

单词 featureless
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BORING/BORED〕In the middle of these otherwise featureless plains is a striking range of mountains. 在这些平淡无奇的平原中间是一片宏伟的山脉。朗文写作活用〔BORING/BORED〕It was flat, featureless coastline. 那是一段单调而毫无特色的海岸线。朗文写作活用〔blur〕With eyesight as poor as mine, faces blur into featureless ovals.以我这样差的视力来看,脸都是模模糊糊、千篇一律的椭圆形。麦克米伦高阶〔desert〕We had to cross a large area of arid, featureless desert.我们必须穿越一大片干燥荒芜的沙漠。剑桥高阶〔featureless〕Malone looked out at the grey-green featureless landscape.马隆向外看着毫无特色的灰绿色的景致。柯林斯高阶〔featureless〕Malone looked out at the grey-green featureless landscape.马隆望着外面灰绿色的单调风景。外研社新世纪〔featureless〕The countryside is flat and featureless.这乡村一马平川,平淡无奇。牛津高阶〔tabula rasa〕The unformed, featureless mind in the philosophy of John Locke.白板:约翰·洛克的哲学中所主张的没有形式、没有特征的心灵美国传统We had to cross a large area of arid, featureless desert.我们不得不穿越一大片既无生气又无特色的沙漠。剑桥国际




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