

单词 glory
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔afterglow〕A lingering impression of past glory or success.回味:对往昔荣耀成功的留恋美国传统〔bask/bathe in reflected glory〕The government is bathing in the reflected glory of its victorious military forces.军队的辉煌胜利给政府增光不少。剑桥高阶〔cover yourself in/with glory〕He didn't exactly cover himself with glory in his last job.他最后做的一份工作并没有真正让他功成名就。剑桥高阶〔crowning glory〕Her hair is her crowning glory.她的头发最令她引以为豪。剑桥高阶〔crowning〕Her crowning glory is her long hair.她无上的光荣是她的长发。文馨英汉〔crowning〕Her hair is her crowning glory.她的头发是她最大的骄傲。韦氏高阶〔crowning〕The cathedral is the crowning glory of the city.大教堂是这座城市至高无上的骄傲。牛津高阶〔fade〕He's trying to recapture the faded glory of his youth.他在试图重温年轻时的辉煌。韦氏高阶〔former〕This beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory.这座美丽的老建筑物已恢复了昔日的壮观。牛津高阶〔glorify〕To give glory to, especially through worship.崇拜:给荣誉,尤指通过崇拜美国传统〔glory days/years〕The team's glory days are long gone.这支队的鼎盛时期早已过去。韦氏高阶〔glory〕Glory be! Did you really say that to him? 天哪!你真对他那么说的吗?英汉大词典〔glory〕Becoming a Supreme Court judge was the crowning glory (=most successful part) of her career.当上最高法院的法官是她事业上至高的荣耀。朗文当代〔glory〕Despite his success, Michael doesn't have a girlfriend to share his moment of glory on Oscar night.尽管获得了巨大成功, 迈克尔却没有女友同他分享在奥斯卡之夜的辉煌时刻。外研社新世纪〔glory〕He began the season in a blaze of glory , scoring seven goals in as many games.这个赛季一开始他便被辉煌的荣耀罩身,七场比赛进了七个球。朗文当代〔glory〕He covered himself in glory and came home a rich man.他满载荣誉,衣锦还乡。牛津搭配〔glory〕He does not glory in his past successes and looks forward to achieving more.他没有因为自己过去的成功扬扬自得, 而是期待在未来取得更多的成绩。外研社新世纪〔glory〕His moment of glory came when he won the Olympic downhill skiing event.赢得奥运会速降滑雪赛的那一刻是他最辉煌的时刻。牛津搭配〔glory〕It will cost millions of pounds to restore the castle to its former glory.恢复城堡的昔日辉煌需要花费数百万英镑。麦克米伦高阶〔glory〕Let us give glory to God.让我们赞美上帝。韦氏高阶〔glory〕She dreamt of future glory as an Olympic champion.她梦想着将来能得到奥运冠军的荣誉。朗文当代〔glory〕She wanted to enjoy her moment of glory.她希望尽情享受自己的光荣时刻。牛津高阶〔glory〕The glory of the town is its fountain.小镇的骄傲是这里的喷泉。韦氏高阶〔glory〕The 18th-century building has been restored to its former glory.这幢 18 世纪的建筑物修复后又恢复了昔日的风采。牛津搭配〔glory〕The cathedral was built to the greater glory of God.建造这座教堂是为了彰显上帝的荣耀。朗文当代〔glory〕The sun emerged from behind the clouds in all its glory.太阳穿云而出,壮丽无比。朗文当代〔glory〕These churches are the glory of this city.这些教堂是城市的骄傲。英汉大词典〔glory〕They are driven by a craving for personal glory.对个人荣誉的渴望是他们奋斗的动力。牛津搭配〔glory〕They built many churches, great and small, to the glory of God.他们建了大大小小许多教堂来敬拜上帝。牛津搭配〔glory〕Victory brought them glory, fame and riches.胜利带给他们荣誉、声望和财富。牛津搭配〔glory〕Your hair is your crowning glory.你的秀发是你最引以自豪的东西美国传统〔honor〕Glory or recognition; distinction.荣耀或认同;荣誉美国传统〔hour〕After his hour of glory, he was soon forgotten.荣耀一时后,他很快被人忘记了。英汉大词典〔mirror〕The glory of the mornig is mirrored in the sea.朝霞映在海面上。21世纪英汉〔nothing〕Nothing remains of its former glory.昔日的荣耀荡然无存。英汉大词典〔redound〕Glory redounds upon the brave.荣誉是给勇者的报偿。英汉大词典〔reflected glory〕I certainly don't want to bask in any reflected glory .我可不想沾光享受别人的荣耀。朗文当代〔reflex〕The fame of Greece was a reflex from the glory of Athens.希腊的盛名乃是雅典的光荣折射所致。英汉大词典〔rub off〕It did not take long for the glory of our victory in the Second World War to rub off.没过多久我们在第二次世界大战中取得胜利的光辉景象就变得暗淡无光了。21世纪英汉〔thine〕Thine is the power and the glory.权力与光荣属于你。21世纪英汉〔tie vine〕The wild morning glory.野生牵牛花美国传统〔timocracy〕A state described by Plato as being governed on principles of honor and military glory.荣誉至上政治:一种柏拉图提出的由荣誉和军事荣誉为原则进行统治的国家美国传统Glory be to God! 赞颂上帝!剑桥国际He dedicated his poetry to the glory of God.他的诗是为了赞美上帝而写。剑桥国际He ended his speech with a poetical flourish about the glory of the nation's heritage. (approving) 他以一段赞颂祖国光荣遗产的诗歌般的华丽辞藻结束了自己的演讲。剑桥国际Her popularity as a singer has waned since the glory days of the 1980s.自从过了80年代的鼎盛时期之后,她作为一名歌手的受欢迎程度就日渐趋下了。剑桥国际I was fascinated by the glory of the sunset. 落日的壮观把我吸引住了。译典通The Playhouse is a jewel of a theatre which has recently been restored to its former glory.剧场是最近修复、重现辉煌的剧院中最有价值的部分。剑桥国际The government is basking/bathing in the reflected glory (= glory that it has not earned itself) of its victorious military forces.政府享受着它那获胜的军队给它带来的荣耀/沐浴在获胜的军队带给它的荣光之下。剑桥国际The painting was restored to its former glory (=returned to its original good condition).那幅画又恢复原先的灿烂。剑桥国际




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