

单词 gogh
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAMOUS〕Van Gogh, perhaps Holland's most celebrated artist, died in poverty. 梵高,他也许是荷兰最著名的画家了,却死于贫穷。朗文写作活用〔IF〕Assuming that this painting really is a Van Gogh, how much do you think it's worth? 假定这幅画真是梵高的作品,那你认为会值多少钱呢?朗文写作活用〔NEED/NECESSARY〕At first glance, it seems hardly necessary to make another film about Van Gogh. 乍一看,再拍一部梵高的电影似乎完全没有必要。朗文写作活用〔REAL〕For years people thought the picture was a genuine Van Gogh, but in fact it's a fake. 多年来人们都以为这幅画是梵高的真迹,但它实际上是赝品。朗文写作活用〔SIGN〕There are posters for the Van Gogh exhibition everywhere. 到处都有梵高画展的海报。朗文写作活用〔SIMPLE〕Van Gogh was attracted to the beauty and simplicity of a common table or kitchen chair. 一张普通的餐桌或餐椅,梵高也能被它们的美和简单所吸引。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕It was a typical student's room with the inevitable Van Gogh print on the wall. 这是一间典型的学生房间,墙上照例挂了一张梵高的画作复制品。朗文写作活用〔a〕Most people have very little difficulty in seeing why a Van Gogh is a work of genius.多数人不难理解为什么凡·高的作品是天才之作。柯林斯高阶〔been〕Have you been to see the Van Gogh exhibition yet? 你去看过凡高画展了吗?朗文当代〔fortune〕Any painting by Van Gogh is worth a fortune.梵高的任何一幅作品都值一大笔钱。剑桥高阶〔influence〕Van Gogh had a major influence on the development of modern painting.凡·高对现代绘画的发展有着重大影响。柯林斯高阶〔influence〕Van Gogh had a major influence on the development of modern painting.凡•高对现代绘画艺术的发展起到举足轻重的作用。外研社新世纪〔mania〕Van Gogh suffered from acute persecution mania.凡高患有严重的被害妄想症。剑桥高阶〔probably〕Van Gogh is probably the best-known painter in the world.凡·高可能是世界上最知名的画家。柯林斯高阶〔probably〕Van Gogh is probably the best-known painter in the world.凡•高或许是世界上最有名的画家。外研社新世纪〔reminiscent〕That artist's style is reminiscent of Van Gogh.那个画家的风格像凡·高。英汉大词典〔take〕Even the experts took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh.连行家都误以为这幅画是凡 · 高的真迹。牛津高阶〔vintage〕This painting is vintage Van Gogh.这幅画是凡·高的代表作。韦氏高阶Any painting by Van Gogh is worth a fortune.凡·高的任何一幅画都值一大笔钱。剑桥国际By assimilating the styles of Van Gogh and Dufy she has produced some highly original paintings.通过兼收并蓄凡·高与杜飞的风格,她创作出了一些很有独创性的画作。剑桥国际She acquired an original painting by Van Gogh.他得到了凡·高的一幅原画。剑桥国际The artist Van Gogh achieved little public recognition while he was alive.画家梵·高在世时人们很少赏识他。剑桥国际The museum is trying to raise enough money to purchase a painting by Van Gogh.这个博物馆准备筹足资金买一幅凡·高的画。剑桥国际The show includes eighty-five paintings, pastels and sculptures by artists including C巣anne, van Gogh, Monet, Renoir and Sisley.这次展出包括了85 油画,色粉画和雕塑作品,它们是由包括塞尚、凡高、莫柰、雷诺阿和西斯莱这些艺术家创作的。剑桥国际Van Gogh cut off part of one of his ears after a quarrel.梵高在一场争吵后,割下了一只耳朵的一部分。剑桥国际Van Gogh greatly influenced Matisse and other experimenters of 20th century art.凡高对马蒂斯和其他20世纪艺术的实验者们有很大的影响。剑桥国际Van Gogh suffered from acute persecution mania.凡高患有突发性受迫害妄想症。剑桥国际Van Gogh then studied in Paris where he developed his individual style of brushwork and a more colourful palette.接着,凡·高在巴黎学习,并在那儿形成了他那独特的画风和更多彩的用色。剑桥国际Vincent Van Gogh painted ‘Starry Night’during his year in a lunatic asylum.文森特·凡高是在住精神病院的那年里画出了《繁星闪烁的夜空》。剑桥国际




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