

单词 federation
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AF of L.〕American Federation of Labor.美国劳工联合会美国传统〔AFL-CIO〕American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations.劳联-产联:美国劳工联合会-产业工会联合会美国传统〔AFL〕American Federation of Labor.美国劳工联合会美国传统〔AFT〕American Federation of Teachers.美国教师联合会美国传统〔CCF〕Cooperative Commonwealth Federation of Canada.加拿大平民合作联盟美国传统〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕The term "empire' is often loosely applied to a federation of states. “帝国”一词常常笼统地指联邦国家。朗文写作活用〔Federated Malay States〕A former federation of British-protected Malayan states, part of present-day Malaysia.马来国家联盟:早先一个由受英国保护的马来国家组成的联盟,是现今马来西亚的一部分美国传统〔GFWC〕General Federation of Women's Clubs.妇女俱乐部总联合会美国传统〔IAAF〕International Amateur Athletic Federation.国际业余田径联合会美国传统〔LEADER〕Margaret Haley was the leader of the Chicago Teachers’ Federation. 玛格丽特·黑利是芝加哥教师联盟的领导人。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZATION〕He is now chairman of the British Olympic Federation. 他现在是英国奥运会联盟的主席。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZATION〕Her case was supported by the Chicago Teachers Federation. 她的官司得到了芝加哥教师联盟的支持。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕The basketball federation in Kuwait offered him a coaching job, and made it worth his while. 科威特的篮球协会给他提供了一份教练的工作,薪水也没亏待他。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕The Athletics Federation plans to crack down on drug and steroid abuse by athletes. 体育运动联合会打算严惩运动员滥用违禁药物和类固醇。朗文写作活用〔STRIKE〕A survey of 2,000 federation members had shown that 48% believed police should have the right to take industrial action. 对联盟里两千多名会员所作的一个调查显示,有48%的人认为警察应该有采取劳工行动的权利。朗文写作活用〔WFTU〕World Federation of Trade Unions.世界工会联合会美国传统〔affiliate〕The World Chess Federation has affiliates in around 120 countries.国际象棋联合会在大约120个国家设有分支机构。柯林斯高阶〔affiliate〕The World Chess Federation has affiliates in many countries.世界国际象棋联合会在许多国家都有分会。外研社新世纪〔constitute〕The Federation was constituted in 1949.该联盟成立于 1949 年。朗文当代〔disconnection〕He hopes for a gradual disconnection from the federation.他希望能从联盟中逐渐抽身而出。柯林斯高阶〔drain from〕Some of good men drained from the Russian Federation.一些优秀人才离开了俄罗斯联邦。21世纪英汉〔envision〕In the future we envision a federation of companies.我们设想将来会成立一个公司联盟。外研社新世纪〔envision〕In the future we envision a federation of companies.我们设想将来会成立一个公司联盟。柯林斯高阶〔exact〕The federation exacted concessions over pay.联合会要求在报酬上作出让步。外研社新世纪〔federal district〕An area, such as the District of Columbia, that is reserved as the site of the national capital of a federation.联邦地区:国家留出作为政府所在地的地区,如美国的哥伦比亚区美国传统〔federal〕Of or relating to the central government of a federation as distinct from the governments of its member units.联邦政府的:联邦中央政府的,与其成员国政府存在差别美国传统〔federate〕United in a federation.组成联盟的美国传统〔federation〕He proposed a loose federation of local groups.他提议当地的各个团体结成一个松散的联盟。牛津搭配〔federation〕He urged them to remain within the federation.他敦促他们留在联盟中。牛津搭配〔federation〕He's against European federation.他反对欧洲联盟。剑桥高阶〔federation〕In 1948, he recommended to Attlee's government that Africa be divided into federations.1948年, 他向艾德礼政府建议将非洲划分为联邦制国家。外研社新世纪〔federation〕Many MPs are against federation in Europe.许多议会议员反对欧洲结成联邦。牛津高阶〔federation〕The federation broke up in 1989.该联合会于 1989 年解散。牛津搭配〔federation〕The federation of the six original Australian states took place in 1901.1901年澳大利亚最初的6个州结成联邦。