

单词 going
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔DIE〕when someone is going to die very soon 即将死去的人朗文写作活用〔EXPLAIN〕what you say when you are going to explain something 试图解释某事时所讲的话朗文写作活用〔FILM/MOVIE〕films and going to see them 电影及去看电影朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕what you say when you are going to leave 即将离开时说的话朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕the person you are going to marry 准备与你结婚的人朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕to show that something is going to happen 表示某事即将发生朗文写作活用〔WALK〕to walk without going in one particular direction 没有方向地走朗文写作活用〔average〕have a fair idea of what's going on.对发生的事有清晰的概念。美国传统〔bandy〕have a child going bandy taking riding lessons 让一个有罗圈腿的孩子去学骑马英汉大词典〔barren〕an artist who is going through a barren period 一位处于低产期的艺术家韦氏高阶〔beat〕beat it while the going is good 在还没有危险的时候趁早溜之大吉英汉大词典〔beauty〕a woman going through her beauty routine 正作日常美容化妆的女人英汉大词典〔boggle〕to boggle at the thought of going abroad对出国想也不敢想21世纪英汉〔bored〕bored at the prospect of going shopping 想到要去商店购物就感到厌烦牛津搭配〔bound〕homeward bound(= going home) 在回家途中牛津高阶〔business〕streets filled with people going about their daily business 挤满为日常工作奔忙的人的街道牛津高阶〔change〕women who are going through the change 更年期的妇女韦氏高阶〔christen〕christened the new car by going for a drive.第一次驾驶的新车美国传统〔furlough〕soldiers going home on furlough 休假期回家探亲的士兵韦氏高阶〔game〕prevent the game going to sb.阻止某人得胜英汉大词典〔go over〕an actress going over her lines 温习台词的女演员韦氏高阶〔go through your paces〕a show horse going through its paces for the judges 向评委展示能力的参展马韦氏高阶〔going spare〕land that is going spare 闲置的土地韦氏高阶〔going〕a going business [concern] 营业中的[兴隆的]商行文馨英汉〔going〕one of the best fellows going 目前最好的男子之一文馨英汉〔going〕the going rate 现行率文馨英汉〔going〕the going salary for a company executive公司主管的现行工资外研社新世纪〔going〕the going value of the firm该公司当前的价值外研社新世纪〔go〕rumors going around.流言四播美国传统〔head to head〕big-name companies, such as Olympus, going head to head with high-tech brands, such as Sony奥林巴斯等知名公司与索尼等高科技品牌直接竞争外研社新世纪〔hep〕be hep to what's going on 对目下发生的事消息灵通英汉大词典〔here〕where we have come from, where we are going to, or what our purpose here is, if any.我们从哪里来,到哪里去,或者倘若我们活在人世间有何目的的话,这个目的是什么柯林斯高阶〔hour〕a neighbour's car alarm going off at all hours of the day and night.邻居的汽车警报器没日没夜响个不停。柯林斯高阶〔inside〕going inside the house.走进房子美国传统〔interregnum〕a 25-year interregnum, when he stopped going to church and called himself an atheist他不做礼拜、将自己称为无神论者的那25年间断期外研社新世纪〔malefactor〕a well-known criminal lawyer who had saved many a malefactor from going to jail.一位使许多犯罪分子避免锒铛入狱的著名刑事律师柯林斯高阶〔momentum〕try to keep the momentum going 尽力保持发展的势头英汉大词典〔nightmare〕the nightmare of going through divorce 经历离婚过程的痛苦朗文当代〔note〕a suicide note (=a note telling someone that you are going to kill yourself) 绝命书朗文当代〔nudge〕a little-known stage play writer and actress who was nudging 40 and going nowhere.一个年近四旬、一事无成、寂寂无闻的舞台剧作者兼演员柯林斯高阶〔nudge〕a little-known stage play writer and actress who was nudging 40 and going nowhere一个舞台剧作者兼演员, 年近四旬却一事无成, 仍然寂寂无名外研社新世纪〔on〕going on six o'clock; came on the answer by accident.到快六点了;偶然找到了答案美国传统〔prison〕an increase in the number of women going to prison 入狱女性人数的增多朗文当代〔production〕a movie going into production.进入制作过程的电影美国传统〔prospect〕the frightening prospect of going to war 出征参战的可怕前景韦氏高阶〔record〕a heroin addict with a criminal record going back 15 years.15年前留有案底的海洛因瘾君子柯林斯高阶〔record〕historical records going back almost 80 years 将近 80 年以前的历史记载朗文当代〔rev〕keep an engine going at a steady 3000 revs 保持发动机每分钟3000转的稳恒转速英汉大词典〔round〕a delivery truck making the rounds; students going the rounds in the entertainment district.挨户送货的卡车;逐一在娱乐区玩耍的学生美国传统〔sail〕the challenge and fun of going to sea under sail.扬帆出海的挑战和乐趣柯林斯高阶〔settlement〕an out-of-court settlement(= money that is paid to sb or an agreement that is made to stop sb going to court) 庭外和解牛津高阶〔shift〕to shift before going out出门前先换好衣服21世纪英汉〔signal〕hand signals(= movements that cyclists and drivers make with their hands to tell other people that they are going to stop, turn, etc.) 骑车人和驾车人的示意手势牛津高阶〔slaughter〕animals going away to slaughter送去屠宰的动物外研社新世纪〔snug〕a snug little room with a fire going 一间生着炉火的舒适的小房间英汉大词典〔tight〕have tight going for a few days 有几天日子非常不好过英汉大词典〔up〕stocks that are going up.价格正在攀升的股票美国传统〔waste〕the illness that was going to waste sb. to death 将把某人消蚀至死的疾病英汉大词典〔wonder〕wondered what was going on.想知道正在干什么美国传统a young architect who's really going places 春风得意的年轻建筑师牛津商务




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