

单词 footing
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLIMB〕One of the boys lost his footing as he was climbing up the steepest part of the cliff. 其中一名男孩在攀登悬崖最陡峭的地方时失足掉了下去。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕It wasn't until 1928, that divorce laws were reformed to put men and women on an equal footing. 直到1928年,离婚法才进行了修改,使男女处于平等的地位。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕It's the beginning of the course, so you're all on an equal footing. 这门课刚开始,所以大家起点相同。朗文写作活用〔FALL〕A climber who lost his footing was taken to hospital with serious injuries. 一位登山者失足摔成重伤后被送进医院。朗文写作活用〔FALL〕I lost my footing on the snowy bank and fell into the river. 我走在积雪的河岸上脚下一滑,就跌入了河中。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕It will be, as usual, the taxpayer who will be footing the bill. 这将照例由纳税人负担费用。朗文写作活用〔bill〕Who is footing the bill for her extravagant holiday?谁会为她奢侈的假期买单?外研社新世纪〔converse〕It is the only way in which man can converse with nature on an equal footing.这是人类能够平等地同自然神交的唯一方法。外研社新世纪〔fall over〕Mrs Jenkins missed her footing and fell over.詹金斯夫人一脚踩空,跌倒在地。21世纪英汉〔firm〕The company now has a firm footing in the marketplace.现在这家公司在市场上已站稳了脚跟。牛津高阶〔foot the bill〕It was a business lunch, so the company is footing the bill.这是工作午餐,所以由公司付账。韦氏高阶〔footing〕All claimants stand on an equal legal footing.索赔人的法律地位一律平等。牛津搭配〔footing〕Be careful. The footing is slippery there.小心点,那个立脚的地方有点滑。韦氏高阶〔footing〕European negotiators insisted on being treated on the same footing as the Americans.欧洲谈判者们坚持要求受到和美国人同等的对待。麦克米伦高阶〔footing〕Everyone began on an equal footing.人人以平等关系交往美国传统〔footing〕He lost his footing and fell down the slope.他没有站住,摔下坡去。韦氏高阶〔footing〕He lost his footing and fell off the cliff.他失足由悬崖掉下去。文馨英汉〔footing〕He lost his footing and slid into the water.他失足滑进水里。柯林斯高阶〔footing〕He lost his footing, and stumbled to the ground.他绊了一脚, 失足摔在地上。外研社新世纪〔footing〕He struggled to keep his footing on the slippery floor.他竭力使自己在打滑的地板上站稳。牛津搭配〔footing〕He wanted to put their relationship on a permanent footing.他想把他们的关系长久化。朗文当代〔footing〕He was cautious of his footing, wary of the edge.他小心翼翼地站在边缘。柯林斯高阶〔footing〕He was cautious of his footing, wary of the edge.他小心翼翼地站稳, 怕从边上掉下去。外研社新世纪〔footing〕His career never quite regained its footing.他的事业始终未能重新站住脚。牛津搭配〔footing〕I lost/missed my footing and fell.我脚没站稳,跌倒了。剑桥高阶〔footing〕I slipped and struggled to regain my footing.我滑了一下,但挣扎着站稳了脚跟。牛津高阶〔footing〕It is difficult to get a footing on the steep roof.在那很陡的屋顶上不容易找到立脚处。英汉大词典〔footing〕It was a struggle just to keep my footing.我挣扎着想要站稳。剑桥高阶〔footing〕Many of the old polytechnics are now on the same footing as universities.过去的理工学院中有许多现在都与大学地位相等了。朗文当代〔footing〕Men and women should be able to compete for jobs on an equal footing.男性和女性应该在平等的基础上竞争工作岗位。剑桥高阶〔footing〕Mind your footing.小心站稳。文馨英汉〔footing〕New leadership is needed to return the company to a better financial footing.需要新的领导层使公司在财务状况方面实现好转。剑桥高阶〔footing〕Planning procedures gained a footing in local government.规划程序获得了地方政府认可。牛津搭配〔footing〕Seb struggled to keep his footing on the slippery path.塞勃努力在溜滑的小道上站稳脚跟。朗文当代〔footing〕She looked over her shoulder to be sure of her footing.她扭头看了看后面以确认自己是否站稳了。牛津搭配〔footing〕She lost her footing and tumbled into the river.她失足跌进了河里。麦克米伦高阶〔footing〕Smaller economies cannot compete on an equal footing with larger nations.较小的经济体无法以平等的地位与更大的国家竞争。麦克米伦高阶〔footing〕The army is now officially on a war footing.准备作战麦克米伦高阶〔footing〕The army was placed on a war footing (= prepared for war).这支军队处于备战状态。牛津搭配〔footing〕The arrangement was put on a permanent footing earlier this year.今年年初就确定了这一安排是长期性的。牛津搭配〔footing〕The company is now on a sound financial footing.该公司现在已是资金稳健。牛津高阶〔footing〕The firm started the new year on a stronger financial footing.新年伊始,公司有了更加雄厚的资金力量。朗文当代〔footing〕The girl lost her footing and fell about 150 feet.女孩失足摔落了有 150 英尺左右。朗文当代〔footing〕The new law puts women on an equal legal footing with men.这条新的法律把妇女放在和男人平等的法律地位上。朗文当代〔footing〕The new law will put official corruption on the same legal footing as treason.新法律将规定对公职腐败适用与叛国罪相同的量刑标准。柯林斯高阶〔footing〕The president placed the republic on a war footing.总统把共和国推到了战争的边缘。