航空公司报告第一季度财务成绩显著改善。剑桥高阶〔ring〕I rang round the airlines (= called many of them) to find out the cheapest price.我给多家航空公司一一打电话,想知道哪一家的机票最便宜。剑桥高阶〔rip off〕The airlines have been accused of ripping off customers.航空公司被指控欺骗消费者。外研社新世纪〔rip off〕The airlines have been accused of ripping off customers.这家航空公司遭到向顾客漫天要价的指责。柯林斯高阶〔risky〕Investing in airlines is a very risky business.投资航空业风险很大。外研社新世纪〔risky〕Investing in airlines is a very risky business.投资航空业风险很大。柯林斯高阶〔round trip〕Mexicana Airlines has announced cheaper round-trip tickets between Los Angeles and cities it serves in Mexico.墨西哥航空公司已经宣布出售从洛杉矶到墨西哥各城市之间航班的低价往返机票。柯林斯高阶〔second-class citizen〕Too many airlines treat our children as second-class citizens.太多的航空公司把我们的孩子当二等公民对待。外研社新世纪〔second-class〕Too many airlines treat our children as second-class citizens.太多的航空公司把我们的孩子当作二等公民对待。柯林斯高阶〔sharpen〕Recent changes have sharpened competition between the airlines.近来的种种变化加剧了航空公司之间的竞争。剑桥高阶〔significantly〕America's airlines have significantly higher productivity than European ones.美国各航空公司的生产率要比欧洲航空公司高很多。外研社新世纪〔significantly〕America's airlines have significantly higher productivity than European ones.美国航空公司的工作效率比欧洲航空公司要高出很多。柯林斯高阶〔slackness〕As major airlines give up less-traveled routes, smaller planes are picking up the slack.由于大型航空公司放弃了乘客较少的路线,一些较小的飞机正在加紧补位。柯林斯高阶〔stand〕Airlines should stand or fall on their ability to attract passengers.航空公司的成败应该取决于它们吸引乘客的能力。柯林斯高阶〔step〕They were arrested as they stepped off an American Airlines flight from Chicago.他们从芝加哥飞来的美国航空公司班机上下来时被逮捕了。英汉大词典〔ticketing〕Most airlines are using electronic ticketing now.大多数航空公司现在都采用电子售票形式。朗文当代〔ticketing〕Most airlines now allow electronic ticketing.绝大多数航空公司现在允许出售电子票。韦氏高阶〔ticketing〕The two airlines will cooperate on ticketing and schedules.两家航空公司将在票务和航班安排上展开合作。外研社新世纪〔ticketing〕The two airlines will cooperate on ticketing and schedules.两家航空公司将在票务和航班安排上展开合作。柯林斯高阶〔traffic〕Airlines saw a decrease in passenger traffic this year.今年的航空客运量减少了。韦氏高阶〔transportation〕Railroads, trucks, bus lines, and airlines are all engaged in transportation.铁路、卡车、公共汽车和航空公司都从事客货运输。英汉大词典〔trim〕Most airlines have trimmed back their operations.大多数航空公司都精简了业务。朗文当代〔underused〕Budget airlines could revitalize underused airports.廉价航空公司能够让未被充分利用的机场重获生机。剑桥高阶〔uniform〕Some airlines let their senior passenger agents out of uniform.有些航空公司允许年资高的客运主任不穿制服。英汉大词典〔united〕United Airlines 联合航空公司朗文当代〔unlimited〕The ticket allows unlimited travel with Polynesian Airlines.凭这张票可以无限次乘坐波利尼西亚航空公司的航班。外研社新世纪〔unspecified〕He is seeking unspecified damages from the airlines for personal injury.他正寻求向航空公司索取人身伤害赔偿, 金额未知。外研社新世纪〔untouched〕Asian airlines remain untouched by the deregulation that has swept America.亚洲航空公司并未受到席卷美国的撤销管制浪潮的影响。柯林斯高阶〔untouched〕Asian airlines remained untouched by the deregulation that has swept America.亚洲各航空公司并未受到席卷美国的撤销管制浪潮的影响。