

单词 geologic
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔azoic〕Of or relating to geologic periods that precede the appearance of life.无生的:生命出现之前的地质时期的或与生命出现之前的地质时期有关的美国传统〔earth science〕Any of several essentially geologic sciences that are concerned with the origin, structure, and physical phenomena of the earth.地球科学:任一种有关地球起源、结构及各种物理现象的基础地理学科美国传统〔eon〕The longest division of geologic time, containing two or more eras.万古:地质时期中最长的分段,包括两个或两个以上的代美国传统〔epoch〕A unit of geologic time that is a division of a period.世:地理学中小于纪的时间单位美国传统〔era〕The longest division of geologic time, made up of one or more periods.纪元:地质年代最长的划分,由一个或多个阶段组成美国传统〔face〕The appearance and geologic surface features of an area of land; topography.地表特征:某一区域陆地表面和有几何形状的表面;地形美国传统〔field〕A portion of land or a geologic formation containing a specified natural resource.矿区:含有特定的自然资源的一片土地或地质层美国传统〔fossil fuel〕A hydrocarbon deposit, such as petroleum, coal, or natural gas, derived from living matter of a previous geologic time and used for fuel.矿物燃料:碳氢化合物的沉淀,如石油、煤、天然气等,由古代生物衍生而成,经过开发后用作燃料美国传统〔fossil〕A remnant or trace of an organism of a past geologic age, such as a skeleton or leaf imprint, embedded and preserved in the earth's crust.化石:埋置并保存于地层中的古生物遗体、遗物和其生活遗址,如骨骸、叶子的印痕等美国传统〔geochronology〕The chronology of the earth's history as determined by geologic events.地质年代学:以地质事件测定的地质历史年代学美国传统〔geochronometry〕Measurement of geologic time, as through isotopic radioactive decay.地质年代测定:通过放射性同位素衰变来测定地质年代美国传统〔geodesy〕The geologic science of the size and shape of the earth.大地测量学:研究地球大小和形状的地理科学美国传统〔geologize〕To study geology or make geologic investigations.研究地质学或作地质调查美国传统〔glacial〕Often Glacial Characterized or dominated by the existence of glaciers. Used of a geologic epoch. 常作 Glacial 冰河期:有冰川存在特征的或由冰川的存在而控制的。用于地质纪元美国传统〔graben〕A usually elongated depression between geologic faults.地堑:在两个地质断层之间的,通常很长的地壳下降部分美国传统〔group〕A stratigraphic unit, especially a unit consisting of two or more formations deposited during a single geologic era.地层学单位:地层学中的一个单位,尤指包括在同一地质时期沉积的两个或两个以上地层的单位美国传统〔homotaxis〕Similarity of stratigraphic arrangement and fossils in noncontemporaneous or widely separated geologic deposits.排列类似:不同时代或相距很远的地质矿床在化石和地层分布上的相似美国传统〔impact structure〕A large geologic structure, such as a crater or astrobleme, created by the violent collision between a planet and a space projectile such as a comet or meteor.受撞击结构体:大型地质学结构体,例如火山口或是太空物撞击裂痕,由于星球与太空发射物间剧烈撞击所产生的,例如彗星或是陨石的撞击美国传统〔lee〕Located in or facing the path of an oncoming glacier. Used of a geologic formation.冰川运动路线的:位于或面对冰川运动路线的。用于地质构造美国传统〔macroevolution〕Large-scale evolution occurring over geologic time that results in the formation of new taxonomic groups.宏观进化:产生新的分类群体形的跨越地质时代的大规模进化美国传统〔microgravity〕A minute shift in gravity that can occur through geologic factors in a region, such as the movement of the earth's crust along fault lines.微重力移动:经由一个地区的地质因素所发生重力的微小转移,例如沿着断层所发生的地球板块移动美国传统〔monocline〕A geologic structure in which all layers are inclined in the same direction.单斜结构:一种所有地层朝同一方向倾斜的地质结构美国传统〔paleoclimatology〕The study of climatic conditions, and their causes and effects, in the geologic past, using evidence found in glacial deposits, fossils, and sediments.古气候学:运用包括冰河堆积、化石与沉积物来研究地质过去气候的状态及其成因与影响美国传统〔paleontology〕The study of the forms of life existing in prehistoric or geologic times, as represented by the fossils of plants, animals, and other organisms.古生物学:对出现在史前或地质时代的生命的形成的研究,体现在植物、动物和其它有机体的化石上美国传统〔potassium-argon〕Of, relating to, or being a geologic dating method relying on the percentage of potassium in a specimen that has radioactively decayed to argon.钾氩测年:地理学上根据样品中已放射衰变成氩的钾的比例来确定年代的方法的,与这种方法有关的,是这种方法的美国传统〔subduction〕A geologic process in which one edge of one crustal plate is forced below the edge of another.潜没:指一个地板块受力下降到另一板块之下的过程美国传统〔upheaval〕The lake was formed by geologic upheaval.这片湖泊因地质结构隆起而形成。韦氏高阶〔uprise〕Many geologic changes have occurred since our earth uprose.自地球诞生以来,地质变动已发生多次。英汉大词典〔young〕Geology Being of an early stage in a geologic cycle. Used of bodies of water and land formations.【地质学】 早期阶段的:地质圈中处于早期阶段的,用于水体和陆地的形成美国传统




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