

单词 get sick
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EAT〕Don't eat so fast - you'll get sick. 别吃得这么快—会不舒服的。朗文写作活用〔ILL/SICK〕If you take vitamin C every day, it helps to stop you getting sick. 如果你每天服用维生素C,会帮助你免于得病。朗文写作活用〔IN GENERAL〕Young children tend to get sick more often than adults. 小孩子通常比成年人易生病。朗文写作活用〔UNLUCKY〕Just my luck! The one vacation I take all year, and I have to get sick. 我就是这样倒霉!一年就这么一次休假,我总要生病。朗文写作活用〔automaton〕I get sick of being thought of as a political automaton.我讨厌被看作政治机器。柯林斯高阶〔automaton〕I get sick of being thought of as a political automaton.我讨厌被人看作政治机器。外研社新世纪〔care〕You really ought to take better care of yourself. If you don't get some rest and start eating better, you are bound to get sick.你真的应该好好照顾自己了。如果再不休息,吃点好的,你肯定会生病的。韦氏高阶〔condition〕Their weakened condition makes them more likely to get sick.他们体质虚弱,更容易生病。韦氏高阶〔delicate〕He has a delicate stomach and often gets sick when traveling.他的胃很虚弱,经常会在旅行时不舒服。韦氏高阶〔delicate〕Molly's health has always been delicate (= she gets sick easily).莫莉的身体一直都很娇弱。剑桥高阶〔fear〕My biggest fear was that my children would get sick.我最害怕孩子生病。牛津搭配〔hygiene〕Poor sanitation and hygiene caused many of the soldiers to get sick.脏乱的卫生环境使得很多士兵患病。韦氏高阶〔mere〕He gets sick at the merest sight of blood.他只要一见到血就恶心。韦氏高阶〔rah-rah〕We were getting sick of his rah-rah attitude about the school.他对这所学校过分热心的态度让我们很反感。韦氏高阶〔regurgitate〕You can get sick to death of a friend regurgitating her partner's opinions.对于一个只会机械地重复其搭档观点的朋友,你可能会无比腻烦。柯林斯高阶〔run〕I knew I was getting sick when my nose started to run.当我开始流鼻涕时我就知道自己生病了。韦氏高阶〔sick〕I get sick if I sit in the back seat.如果坐在后座,我会晕。牛津搭配〔sick〕I'm getting sick of all these delays.这样拖来拖去,我开始感到厌烦了。牛津搭配〔sick〕I'm getting sick of this cold weather.我讨厌这寒冷的天气。韦氏高阶〔sick〕I'm getting sick of you leaving things in a mess.我越来越讨厌你把东西弄得乱七八糟。牛津搭配〔sick〕She was afraid she would get sick if she stayed in that place any longer.她担心再在那个地方待下去会生病。牛津搭配




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