

单词 feed
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔bone〕to bone feed or fertilizer把骨粉加入饲料或肥料中21世纪英汉〔breast-feed〕mothers who breast- feed 哺乳的妈妈韦氏高阶〔clothe〕feed and clothe a family 为一家人提供衣食英汉大词典〔deep〕whales that feed deep beneath the waves 在大海深处进食的鲸鱼牛津高阶〔disinformation〕feed disinformation with a view to misleading 为误导而提供虚假情报英汉大词典〔dose〕feed sb. up with a heavy dose of ideology 向某人大量灌输意识形态英汉大词典〔drip-feed〕the steady drip feed of leaked documents in the papers 泄露的文件一点点接连在报纸上出现牛津高阶〔enclothe〕to feed and enclothe a family为一家人提供衣食21世纪英汉〔feeding〕a food reserve large enough to feed the Sudanese population for many months.足够苏丹人吃好多个月的食物储备柯林斯高阶〔feed〕feed Mary the water mouth-to-mouth 口对口给玛丽喂水英汉大词典〔feed〕feed a baby at the breast 给婴儿哺乳英汉大词典〔feed〕feed a baby on breast milk 用人乳喂养婴儿英汉大词典〔feed〕feed a cat with milk 以牛奶喂猫文馨英汉〔feed〕feed a drug habit 过一过毒瘾英汉大词典〔feed〕feed a machine 给机器添油文馨英汉〔feed〕feed a pig 喂猪英汉大词典〔feed〕feed and clothe one's family 为全家提供衣食英汉大词典〔feed〕feed coal into a stove 给炉子加煤英汉大词典〔feed〕feed coins into a parking meter 往泊车计时器塞入硬币英汉大词典〔feed〕feed inflation 激化通货膨胀英汉大词典〔feed〕feed lines to an actor.给演员提示台词美国传统〔feed〕feed logs to a fire; feed data into a computer.给火添柴;往计算机里输入数据美国传统〔feed〕feed oats to the horses 用燕麦喂马英汉大词典〔feed〕feed plants with fertilizer 给植物施肥英汉大词典〔feed〕feed sb. (with) information 向某人提供信息英汉大词典〔feed〕feed sb.'s vanity 满足某人的虚荣心英汉大词典〔feed〕feed suspicions (resentment, anxiety) 加深怀疑(怨恨,忧虑)英汉大词典〔feed〕feed the eye with the beauties of a landscape 饱览美景英汉大词典〔feed〕feed the fire with logs 往火里添柴英汉大词典〔feed〕a feed of news 供给消息英汉大词典〔feed〕a food reserve large enough to feed the Sudanese population for many months够全体苏丹人口吃好几个月的食品储备外研社新世纪〔feed〕a live satellite feed from the space station 来自空间站的现场卫星传送朗文当代〔feed〕at one feed 一顿;作一顿份文馨英汉〔feed〕birds that feed off the seeds from trees 以树籽为食的鸟朗文当代〔feed〕blood vessels that feed blood to the brain为大脑供血的血管外研社新世纪〔feed〕cattle feed 牛的饲料文馨英汉〔feed〕cattle/animal feed 牛/动物饲料剑桥高阶〔feed〕fad diets that feed off our desire to be thin 因我们的瘦身愿望而疯魔的时尚节食法朗文当代〔feed〕fish feed 鱼食朗文当代〔feed〕groceries to feed a family of five 养活一家五口人的食品朗文当代〔feed〕have a big feed ready for sb.为某人准备好丰盛的一餐英汉大词典〔feed〕helping to feed and clothe poor children 帮助解决穷孩子的温饱问题韦氏高阶〔feed〕her morning feed 她早上的一次喂奶牛津高阶〔feed〕the car's oil feed 汽车的供油管路剑桥高阶〔feed〕the cold feed to the water cylinder 水缸的冷进水管牛津高阶〔feed〕the printer's paper feed 打印机的进纸装置剑桥高阶〔feed〕the two a.m. feed 凌晨两点的一次喂奶朗文当代〔feed〕to feed your children.给子女东西吃。牛津同义词〔feed〕two biscuits at one feed 两块饼干一顿英汉大词典〔forage〕the amount of forage needed to feed one cow and its calf.喂养一头母牛和小牛犊所需要的饲料柯林斯高阶〔forage〕the amount of forage needed to feed one cow and its calf饲养一头母牛和它的小牛犊所需的草料外研社新世纪〔fruit〕feed on fruit 以水果为食英汉大词典〔grain〕feed grains 饲料谷物英汉大词典〔invertebrate〕mammals with small teeth, which typically feed on invertebrates牙齿小、通常以无脊椎动物为食的哺乳动物外研社新世纪〔maw〕helping to chop wood to feed the red maw of the stove.帮忙把木头劈开,丢进炉子的大肚子里柯林斯高阶〔mouth〕has three mouths to feed at home.家中有三个人要养活美国传统〔mouth〕have six mouths to feed 得赡养6口人英汉大词典〔multitude〕to feed the starving multitudes 使饥饿的群众有饭吃牛津高阶〔pelleted〕pelleted animal feed 丸状动物饲料剑桥高阶〔scrap〕feed kitchen scraps to the pigs 把厨房泔脚喂猪英汉大词典




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