

单词 far too
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIT/NOT FIT〕You can't wear your father's suit, it's far too big. 你不能穿父亲的衣服,那太大了。朗文写作活用〔GUESS〕We overestimated how long the journey would take, and arrived far too early. 我们多估了路上所需的时间,到得太早了。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕Far too many people are still unemployed, but we are making progress. 太多的人仍然失业,但是我们正在取得进展。朗文写作活用〔SHY〕I am far too inhibited to have rows with people. 我性格太拘谨,连和人吵架都不会。朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕Far too many postgraduate students never finish their projects once begun. 有太多的研究生未能完成已经开始的研究课题。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕He was far too preoccupied with his own marital difficulties to give any thought to his friend's problems. 他一心想着自己的婚姻难题,一点都没有考虑朋友的问题。朗文写作活用〔bad language〕There's far too much bad language on television.电视上的脏话太多了。剑桥高阶〔canny〕He was far too canny to risk giving himself away.他非常精明,不会冒险暴露自己。柯林斯高阶〔casual〕The psychologist's attitude seemed far too casual, even brutal.那个心理学家的态度似乎太过冷淡了,甚至有些冷酷。剑桥高阶〔chafe〕The collar was far too tight and chafed her neck.衣领特别紧,把她脖子擦痛了。牛津高阶〔clobber〕I've got far too much clobber in my handbag.我提包里的东西太多了。剑桥高阶〔easy〕This agency has been far too easy on the timber industry over the years.多年以来,这个机构对木材业的管理太过宽松了。柯林斯高阶〔fact〕The recent improvements should not obscure the fact that general standards are still far too low.近来的进步不应掩盖普遍标准仍很低这一事实。牛津搭配〔far〕The issue is far too important to be discussed behind closed doors.太多/大/容易等麦克米伦高阶〔far〕These trials are simply taking far too long.这些审判耗时实在太长了。柯林斯高阶〔film〕She thought the film far too violent to show to children.她觉得这部影片太暴力了,不适合儿童观看。牛津搭配〔forward〕My father thinks she's far too forward for a young girl.我父亲觉得,对一个年轻女孩来说她太冒失。朗文当代〔frivolity〕He was one of my most able pupils, but far too easily distracted by frivolities.他是我最有才华的学生之一,只是太容易被一些无聊的事分心。柯林斯高阶〔frivolity〕I'm far too busy to waste time on frivolities like going to the cinema.我忙得不可开交,不会把时间浪费在看电影之类无聊的事上。剑桥高阶〔ground〕The ground was dry, far too dry for growing corn.土地太干,干得无法种庄稼。朗文当代〔harsh〕I think the sentence was far too harsh.我认为判决太严厉了。麦克米伦高阶〔let〕I think young criminals are let off far too lightly.我觉得对年轻罪犯的判刑太轻了。朗文当代〔make much of〕She tends to make far too much of her problems.她常常夸大自己的困难。韦氏高阶〔mess around〕I think they've been messed around far too much already.我想他们已经受了太多的窝囊气。外研社新世纪〔model〕A lot of models look far too thin.许多模特儿看起来太瘦了。麦克米伦高阶〔much〕I've got far too much to do.我要做的事情太多了。牛津高阶〔off-centre〕Davies's writing is far too off-centre to be commercial.戴维斯的作品由于太过怪诞而难以获得商业成功。柯林斯高阶〔off-centre〕Davies's writing is far too off-centre to be commercial.戴维斯的作品由于太过怪诞而难以获得商业成功。外研社新世纪〔orientation〕Discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation is still far too widespread.以性取向为理由的歧视仍然太普遍了。朗文当代〔put on〕She puts on far too much makeup.她涂了太多的化妆品。韦氏高阶〔quarrel〕My only quarrel with this plan is that it's going to take far too long.我对这个计划唯一不满的是它太费时间了。朗文当代〔shopping〕I went on a shopping spree (=went shopping and bought a lot of things) at the weekend and spent far too much money.我周末大买特买了一番,花了好多好多钱。朗文当代〔soft〕You're far too soft on those kids.你对那些孩子太过宽容了。外研社新世纪〔sweeping〕It is far too early to make sweeping statements about gene therapy.现在就对基因疗法下结论还为时过早。外研社新世纪〔too〕Amanda is far too young to get married.阿曼达太小了,还不能结婚。朗文当代〔too〕She's far too old [much too fat].她太老了[太胖了]。文馨英汉〔translate〕This English poem is far too hard to translate.这首英文诗非常难译。21世纪英汉Anna is far too shambolic to be able to run a business.安娜是个做事很混乱的人,不能经营一家公司。剑桥国际Brian's far too incompetent to be put in charge of the factory.布赖恩远不能胜任掌管这家工厂的工作。剑桥国际He claims that society has been far too permissive towards drug taking.他宣称社会对吸毒过分放纵。剑桥国际He has far too much pride. 他太骄傲了。译典通It's ridiculous -- we have a tiny disagreement and you blow the whole thing up out of proportion (= treat the matter far too seriously)! 这太可笑了----我们只是意见稍有不同,你就夸大了整件事的严重性。剑桥国际My back's far too spotty to wear a halterneck.我背上的斑点太多不适合穿三角背心。剑桥国际She was far too polite to allude to the stain on his jacket.她出于礼貌,不便指出他夹克衫上的污点。剑桥国际The psychologist's attitude seemed far too casual, even brutal.那个心理学者的态度似乎过于漫不经心了,甚至有点粗鲁。剑桥国际There's far too much packaging on food bought in supermarkets.超市里买的食品上的包装太多了。剑桥国际They'll have to cut their film (down)--it's far too long.他们将不得不对影片作些剪辑----片子太长了。剑桥国际This must be a child's bike--it's far too small for me.这一定是童式自行车----对我来讲太小了。剑桥国际This purposeless fighting has been going on for far too long.这场毫无目的的战斗持续得太长了。剑桥国际We queried the bill as it seemed far too high.账单上的费用好像太高了,我们对此表示怀疑。牛津商务




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