

单词 fetus
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕The research focuses on how alcohol may harm the fetus. 这项研究的重点是酒精对胎儿可能造成的伤害。朗文写作活用〔abortion〕Induced termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or fetus that is incapable of survival.堕胎:促使怀孕的停止和无法存活的胚胎或胎儿排出美国传统〔abort〕To cause to terminate pregnancy prematurely, before the embryo or fetus is viable.使败育:在胚胎或胎儿成活之前导致其过早停止怀孕美国传统〔abort〕To give birth before the embryo or fetus is capable of surviving on its own; miscarry.流产,早产:在胚胎或婴儿能独自存活之前就出生了;流产美国传统〔amniography〕Radiographic examination of the uterine cavity and fetus following injection of a radiopaque substance into the amnion.羊水造影术:将造影剂注射入羊膜腔内后,用放射线观察子宫腔和胎儿美国传统〔amnioscopy〕Examination of the amniotic cavity and fetus using an optical instrument that is inserted directly into the amniotic cavity.羊膜内视镜检法:把光学仪器直接插入羊膜腔以观察羊膜腔及胎儿美国传统〔ballottement〕The use of a finger to push sharply against the uterus and detect the presence or position of a fetus by its return impact.产科内诊:用手指急推子宫,通过其反弹来检测胎儿的存在和位置美国传统〔birth canal〕The passageway through which the fetus is expelled during parturition, leading from the uterus through the cervix, vagina, and vulva.产道:胎儿在分娩时所经过的通道,从子宫开始,通过子宫颈、阴道和阴门美国传统〔breech presentation〕The position of a fetus during labor in which the buttocks or feet appear first.臀产位:生产时胎儿的臀部或双足先露出来的产位美国传统〔cesarean section〕A surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus, performed to deliver a fetus.剖腹产手术:切开腹腔壁和子宫取出胎儿的一种外科手术美国传统〔child〕An unborn infant; a fetus.胎儿:没有出生的婴儿;胎儿美国传统〔conceptus〕The product of conception at any point between fertilization and birth. It includes the embryo or the fetus as well as the extraembryonic membranes.胚胎:从受精到出生期间任一阶段产物的通称,它包括了合子或胎儿甚至胚胎膜美国传统〔crown〕To reach a stage in labor when a large segment of the fetal scalp is visible at the vaginal orifice. Used of a fetus or the head of a fetus.露顶:分娩中包括胎儿头盖的大部分出现在阴道口的阶段。用于指胎儿或胎儿的头部美国传统〔deformity〕Drugs taken by the mother caused deformity of the fetus.母亲服用的药物引起胎儿的畸形。英汉大词典〔fetal〕Of, relating to, characteristic of, or being a fetus.胎儿的:有关胎儿的、有胎儿特点的或是胎儿的美国传统〔feticide〕Intentional destruction of a human fetus.非法堕胎:故意毁掉胎儿美国传统〔fetology〕The medical study and treatment of the fetus, especially within the uterus.胎儿学:尤指对子宫内的胎儿的医学研究和治疗美国传统〔fetoprotein〕Any of several antigens normally present in a fetus and occurring abnormally in adults as a result of certain neoplastic conditions or diseases of the liver.胎蛋白:正常情况下存在于胎儿体内的任何抗原,若存在于成人体内则会由于某种赘生物或肝病而造成体内有不正常的反应美国传统〔fetoscope〕A flexible fiberoptic device used to view a fetus in utero.胎儿镜:一种用来观察子宫中的胎儿的有弹性的纤维装置美国传统〔foramen ovale〕An opening in the septum between the right and left atria of the heart, present in the fetus but usually closed soon after birth.卵圆孔:心脏的左右心房之间隔膜上的口,在胎儿身上出现但一般出生后不久即闭合美国传统〔microscopically〕Microscopic examination of a cell's chromo-somes can reveal the sex of the fetus.