

单词 frozen
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔COLD〕frozen vegetables 冷冻蔬菜朗文写作活用〔aisle〕the frozen food aisle.冷冻食物通道柯林斯高阶〔beneath〕the frozen grass crunching beneath his feet.在他脚下嘎吱作响的冻草柯林斯高阶〔bone〕be frozen (或 chilled) to the bone 感到寒气彻骨英汉大词典〔crinkle-cut〕a bag of frozen crinkle-cut chips 一袋冰冻的切成细长条的波状薯条朗文当代〔daiquiri〕frozen strawberry daiquiris 冰镇草莓代基里酒韦氏高阶〔deforsted〕to defrost the frozen meat and fish for lunch使冰冻猪肉和鱼解冻以备午餐之用21世纪英汉〔denizen〕polar bears, denizens of the frozen north 北极熊,在冰天雪地的北方生活的动物牛津高阶〔dinner〕a frozen dinner 冷冻的速食饭韦氏高阶〔dinner〕warm up a frozen Chinese dinner 把冷冻中式方便饭热一下英汉大词典〔embryo〕frozen embryos stored at a fertility clinic 保存在生育诊所的冷冻胚胎牛津搭配〔expanse〕the white expanses of the frozen north 北方白茫茫的冰封原野牛津搭配〔fast〕be frozen fast 冻得硬邦邦英汉大词典〔food〕frozen foods.冷冻食品柯林斯高阶〔food〕a new range of frozen foods 一系列新的冷冻食品麦克米伦高阶〔freezability〕wheels frozen to the ground被冻牢在地上的车轮21世纪英汉〔freeze out〕a politician who is being frozen out by former supporters who accuse him of betraying the party 因被指控背叛政党而遭到曾经的支持者们排挤的政客韦氏高阶〔freeze〕frozen puddles.结冰的小水坑柯林斯高阶〔frozen〕frozen assets 冻结资产文馨英汉〔frozen〕frozen assets.冻结资产美国传统〔frozen〕frozen chicken 冻鸡英汉大词典〔frozen〕frozen desserts like ice cream.冰激凌等冷冻甜品柯林斯高阶〔frozen〕frozen desserts like ice cream冰激凌等冰冻甜点外研社新世纪〔frozen〕frozen fingers 冻僵的手指文馨英汉〔frozen〕frozen fingers 冻僵的手指英汉大词典〔frozen〕frozen fish [meat] 冷冻鱼[肉]文馨英汉〔frozen〕frozen food/meals 冷藏食品/冷餐麦克米伦高阶〔frozen〕frozen in their tracks with fear.他们的思想因害怕而保持不变美国传统〔frozen〕frozen peas 冷冻豌豆朗文当代〔frozen〕frozen peas 冷冻豌豆牛津高阶〔frozen〕frozen vegetables 冷冻蔬菜文馨英汉〔frozen〕a frozen lake 结了冰的湖文馨英汉〔frozen〕a frozen look on their faces.他们的表情很冷漠美国传统〔frozen〕a frozen plant 冻伤的植物英汉大词典〔frozen〕the frozen North.严寒的北方美国传统〔frozen〕the frozen bleakness of the Far North极北地区的天寒地冻外研社新世纪〔frozen〕the frozen north 严寒的北方英汉大词典〔frozen〕the frozen wastes of Siberia 西伯利亚的冻土荒原朗文当代〔frozen〕the frozen zone 寒带文馨英汉〔haul〕frozen crate-loads of frogs' legs being hauled in poachers' lorries to Paris偷猎者用卡车运送到巴黎的一箱箱冷冻蛙腿外研社新世纪〔lorry〕a lorry load of frozen fish 装满一卡车的冷冻鱼牛津高阶〔luncheon meat〕yogurts and ice creams, snack foods, luncheon meats, cookies, frozen dinners 酸奶、冰激凌、零食、午餐肉、曲奇饼、冷冻速食便餐柯林斯高阶〔north〕the white expanses of the frozen north 寒冷北方的茫茫雪原牛津搭配〔package〕a package of frozen peas 一袋冰冻豌豆英汉大词典〔pack〕a 10 oz. pack of frozen peas 一盒 10 盎司的冻豌豆;朗文当代〔pea〕frozen peas 冷冻豌豆牛津高阶〔pipe〕a frozen waste pipe 冻住的污水管朗文当代〔poultry〕cooked, frozen and fresh poultry 熟的、冷冻的和新鲜的禽肉英汉大词典〔savagely〕their conviction that the area was a frozen desert peopled with uncouth savages.他们深信该地区曾是严寒的沙漠并居住着未开化的野人柯林斯高阶〔section〕the frozen food section in the supermarket 超市里的冷冻食品区韦氏高阶〔skate〕skate on a frozen lake 在冻结的湖上溜冰文馨英汉〔solid〕frozen solid.凝结的固体。牛津同义词〔stiff〕frozen stiff 完全冰冻的英汉大词典〔stiff〕frozen stiff.冻硬的美国传统〔thaw〕left the frozen turkey out until it thawed; thawed out by sitting next to the stove.把冷冻火鸡放在外面,直到解冻;坐近火炉取暖美国传统〔tongue〕a silver, frozen tongue of water银色的冰舌外研社新世纪〔waste〕the frozen wastes of Antarctica 南极地区的冰原牛津搭配〔waste〕the frozen wastes of Siberia 西伯利亚的冻土荒原牛津高阶〔waste〕the frozen wastes of the tundra 冰封的冻原韦氏高阶frozen desserts/meals/vegetables 冷冻甜点/餐/蔬菜牛津商务




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