

单词 flood
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Gentile〕a flood of Jewish and Gentile German refugees.大批犹太与非犹太裔德国难民柯林斯高阶〔WATER〕the wide flood plains of the River Nile 尼罗河广大的洪泛区朗文写作活用〔abreast〕keep abreast with the flood of communications that has poured in 及时回复如雪片般飞来的大批信件英汉大词典〔administer〕to administer relief to flood sufferers赈济水灾难民21世纪英汉〔alert〕a full-scale flood alert 最高级别的防洪警报朗文当代〔alluvial〕alluvial flood plains 冲积泛滥平原朗文当代〔bank〕banking the river with sandbags at flood stage用沙袋在洪水位筑河堤21世纪英汉〔blot〕blot up flood threat 排除水灾的威胁英汉大词典〔burst〕a flood caused by a burst pipe水管破裂引起的水淹外研社新世纪〔compensate〕the government's promise to compensate victims of the flood 政府对水灾受害者给予补偿的许诺朗文当代〔consequent〕the typhoon and consequent flood 台风及因而发生的洪水文馨英汉〔control〕flood waters gradually coming under control 渐次被制服的洪水英汉大词典〔controversial〕a highly controversial (=very controversial) plan to flood the valley in order to build a dam 一个把山谷淹掉来建造水坝的极具争议的计划朗文当代〔crest〕the crest of the flood 洪峰韦氏高阶〔damage〕the need to reduce flood damage 减少水灾损失的必要性朗文当代〔detention〕a flood detention project 滞洪工程英汉大词典〔disaster〕a flood disaster 水灾英汉大词典〔distribution〕the distribution of food and medicines to the flood victims 向遭受洪灾的难民分发食品和药物牛津高阶〔donate〕to donate used clothes to the flood victims把旧衣服捐给水灾灾民21世纪英汉〔exacerbate〕a speech that exacerbated racial tensions; a heavy rainfall that exacerbated the flood problems.一个加剧了种族间紧张的演讲;一场使水灾更为严重的暴雨美国传统〔flood tide〕a flood tide of fears.恐惧的极点美国传统〔flood〕flood a burning house 用水喷浇着火的房子英汉大词典〔flood〕flood damage 洪涝灾害牛津高阶〔flood〕flood the market with cheap foreign goods.市场上充斥着廉价的外国货美国传统〔flood〕a flood of anger 大发雷霆英汉大词典〔flood〕a flood of foreign visitors 纷至沓来的一大批外宾英汉大词典〔flood〕a flood of light 一片强光英汉大词典〔flood〕a flood of phone calls 接二连三的电话韦氏高阶〔flood〕a flood of rain 一阵大雨英汉大词典〔flood〕a flood of refugees 难民潮牛津高阶〔flood〕a flood of tears 泪流如注韦氏高阶〔flood〕a flood of water.洪水。牛津同义词〔flood〕a great flood of refugees 一大批难民牛津搭配〔flood〕a plan to flood the country with forged banknotes 将大量假钞运送到该国的计划朗文当代〔flood〕a serious flood 严重的水灾英汉大词典〔flood〕go through fire and flood 赴汤蹈火英汉大词典〔flood〕the devastating flood of 1936 *1936年的大洪灾韦氏高阶〔flood〕to flood a carburetor注满汽化器21世纪英汉〔flow〕a flood of ideas; 不断冒出的主意;美国传统〔flush〕to flush water from flood hand将受淹土地的水排除21世纪英汉〔fortify〕fortify a dam against the flood 加固水坝以防洪水英汉大词典〔gentile〕a flood of Jewish and Gentile German refugees大批犹太与非犹太裔德国难民外研社新世纪〔inward〕the inward flood of foreign capital外资的大量涌入外研社新世纪〔let〕let in a flood of light 放进一大片强光 英汉大词典〔plight〕the desperate plight of flood victims 水灾灾民的绝境牛津搭配〔plight〕the desperate plight of the flood victims 洪水灾民的绝境朗文当代〔redetermine〕redetermine the boundaries after the subsidence of the flood 洪水退去后对分界线的重新确定英汉大词典〔retention〕with the aid of flood retention work 藉拦洪工程之助 英汉大词典〔roil〕the roiling flood water 翻滚着的洪水 英汉大词典〔sluice〕open sluices to flood a dry dock. Also called sluice gate 打开水闸灌水到一个干船坞 也作 sluice gate美国传统〔snowmelt〕streams that flood during snowmelt.在融雪期泛滥的河流美国传统〔stage〕flood stage 洪水位英汉大词典〔stage〕at flood stage.在洪水水位线美国传统〔tend〕ministering to flood victims; 照顾洪水灾民;美国传统〔untamable〕an untamable flood 无法控制的洪水英汉大词典〔urgent〕urgent aid to flood victims 对洪水受害者的紧急援助麦克米伦高阶〔victim〕flood victims 水灾灾民英汉大词典〔wash〕a bridge washed away by the flood 被洪水冲走的桥英汉大词典〔widespread〕a widespread flood 到处泛滥的洪水英汉大词典extraordinary costs relating to repairing flood damage 与维修洪灾损害有关的特别费用牛津商务




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