外研社新世纪〔update〕Airlines would prefer to update rather than retrain crews.航空公司更愿意换新员工而不是对旧员工重新进行培训。柯林斯高阶〔update〕Airlines would prefer to update rather than retrain crews.航空公司更愿意换新员工而不是对现有员工重新进行培训。外研社新世纪Airlines are suffering with higher fuel costs.航空公司正因燃料成本的上升而受损。牛津商务Airlines run on very slim margins.航空公司的经营利润十分微薄。牛津商务Airlines were given help to cover insurance risks.航空公司得到承包保险风险的帮助。牛津商务All the major airlines are reporting a flood of last-minute cancellations following the latest terrorist attacks.各大航空公司都报告在最近几次恐怖分子袭击之后有大批人在最后一刻取消旅行。剑桥国际Another 17 airlines are now operating from the airport, increasing the total to 87.机场又开辟了17条航线,总数已增加到了87条。剑桥国际Astronomical losses were racked up by airlines during this period.这段时期航空公司的损失已增加到天文数字。剑桥国际Atlanta is the hub of Delta airlines. 亚特兰大是Delta航空的中心。译典通British Airways is facing increasing competition from low-fare airlines.英国航空公司正面临着来自低票价航空公司日益激烈的竞争。牛津商务European Airlines guarantees its customers top-quality service/European Airlines guarantees top-quality service for its customers.欧洲航空公司保证向它的旅客提供最优秀的服务。剑桥国际I always fly United Airlines. 我总是乘坐联合航空公司的飞机。译典通I often travel by Northwest Airlines. 我常坐西北航空公司的飞机旅行。译典通I usually fly Lufthansa / Japan Airlines / El Al (=I travel in one of this company's aircraft).我经常乘坐汉莎航空公司/日本航空公司/以色列航空公司的航班。剑桥国际Low-cost airlines are known for their aggressive marketing.廉价航空公司强势的营销方式众所周知。牛津商务Most airlines give pilots one-day refreshers (= courses to practise skills again after a period of not using them) every year.多数航空公司每年给飞行员上一天的复习进修课程。剑桥国际Most of the top-10 airlines were expected to report losses.预计前 10 名的航空公司大部分报告亏损。牛津商务Recent changes in the law have sharpened competition between the airlines.近来法律上的一些更改加剧了航空公司之间的竞争。剑桥国际Skyjacking has become a major problem for the airlines.劫机成为航空公司的大问题。剑桥国际Small airlines have accused the national carrier of using dirty tricks to steal their customers.小航空公司谴责国有航空公司采用卑劣手段夺走它们的顾客。牛津商务The airlines have been given permission to surcharge because of increased fuel costs.因为燃料涨价,航空公司已获准收附加费。剑桥国际The aircraft's safety record has been strenuously defended by both the manufacturer and the airlines using it.这种飞机的安全记录得到制造商和使用它的航空公司大力维护。剑桥国际The city is serviced by six international airlines.有六家国际航空公司为该城市提供营运服务。牛津商务The full-service airlines have found it difficult to compete with no-frills operators.提供全面服务的航空公司发现,他们很难与只提供必需服务的廉价经营者竞争。牛津商务The proposed alliance between the two airlines has been widely criticized.两家航空公司的结盟建议受到广泛批评。牛津商务The routes were operated by the now defunct Sabena Airlines.这些航线是由现已不存在的比利时沙比那航空公司运营的。牛津商务The two airlines have won approval for their planned merger.这两家航空公司的合并计划得到了批准。牛津商务They have raised their prices in step with other airlines.他们和其他航空公司一道涨了价。牛津商务They're trying to beat the low-cost airlines at their own game.他们正试图击败廉价航空公司的强项。牛津商务




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