柯林斯高阶〔footing〕The railway system must be placed on a sound financial footing.铁路系统必须建立在坚实的财政基础上。麦克米伦高阶〔footing〕The sand no longer gave men a secure footing.沙子已让人无法站稳脚跟。外研社新世纪〔footing〕The school's constitution puts parents on an equal footing with staff.这所学校的章程将家长与教职工置于平等地位。外研社新世纪〔footing〕The sole of this shoe will provide a firm footing even on slippery surfaces.这种鞋的鞋底使人们即使在滑溜溜的地面上也能站得稳稳的。牛津搭配〔footing〕The two groups must meet on an equal footing.这两个集团必须以平等地位会谈。牛津高阶〔footing〕The two teams stand on an equal footing.这两支队伍势均力敌。牛津搭配〔footing〕The whole country was on a war footing (=ready to go to war at any time) .全国处于临战状态。朗文当代〔footing〕There was not much footing on the cliff.悬崖上没有多少可供立足的地方。文馨英汉〔footing〕They are now trying to compete on an equal footing.他们现在想要公平竞争。外研社新世纪〔footing〕They are now trying to compete on an equal footing.他们现在想要公平竞争。柯林斯高阶〔footing〕They decided to put their relationship on a more formal footing.他们决定建立更正式的关系。外研社新世纪〔footing〕They decided to put their relationship on a more formal footing.他们决定正式交往。柯林斯高阶〔footing〕They managed to get the business onto a more secure footing.他们设法给企业打下了更加牢固的基础。朗文当代〔footing〕They stand on the same footing.他们站在同一立场。文馨英汉〔footing〕They were demanding to be treated on the same footing as the rest of the teachers.他们要求得到和其他老师同等的待遇。牛津高阶〔footing〕This will help small firms compete on a more even footing with multi-national companies.这将有助于小企业与跨国公司进行更加公平的竞争。外研社新世纪〔footing〕We aim to place training on a more scientific footing.我们的目标是将训练建立在更加科学的基础之上。外研社新世纪〔footing〕We are on a friendly footing with all our neighbours.我们同所有的邻居和睦相处。英汉大词典〔footing〕We are on a friendly footing with them.我们跟他们交情很好。文馨英汉〔footing〕We need to get the business on a sound footing.我们需要巩固业务基础。牛津搭配〔foot〕I started footing it to the bus park.我开始向公共汽车站走去。外研社新世纪〔foot〕Taxpayers could end up footing the bill.最后可能会是纳税人买单。外研社新世纪〔foot〕The Defence Department is footing the salaries and daily living costs of soldiers.国防部支付士兵们的薪金, 负担他们的日常开销。外研社新世纪〔gamble〕I wouldn't gamble on Jim's footing the bill, if I were you.假如我是你,我不会期望杰姆付账的。英汉大词典〔headlong〕She missed her footing and fell headlong down the stairs.她一脚踩空, 头朝下栽下了楼梯。外研社新世纪〔headlong〕She missed her footing and fell headlong down the stairs.她一脚踩空,头朝下摔下了楼梯。柯林斯高阶〔militate〕Their very environment militated against competing on an equal footing.他们所处的环境使他们难以在平等的基础上进行竞争。21世纪英汉〔miskick〕He miskicked completely as he lost his footing.由于失去重心, 他把球彻底踢飞了。外研社新世纪〔miskick〕He miskicked completely as he lost his footing.由于失去重心,他脚头完全没有了准星。柯林斯高阶〔pit〕Eric lost his footing and began to slide into the pit.埃里克一脚踩空,开始往坑里滑。柯林斯高阶〔regain〕He slipped but quickly regained his footing.他滑了一下,但很快又站稳了。韦氏高阶〔secure〕Our relationship was now on a more secure footing.现在,我们的关系有一个更为稳固的基础了。牛津高阶〔slither〕Robert lost his footing and slithered down the bank.罗伯特失足滑下了河岸。柯林斯高阶〔sure〕These shoes provide surer footing and greater confidence.这双鞋穿着更稳当, 让人看起来更自信。外研社新世纪〔tumble〕I lost my footing and tumbled down the stairs.我一失足从楼梯上滚了下来。剑桥高阶〔war〕The army had been placed on a war footing.部队是按战备状态部署的。牛津搭配He lost his footing on the bridge and fell into the swirling water below.他在桥上摔了一跤,跌入桥下的漩涡中。剑桥国际He lost his footing while he was climbing the mountain, and plunged to his death.他登山时不慎失足坠落身亡。剑桥国际Men and women ought to be able to compete for jobs on an equal footing, but they often don't.男性与女性应当能够平等地进行工作竞争,但事实往往不是如此。剑桥国际The council wants to put the bus service on a commercial footing.镇议会想把公交服务建立在商业基础上。剑桥国际The country is on a war footing.该国正处于战争状态。剑桥国际The crowd oohed when the skier lost his footing and tumbled down the slope.当这个滑雪者失足滚下斜坡时,人群中发出了“嗬嗬”的喊叫声。剑桥国际The economy has struggled to regain its footing.这个国家尽力稳住经济阵脚。牛津商务The girls lost their footing and fell into the water.那些姑娘们失足落到了水里。剑桥国际The loan has put the company back on a sound financial footing.这笔贷款将公司重新置于稳健的资金基础之上。牛津商务The new law puts temporary staff on the same footing as long-term employees. 新法律使临时工与长期雇员享有同等待遇。牛津商务There was no footing on the steep cliff. 在那陡峭的悬崖上没有立脚处。译典通We are competing on an equal footing with foreign firms.我们与外国公司在平等的基础上竞争。牛津商务We are on a friendly footing. 我们彼此和睦相处。译典通




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