利用显微镜检查细胞染色体可以发现胎儿的性别。柯林斯高阶〔microscopic〕Microscopic examination of a cell's chromosomes can reveal the sex of the fetus.利用显微镜检查细胞染色体可以看出胎儿的性别。外研社新世纪〔monster〕Pathology A fetus or an infant that is grotesquely abnormal and usually not viable.【病理学】 畸胎:畸形的且通常不能成活的胎儿或婴儿美国传统〔partial-birth abortion〕A late-term abortion, especially one in which a viable fetus is partially delivered through the cervix before being extracted. Not in technical use.引产:晚期堕胎,尤指摘取时活胎儿已发育到部分接触子宫颈之际。为非专有术语美国传统〔passive immunity〕Immunity acquired by the transfer of antibodies from another individual, as through injection or placental transfer to a fetus.被动免疫:以转移来自另一个体的抗体而获得的免疫力,如通过注射或通过胎盘转移给胎儿美国传统〔perinatology〕The medical study of the life and development of fetuses and infants during the perinatal period.胎儿医学:对于产期婴儿或胎儿生长发育进行的医学研究美国传统〔person〕A fetus is not a person in law.胎儿不是法律意义上的人。外研社新世纪〔presentation〕Medicine The position of the fetus in the uterus at birth with respect to the mouth of the uterus.【医学】 产位,(胎儿)先露位置:分娩时胎儿在子宫中相对于子宫口的位置美国传统〔pro-life〕Advocating full legal protection of human embryos or fetuses, especially by opposing legalized abortion.反堕胎的:主张对胚胎或胎儿的全面法律保护的,尤其通过反对堕胎合法化美国传统〔quicken〕To reach the stage of pregnancy when the fetus can be felt to move.胎儿蠕动:达到可以感觉到胎儿活动的怀孕阶段美国传统〔site〕In the fetus blood cells are formed in different sites at different ages.胎儿的血细胞在不同时期生成在不同的部位。英汉大词典〔sonogram〕The sonogram showed that the fetus was developing normally.超声波扫描图显示胎儿发育正常。韦氏高阶〔stillbirth〕A child or fetus dead at birth.死胎:分娩时死去的胎儿美国传统〔stillbirth〕The birth of a dead child or fetus.死产:产下时已死的婴儿或胎美国传统〔superfetate〕To conceive when a fetus is already present in the uterus.异期复孕:胎儿已在子宫内时发生的怀胎美国传统〔superfetation〕Formation or development of a second fetus when one is already present in the uterus, occurring normally in some animal species.异期复孕:一个胎儿已在子宫内时另一个胎儿的形成或生长,在一些动物种类中经常发生美国传统〔teratogenic〕Of, relating to, or causing malformations of an embryo or a fetus.产生畸形的:导致胚胎畸形的或与其有关的美国传统〔teratogen〕An agent, such as a virus, a drug, or radiation, that causes malformation of an embryo or a fetus.致畸剂:导致畸形胎或畸形的制剂,如病毒、药物或辐射美国传统〔vernix〕A waxy white protective substance covering the skin of a fetus.胎儿皮脂:覆盖在胎儿皮肤表面的一种蜡状白色保护性物质美国传统〔version〕Manipulation of a fetus in the uterus to bring it into a desirable position for delivery.胎位倒转:为了生育把子宫内的胎儿弄到有利的位置美国传统〔viable〕Capable of living outside the uterus. Used of a fetus or newborn.能生存的:在子宫外能存活的。用于胎儿或者新生儿美国传统〔viable〕The human fetus usually becomes viable by the end of the seventh month.人的胎儿通常在第七个月末产下后可以自然存活。英汉大词典〔water〕The fluid surrounding a fetus in the uterus; amniotic fluid.羊水:子宫包围胎儿之液体;羊膜液美国传统In the fetus, blood cells are formed in different sites at different ages. 胎儿的血细胞在不同时期生成在不同的部位。译典通Many pregnant women are given scans so that the developing fetus can be seen.给许多孕妇做透视以看见发育中的胎儿。剑桥国际




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