

单词 gave
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔applicable〕gave applicable examples to support her argument.举出适当的例子来支持她的论点美国传统〔assent〕gave my assent to the plan.我对计划表示同意美国传统〔being〕the mother who gave him his being 给予他生命的母亲英汉大词典〔berth〕gave their angry colleague a wide berth.对他们的愤怒的同事敬而远之美国传统〔bill of health〕gave the structure a clean bill of health in spite of its age.无论其使用年限已有多长,都给建造物开具性能良好的证明美国传统〔black〕gave me a black look.恶恨恨地瞥了我一眼美国传统〔broad〕gave us a broad hint to leave.作一个明白的暗示叫我们离开美国传统〔business〕gave me the business for being late.因为迟到我受到责骂美国传统〔careful〕was careful when crossing the busy street; gave a careful answer.穿过交通繁忙的街道时非常小心;谨慎的回答美国传统〔comfort〕gave comfort to the enemy.对敌人给予安慰美国传统〔deep six〕gave all our plans the deep six.放弃我们所有的计划美国传统〔description〕published a description of her travels; gave a vivid description of the game.出版她的游记;关于这场比赛的生动描述美国传统〔devil〕gave me the devil for cutting class.我因旷课而受到了严厉的惩罚美国传统〔dirty〕gave us a dirty look.恶狠狠地看了我们一眼美国传统〔discontent〕a magazine that gave voice to the discontents of the masses一家反映大众疾苦的杂志外研社新世纪〔dusting〕gave the bully a good dusting.狠狠地揍了恶霸一顿美国传统〔effective〕gave an effective performance as Othello.他在奥赛罗的演出令人印象深刻美国传统〔effect〕large windows that gave an effect of spaciousness.大窗户给人一种空旷感美国传统〔especial〕called his father with especial birthday wishes; gave especial attention to the decorations.送给父亲特别的生日祝福;特别注意那枚勋章美国传统〔example〕gave an illustration of her courage. Asample is an actual part of something larger, presented as evidence of the quality or nature of the whole: 举一个关于她勇敢的例子。 sample 是指大型事物的可代表整体特征或性质的一个部分; 美国传统〔fair〕gave only a fair performance of the sonata.一次比较好的奏鸣曲演出美国传统〔faithful〕gave faithful service; 提供忠诚的服务;美国传统〔fix〕a briefing that gave us a fix on the current situation.让我们对目前形势有一个明确看法的简报美国传统〔fledgling〕the sound practical advice he gave to fledgling writers.他给初出茅庐的作家提出的可靠实用的建议柯林斯高阶〔flick〕a flick of the wrist; gave my horse a flick with the reins.手腕轻轻的一击;用鞭子轻抽了一下我的马美国传统〔free-swinging〕a lawyer with a free-swinging, controversial courtroom style; gave a free-swinging press conference.有吵吵嚷嚷、爱争论的审判风格的律师;举行了一次吵吵嚷嚷的记者招待会美国传统〔give〕gave me a punch in the nose.朝我鼻子打了一拳美国传统〔give〕gave out a steady buzzing.发出持续的嗡嗡声美国传统〔give〕gave out the surplus food.分发剩余食品美国传统〔give〕gave their time to help others.花费他们的时间去帮助别人美国传统〔give〕gave them the cottage for a week.把小木屋暂让给他们一个星期美国传统〔give〕gave us an hour to finish.规定我们一个小时内完成美国传统〔give〕gave way to an oncoming car.给一辆即将过来的汽车让路美国传统〔heave-ho〕got the heave-ho in a very unceremonious manner; gave the employee the old heave-ho.以非常随便的方式被解雇;解雇职员美国传统〔hell〕gave the student hell for cheating.狠狠地训斥作弊的学生美国传统〔housekeeping〕the housekeeping money Jim gave her each week.吉姆每周给她的家用钱柯林斯高阶〔keep〕gave the ring to me for keeps.把这个戒指永久性地送给了我美国传统〔late〕the company's late president gave the address.公司的离任总裁留下了地址美国传统〔lively〕gave the kitchen floor a lively sweeping.敏捷地擦厨房地板美国传统〔meager〕gave us scant respect) or to what falls short of an expected or desired amount ( 给我们刚刚足够的尊重), 或指未达到预期的数量( 美国传统〔negative〕gave a negative answer to our request for funding.对我们的财政要求给予否定的回答美国传统〔nod〕gave a nod of affirmation.点头确认美国传统〔particular〕gave a particular description of the room.对这间房子进行详尽的描述美国传统〔penetrating〕a kind of incense that gave off a penetrating spicy aroma散发出弥漫香气的一种熏香外研社新世纪〔permission〕gave their consent to the marriage; 批准他们结婚;美国传统〔precautionary〕taking precautionary measures; gave precautionary advice.采取预防措施;给予预防的建议美国传统〔rein〕gave rein to her emotions.放任她的感情美国传统〔ringing〕the party's 14th Congress, which gave a ringing endorsement to capitalist-style economic reforms该党第14届代表大会大力支持推行资本主义模式的经济改革外研社新世纪〔round〕gave me a round thrashing.把我痛打了一顿美国传统〔serious〕gave me a serious look.严肃地看了我一眼美国传统〔shot〕gave him a fair shot at the part in the play.给他一个出演剧中角色公平的机会美国传统〔sign〕gave the go-ahead sign.给了一个放行手势美国传统〔thanks〕gave thanks to God; a note of thanks to a contributor.感谢上帝;给贡献者的谢辞美国传统〔themselves〕prepared themselves for the trip; gave themselves plenty of time; were left to themselves.为他们自己准备旅行;给他们自己充足的时间;留给他们自己美国传统〔treatment〕gave the opposing team the treatment.按惯例对付对方美国传统〔twist〕gave my words a misleading twist.误解了我的话美国传统〔unconvincing〕gave an unconvincing excuse.给出一牵强的借口美国传统〔valuable〕a job that gave him valuable experience 给了他宝贵经验的工作朗文当代〔voice〕gave voice to their feelings at the meeting.在会议上表达他们的感觉美国传统〔welcome〕gave the stranger an unfriendly welcome.对那位陌生人的接待很不友好美国传统




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