

单词 few
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔-s〕a few problems.几个问题柯林斯高阶〔FEW/NOT MANY〕very few 很少的朗文写作活用〔ago〕a few minutes (two centuries) ago 几分钟(两个世纪)以前英汉大词典〔anatomical〕a few unsolved anatomical mysteries 一些未获解答的结构上的疑点英汉大词典〔anciently〕a few acres of ancient woodland.几英亩古老的林地柯林斯高阶〔cause〕the damage to Romanian democracy caused by events of the past few days.过去几天发生的事件对罗马尼亚民主政体的危害柯林斯高阶〔compress〕to compress ideas into a few words.把意见用几句话简述出来。牛津同义词〔cosmetic〕made a few cosmetic changes when she took over the company.她接管公司后做了一些表面化的改革美国传统〔critically〕a few dozen intellectuals who've been critical of the regime.几十名一直批判该政权的知识分子柯林斯高阶〔dent〕a few small dents in the wall 墙上的几处小凹坑韦氏高阶〔distance〕a land of few hills and great distances.只有少数山丘的广阔区域美国传统〔doggerel〕a few lines of doggerel 几行打油诗韦氏高阶〔down-river〕a big tourist hotel a few hundred yards down-river.下游几百码处的一家大型旅游酒店柯林斯高阶〔dyeworks〕a few small dyeworks 几家小型染坊英汉大词典〔early〕arrived at the meeting a few minutes early.提早几分钟到达会场美国传统〔enterprise〕a perilous enterprise that few thought could succeed 很少有人认为能成功的风险计划英汉大词典〔essence〕a few drops of vanilla essence.几滴香草精油柯林斯高阶〔every〕every few feet/ten yards etc There were traffic lights every ten yards.每隔十码就有红绿灯。朗文当代〔every〕every few seconds/ten days etc Re-apply your sunscreen every two hours.每隔两小时重抹一次防晒霜。朗文当代〔few〕bowled a few strings.玩了几场保龄球美国传统〔few〕in a few days 几天以后英汉大词典〔few〕in the last few chapters.在最后几章中柯林斯高阶〔final〕the 2010 World Cup Finals(= the last few games in the competition) *2010 年世界杯决赛阶段牛津高阶〔firework〕to set off a few fireworks 放几个烟火牛津高阶〔gag〕crack a few gags 说几句笑话英汉大词典〔gale〕forecasts of fierce gales over the next few days.预报未来几天有超强大风柯林斯高阶〔geometrically〕a few geometrically planted trees.按几何图形种的几棵树柯林斯高阶〔grow〕an article that grew out of a few scribbled notes; trust that grew out of long acquaintance.由潦草的记录而形成的文章;由长期相识而产生的信任美国传统〔hair〕a few grey hairs 几根白发麦克米伦高阶〔hour〕within hours (of sth) (=only a few hours after something) (某事发生后的)几小时以内朗文当代〔increase〕to increase a few more stitches再放几针21世纪英汉〔in〕to return in a few minutes/hours/days/months.几分钟╱几小时╱几天╱几个月后回来牛津高阶〔kill〕kill off a few leisure hours in the park 在公园里消磨掉几小时的空闲时间 英汉大词典〔kill〕killed a few hours before the flight by sightseeing.在飞行前观光消磨了几个小时美国传统〔knitwear〕a few pieces of knitwear 几件针织衣物韦氏高阶〔last-minute〕a few last-minute changes to the script 最后一刻对手稿的几处改动朗文当代〔measure〕the first few measures of Mozart's third violin concerto 莫扎特第三小提琴协奏曲的开头几个小节牛津搭配〔pant〕pant out a few words 气喘吁吁地说几句话英汉大词典〔past〕in the past few days.刚过去的几天中美国传统〔past〕the momentous events of the past few days.过去几天的重大事件柯林斯高阶〔period〕a period of a few months.几个月时间柯林斯高阶〔pot〕a few pots of beer几杯啤酒外研社新世纪〔quasi-〕a few key quasi-governmental institutions.几个重要的准政府机构柯林斯高阶〔relaxation〕a few days of relaxation 几天的休息时间牛津高阶〔remark〕make a few remarks 讲几句话 英汉大词典〔renaissance〕a renaissance in wood carving over the last few years 过去几年里木雕的复兴朗文当代〔rhetorical〕make a few rhetorical changes in one's lecture notes 在讲稿上作若干词句方面的改动英汉大词典〔rumble〕rumble out (或 forth) a few remarks 用低沉的声音说出几句话英汉大词典〔scrape〕suffer a few cuts and scrapes 有几处给割破和擦伤英汉大词典〔scrap〕a few scraps of dialogue 一些对话片断麦克米伦高阶〔scratch〕scratch up a few stray seeds 扒出几颗散落的种子英汉大词典〔spot〕a few spots of rain 几滴雨水英汉大词典〔straggler〕round about two o'clock in the morning when there were only a few stragglers left.大约在凌晨两点钟只剩下几个人时柯林斯高阶〔take〕take a few lodgers in 收几名房客 英汉大词典〔tax〕a windfall tax on the profits of the last few years 对过去几年利润征收的暴利税牛津搭配〔thousand〕a few thousand people 几千人英汉大词典〔throw〕threw in a few snide comments while they conversed.他们在交谈时插入了一些不诚实的叙述美国传统〔to〕a fact known to few 很少人知道的事实英汉大词典〔want〕a person of few wants and needs.清心寡欲的人美国传统an exchange of data that takes a few nanoseconds 仅需几毫微秒时间进行数据交换牛津商务




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