

单词 functionary
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔eunuch〕A castrated man employed as a harem attendant or as a functionary in certain Asian courts.宦官,太监:某些亚洲宫廷内,在内宫侍候女眷或被任为宫廷内侍的被阉割了的男人美国传统〔functionary〕He was a party functionary during the political campaign.在那次政治竞选中,他是政党的工作人员。韦氏高阶〔functionary〕The visitors were met by a functionary who escorted them to the director's office.来访者由一位工作人员迎接并送至局长办公室。剑桥高阶〔lictor〕A Roman functionary who carried fasces when attending a magistrate in public appearances.古罗马侍从官:持捆有斧头的束棒的古罗马侍从官,常随从执政官在公开场合露面美国传统A high-ranking party functionary, he speaks fluent Russian and is said to have many associates in Moscow.他是一位政党高级官员,说着一口流利的俄语,据说在莫斯科有着许多同事。剑桥国际The Defence Ministry would have liked a government functionary to run the company after the founder's death.国防部很乐意有一名政府官员在这家公司的创建人死后来接管经营。剑桥国际The visitors were met by a functionary who escorted them to the director's office.来访者由一位机关工作人员迎接,并领入局长办公室。剑桥国际




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