

单词 gerald
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TRUST/NOT TRUST〕When I asked about Gerald, Susan's usually kind face clouded with fear and suspicion. 当我问起杰拉尔德如何时,苏姗一向和善的脸上露出了恐惧和怀疑的神色。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕Gerald left, saying he had some important business to attend to. 杰拉尔德走了,他说有些重要的生意要处理。朗文写作活用〔bachelor〕Gerald was 38, and a confirmed bachelor (=a man who has decided that he will never marry) .杰拉尔德 38 岁,抱定独身。朗文当代〔could〕She could have married Gerald if she'd wanted to.她要是愿意的话,早就已经和杰拉尔德结婚了。麦克米伦高阶〔dispatch〕Amy sat outside in the sun while Gerald despatched his business.埃米坐在外面晒太阳,而杰拉尔德则忙着处理个人事务。柯林斯高阶〔dispatch〕Amy sat outside while Gerald dispatched his business.杰拉尔德忙着处理事务时, 埃米在外面坐着。外研社新世纪〔disposable〕Gerald had little disposable income.杰拉尔德的可支配收入很少。柯林斯高阶〔dome〕Gerald had a long grey beard and a shiny bald dome (= head).杰拉尔德留着长长的灰色胡须,头秃得锃亮。剑桥高阶〔embittered〕Gerald turned sour and embittered when he felt people were not dealing honestly with him.当杰拉尔德感到人们没有真诚待他时,就变得乖张易怒,怨恨不平。柯林斯高阶〔form〕Gerald thought it would be bad form to mention the court case.杰拉德认为提到这个案件是不礼貌的。麦克米伦高阶〔guest〕Dr Gerald Jeffers is the guest speaker.杰拉尔德·杰弗斯博士是特邀演讲人。外研社新世纪〔guest〕Dr Gerald Jeffers is the guest speaker.杰拉尔德·杰弗斯博士是特邀演讲人。柯林斯高阶〔horseman〕Gerald was a fine horseman.杰拉尔德是个出色的骑手。柯林斯高阶〔horseman〕Gerald was a fine horseman.杰拉德是一名优秀的马术师。外研社新世纪〔kick〕Gerald gets a kick out of dressing as a woman.男扮女装给杰拉尔德带来极大乐趣。朗文当代〔new-〕Gerald treasures his new-won independence.杰拉尔德珍视自己刚赢得的自立。柯林斯高阶〔nobble〕Sir Gerald had been nobbled.杰拉尔德爵士已经被收买了。柯林斯高阶〔noise〕Sir Gerald made a small noise in his throat.杰拉尔德爵士从喉咙里发出了点儿声音。外研社新世纪〔noise〕Sir Gerald made a small noise in his throat.杰拉尔德爵士从喉咙里发出了点儿声音。柯林斯高阶〔odds-on〕Gerald was no longer the odds-on favourite to win the contest.杰拉尔德不再是有望赢得比赛的热门人选。柯林斯高阶〔pass〕Gerald passed me the note./Gerald passed the note to me.杰拉尔德把便条递给了我。剑桥高阶〔pitch up〕Gerald finally pitched up two hours late.晚了两小时后,杰拉德终于到达。剑桥高阶〔speak〕There was a brief silence, then Gerald spoke up.一阵短暂的沉默,然后杰拉尔德开始发表意见了。朗文当代〔sum〕Gerald will open the debate and I will sum up.杰拉尔德将第一个开始辩论,而我将进行总结。朗文当代〔trace〕The police traced Frank to Margaret and through Margaret to Gerald.警察从弗兰克追查到玛格丽特,再从玛格丽特追查到杰拉尔德。英汉大词典〔use〕Gerald had been using her for his own ends .杰拉尔德一直在利用她来达到自己的目的。朗文当代Gerald Scarfe, the cartoonist, is best known for his harsh portrayals of politicians.杰拉尔德·斯卡夫,著名的漫画家,以其讽刺辛辣的政客画像而闻名。剑桥国际Gerald finally pitched up two hours late.迟了两小时,杰拉尔德终于到达。剑桥国际Gerald has a big old-fashioned desk, with a large blotter on it.杰拉尔德有一张很大的老式书桌,上面有个大大的吸墨台。剑桥国际Gerald passed me the note. /Gerald passed the note to me.杰拉德把便条递给我。剑桥国际Gerald was such an emotional man that life with him was always exciting.杰拉尔德感情那么热烈,跟他在一起生活永远令人兴奋。剑桥国际After his sex change, Gerald became known as Geraldine.在变性手术后,杰拉尔德变成了杰拉尔丁。剑桥国际From the presence of a giraffe in the garden, Gerald reasoned (that) the circus had arrived in town. [+ (that) clause] 从花园里出现长颈鹿杰拉尔德推断马戏团已到镇上。剑桥国际I reminded Gerald of his promise. 我提醒吉罗德他曾许下的诺言。译典通




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