

单词 fluttering
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔flap〕To cause to move or sway with a fluttering or waving motion.使飘动:使…以飘动或摇动的状态移动或摆动美国传统〔flit〕A fluttering or darting movement.飞掠,轻快的动作:颤动的或急速的运动美国传统〔flutter about〕The women were all fluttering about finishing their preparations for the wedding.女人们兴奋地忙出忙进,在做着婚礼的最后一些准备工作。21世纪英汉〔flutter about〕There is a bird fluttering about inside the chimney, how can we get it out?烟囱里有一只鸟在扑打着,我们如何才能把它取出来?21世纪英汉〔flutter down〕It was autumn, and leaves were fluttering down in the light wind.秋天,树叶在微风中徐徐飘落。21世纪英汉〔flutter〕A bird is fluttering inside the chimney. It can't get out.一只鸟在烟囱里扑腾着翅膀,出不来了。英汉大词典〔flutter〕Alexandra's hands were fluttering around his head.亚历山德拉的双手在他的头周围晃动。麦克米伦高阶〔flutter〕Brightly coloured flags were fluttering in the breeze.鲜艳的彩旗在微风中飘扬。剑桥高阶〔flutter〕Her chiffon skirt was fluttering in the night breeze.她的雪纺裙在晚风中飘动着。柯林斯高阶〔flutter〕I could feel a fluttering pulse.我感到脉搏跳动。牛津高阶〔flutter〕She'd been fluttering about in the kitchen.她一直在厨房里忙前忙后。柯林斯高阶〔flutter〕The act of fluttering.挥动,翩然起飞:鼓翅的行为美国传统〔flutter〕The bird was fluttering its wings.鸟儿拍打着翅膀。韦氏高阶〔flutter〕The bird's wings were fluttering.鸟的翅膀在扇动。韦氏高阶〔flutter〕The birds were active, whirring and fluttering among the trees.这些鸟儿很活跃, 在树丛中呼呼地飞来飞去。外研社新世纪〔flutter〕The birds were active, whirring and fluttering among the trees.鸟儿们很活跃,在树林中呼呼地飞来飞去。柯林斯高阶〔flutter〕The crowd, fluttering orange banners, cheered as he spoke.他讲话时, 人群一边欢呼一边挥动着橙色的旗帜。外研社新世纪〔flutter〕The new star is certain to set young girls' hearts fluttering.这位新星肯定会使姑娘们心颤神往。英汉大词典〔flutter〕The women were all fluttering about making preparations for the wedding.女人们都在奔忙着为婚礼作准备。英汉大词典〔flutter〕We watched the butterflies fluttering in the garden.我们看到蝴蝶在花园里飞来飞去。韦氏高阶〔ground〕The leaves were slowly fluttering to the ground.树叶慢慢飘落到地上。朗文当代〔in〕Flags were fluttering in the breeze.旗帜在微风中飘扬。麦克米伦高阶〔knuckle ball〕A slow, randomly fluttering pitch thrown by gripping the ball with the tips or nails of two or three fingers.不旋转球,慢速变化球:用两个或三个手指指尖或指甲握住球,而进行的缓慢而无目的的投掷美国传统〔motion〕She made a little fluttering motion with her hands.她用双手做了一个振翅飞翔的小动作。麦克米伦高阶〔prayer〕Buddhist prayer flags fluttering in the breeze 在微风中飘动的佛教经幡旗牛津搭配〔rustle〕To move with soft fluttering or crackling sounds.发出瑟瑟声:沙沙作响的或发出辟啪声的移动美国传统〔trill〕A fluttering or tremulous sound, as that made by certain birds; a warble.啭鸣,抖音:颤抖的或波动的声音,如某些鸟发出的叫声,啭鸣美国传统〔waff〕A waving or fluttering motion.摇动:摇动或挥动的动作美国传统〔waft〕The act of fluttering or waving.飘荡:飘动或舞动的动作美国传统A moth was fluttering around the candle flame.一只飞蛾绕着烛焰飞。剑桥国际Flags were flapping / fluttering in the breeze.旗子在微风中飘舞。剑桥国际I could hear the fluttering of the birds'wings on the roof.我可以听到屋顶上鸟的翅膀扑扑拍打的声音。剑桥国际Somewhere a band was playing and brightly coloured flags were fluttering in the breeze.什么地方一支乐队在演奏,鲜艳的彩旗在微风中飘动。剑桥国际There was a pennant fluttering at the top of the mast.船桅顶上飘扬着一面三角旗。剑桥国际There was a strong wind and the flags were fluttering from the top of their masts.风力强劲,旗帜在旗杆顶部迎风飘扬。剑桥国际




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