

单词 affording
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔comfortable〕These words mean affording ease of mind or body.这些单词意味着给身心提供轻松。美国传统〔covert〕Thick underbrush or woodland affording cover for game.树丛:可供动物藏身的浓密的下层林丛或树林美国传统〔easeful〕Affording or characterized by comfort and peace; restful.舒适的,慰人的:给人以舒适与祥和;安闲的美国传统〔grateful〕Affording pleasure or comfort; agreeable.提供快乐或舒适的;令人愉快的美国传统〔incommodious〕Inconvenient or uncomfortable, as by not affording sufficient space.不舒适的:不方便或不舒服的,尤指因没有足够的空间所引起的美国传统〔incurrent〕Affording passage to an inflowing current.向内流的; 流入的:为向内流动的液体提供通道的美国传统〔irremeable〕Affording no possibility of return.不可回转的美国传统〔mirador〕A window, balcony, or small tower affording an extensive view.眺台,凸窗:可以提供一个开阔的视野的窗户、阳台或小塔美国传统〔nest〕A place affording snug refuge or lodging; a home.安乐窝:提供舒适的避难所或住所的地方;家美国传统〔open〕Affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed.开着的:没有障碍的进口和出口;没关的美国传统〔parlor〕A small lounge or sitting room affording limited privacy, as at an inn or a tavern.单间,雅座:如在小酒店或小旅馆里提供一定限度隐秘的小雅间或客厅美国传统〔purchase〕A position, as of a lever or one's feet, affording means to move or secure a weight.支撑的位置:如杠杆上的位置或某人的双脚等用于移动或支撑重量的位置美国传统〔shelter〕These nouns refer to places affording protection, as from danger, or to the state of being protected.这些名词都指提供保护的场所,如防止危险或被保护的状态。美国传统〔sightly〕Affording a fine view; scenic.好看的:提供美好景色的;风景如画的美国传统〔strait〕Affording little space or room; confined.狭窄的:仅供给很小空间或余地的;有限制的美国传统〔summerhouse〕A small, roofed structure in a park or garden affording shade and rest; a gazebo.凉亭:公园或花园中一种有顶的小型建筑,供乘凉和休息;凉亭美国传统〔tease〕To arouse hope, desire, or curiosity in without affording satisfaction.挑逗:激起希望、欲望或好奇但不给予满足美国传统〔umbrageous〕Affording or forming shade; shady.给予或形成阴影的;遮阴的美国传统〔vindicatory〕Affording vindication; justifying.起维护作用的:用作辩护的;提供证明的美国传统〔vista〕An avenue or other passage affording such a view.狭长通道:形成这种远景的一条街道或一条通道美国传统〔way〕A road, path, or highway affording passage from one place to another.道路:为从一地到另一地提供通道的马路、小道或高速公路美国传统〔winning opening〕Any of three openings in court tennis into which a played ball may be hit, thus affording the player a point.得分区:室内网球中的三个开口之一,球若进入其内,则击者得一分美国传统




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