剑桥高阶〔federation〕The organization emerged from a federation of six national agencies.该组织是由6个全国性机构联合形成的。外研社新世纪〔federation〕The organization emerged from a federation of six national agencies.该组织由 6 个全国性机构联合而成。柯林斯高阶〔federation〕They were now ready to create a national federation.他们已准备好建立一个全国联合会。牛津搭配〔nation〕A federation or tribe, especially one composed of Native Americans.部落联盟:部落联盟,尤其是由美洲印第安人组成的联盟美国传统〔nation〕The territory occupied by such a federation or tribe.部落领土:由这样的部落联盟占据的领土美国传统〔particularism〕A principle of allowing each state in a nation or federation to act independently of the central authority, especially in promoting its own economic interests.独立发展自身利益的原则:一种允许一个国家或联邦内的每一个州独立于中央集权而发展的原则,尤指互相提高自身经济利益方面美国传统〔pentarchy〕An association or federation of five governments, each ruled by a different leader.五国联盟:五个政府的联合或联盟,每个政府由各自的领袖领导美国传统〔privilege〕The Russian Federation has issued a decree abolishing special privileges for government officials.俄罗斯联邦已经颁布法令废除政府官员的特权。柯林斯高阶〔proscribe〕The Athletics Federation has banned the runner from future races for using proscribed drugs.运动员联合会因其使用违禁药品禁止该赛跑运动员参加今后的比赛。剑桥高阶〔recasting〕The shake-up aims to recast IBM as a federation of flexible and competing subsidiaries.改组的目标是把IBM重组为一个灵活的、相互竞争的子公司联盟。柯林斯高阶〔republic〕An autonomous or partially autonomous political and territorial unit belonging to a sovereign federation.加盟共和国:一个属于某一最高联邦政府的且在政治上和领土上具有自治权或部分自治权的单位美国传统〔rip off〕The Consumer Federation claims banks are ripping you off by not passing along savings on interest rates.消费者协会声称银行不予告知有利率优惠来宰客。外研社新世纪〔rip off〕The Consumer Federation claims banks are ripping you off by not passing along savings on interest rates.消费者联盟声称银行在坑骗客户,因为它们没有把从利率上节省下的钱拿来进行反馈。柯林斯高阶〔secede〕Singapore seceded from the Federation of Malaysia and became a sovereign state.新加坡脱离了马来西亚联邦, 成为一个主权国家。外研社新世纪〔secede〕Singapore seceded from the Federation of Malaysia and became an independent sovereign state.新加坡脱离马来西亚联邦成为一个独立的主权国家。柯林斯高阶〔should〕There is a wish among competitors that the Federation should change the test every four years.参赛者希望联合会每4年能对该项测试作出调整。柯林斯高阶〔sovereign〕The Russian Federation declared itself to be a sovereign republic.俄罗斯联邦宣布自己为主权独立的共和国。柯林斯高阶〔so〕The Athletics Federation has introduced stricter regulations so as to prevent cheating.田径运动联合会为防止作弊推行了更严格的规定。麦克米伦高阶〔status quo〕By 492 votes to 391, the federation voted to maintain the status quo.联邦以 492 票对 391 票的投票结果决定维持现状。柯林斯高阶〔strike〕The trade union federations called a general strike to protest at working conditions.工会联盟号召总罢工,对恶劣的工作环境进行抗议。朗文当代〔structure〕The nation was structured as a federation of states.整个国家形成了州联邦的体系。牛津搭配He's against European federation (=the joining together of a group of regions).他反对欧洲联盟。剑桥国际One of the states has seceded from the federation. 有一个州已从联邦中退出。译典通The Federation of the six original Australian states took place in 1901.澳大利亚原来的六个州于1901 年结成联邦。剑桥国际The Athletics Federation have banned the runner from future races for using proscribed drugs.运动员联合会禁止该赛跑运动员参加今后的比赛,因为他使用违禁药品。剑桥国际The United States is a federation of 50 individual states.美国是一个由50个独立的州组成的联邦国家。剑桥国际The central federal government decides federal taxes and laws for all the areas within the federation.中央政府决定联邦内所有地区的联邦税制和法律。剑桥国际The king spoke of turning his kingdom into a federation of self-governing provinces.国王谈及要把他的王国变成一个由自治省组成的联邦。剑桥国际




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