

单词 grubby
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIRTY〕From his back pocket Robert took out a grubby scrap of paper. 罗伯特从后边口袋里掏出一小片脏纸片。朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕He blew his nose with a grubby handkerchief. 他用一块脏手帕擤鼻子。朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕Her coat was grubby and one of the sleeves was torn. 她的外套很脏,一个袖子也撕破了。朗文写作活用〔bedraggled〕She came in looking grubby and bedraggled.她走进来,一身污秽邋遢的样子。文馨英汉〔dirty〕He hoped she wouldn't notice his grubby shirt cuffs.他希望她不会注意到他肮脏的衬衫袖口。牛津高阶〔grubby〕Don't wipe your grubby hands on my clean towel! 别拿我的干净毛巾擦你那脏手!剑桥高阶〔grubby〕He doesn't want this story to get into the grubby hands of the tabloid press (= to be obtained by newspapers that are not honest and fair).他不想让这件事情登到那些卑鄙下流的小报上去。剑桥高阶〔grubby〕He lives in a grubby little apartment.他住在一个肮脏的小公寓里。韦氏高阶〔grubby〕He was wearing some old shorts and a grubby T-shirt.他穿着一条破旧的短裤和一件脏兮兮的T恤衫。剑桥高阶〔grubby〕He wore torn jeans and a grubby shirt.他穿着一条破牛仔裤和一件脏衬衫。麦克米伦高阶〔grubby〕His white coat was grubby and stained.他的白色外套污渍斑斑, 肮脏不堪。外研社新世纪〔grubby〕His white coat was grubby and stained.他的白色外套污迹斑斑,简直脏透了。柯林斯高阶〔grubby〕I bet he can't wait to get his grubby hands on my money! 我肯定他是迫不及待要把他那双肮脏的手伸向我的钱!朗文当代〔grubby〕Keep your grubby paws to yourself! 把你的脏爪子拿开!朗文当代〔grubby〕She sees the business of making money as just grubby opportunism.在她眼中,赚钱的生意只不过是可鄙的投机行为而已。剑桥高阶〔knock around〕They knock around on weekends in grubby sweaters and pants.他们周末穿着邋遢的毛衫和裤子到处闲逛。柯林斯高阶〔knock around〕They knock around on weekends in grubby sweaters and trousers.他们周末穿着邋遢的毛衫和裤子到处闲逛。外研社新世纪〔mark〕There were grubby marks on the wall.墙上污迹斑斑。牛津搭配〔mitt〕I pressed a dime into his grubby mitt.我把一个十分硬币塞进他脏兮兮的手里。柯林斯高阶〔mitt〕I pressed a dime into his grubby mitt.我把一枚10分硬币塞到他脏兮兮的手里。外研社新世纪〔singlet〕He was wearing a grubby running singlet.他穿着一件脏兮兮的跑步背心。外研社新世纪〔tightly〕The baby was clutching his toy tightly in his grubby fist.婴儿用脏兮兮的手紧紧抓着他的玩具。剑桥高阶Don't wipe your grubby hands on my clean towel! 不要在我干净的毛巾上擦你的脏手。剑桥国际He doesn't want this story to get into the grubby hands of the tabloid press (= to be obtained by newspapers who are not honourable).他不想让这件事情落入不择手段的通俗小报业的手中。剑桥国际She sees the business of making money as just grubby opportunism.她把赚钱的买卖看作是可卑鄙的机会主义。剑桥国际Their hangout was a grubby attic.他们的住所是一个肮脏的阁楼。剑桥国际They made a grubby compromise with one of the opposition parties.他们和反对党中的一个达成了卑鄙的妥协。剑桥国际




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