

单词 arbitrary
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANCE〕The fans complained about the apparently arbitrary distribution of tickets for the next game. 球迷们抱怨下一场比赛门票的分发显然是随心所欲的。朗文写作活用〔CHANCE〕The way the programme of events is organized seems completely arbitrary to me. 在我看来,这次活动的安排完全是随心所欲的。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕People feel threatened when decision-making is inconsistent and arbitrary. 如果决策多变而武断,人们就会感到不安。朗文写作活用〔Procrustean bed〕An arbitrary standard to which exact conformity is forced.强求一致的制度:强求完全一致的武断的标准美国传统〔amerce〕To punish by imposing an arbitrary penalty.惩罚,处罚:用判刑来处罚美国传统〔arbitrarily〕Arbitrary arrests and detention without trial were common.随意逮捕和拘留屡见不鲜。柯林斯高阶〔arbitrary〕Although arbitrary arrests are illegal, they continue to occur in many parts of the country.尽管擅自逮捕是违法的,但在这个国家的许多地方这样的事还是不断发生。韦氏高阶〔arbitrary〕An arbitrary number has been assigned to each district.每个区都被分配了一个随意选定的号码。韦氏高阶〔arbitrary〕I don't know why I chose that one; it was a completely arbitrary decision.不知道我为何那样选择,它完全是一个武断的决定。韦氏高阶〔arbitrary〕The choice of players for the team seemed completely arbitrary.看来这个队的队员完全是随意选定的。牛津高阶〔arbitrary〕The company has been the subject of an arbitrary take-over.这家公司被强行接管。剑桥高阶〔arbitrary〕The diet imposes overall calorie limits, but daily menus are arbitrary.食谱规定了总的卡路里限制,但每天的菜单可据爱好自定美国传统〔arbitrary〕The selection of the 100 participants was completely arbitrary.对100个参加者的选择完全是随意的。麦克米伦高阶〔arbitrary〕This is a country where arbitrary arrests are commonplace.在这个国家里,公民遭到肆意逮捕是司空见惯的事。麦克米伦高阶〔capricious〕The court ruled that the punishment was arbitrary and capricious.法院裁定那项处罚既武断又不合理。韦氏高阶〔code〕A system of symbols, letters, or words given certain arbitrary meanings, used for transmitting messages requiring secrecy or brevity.密码:给予某一任意意义的符号、字母和单词的系统,用于传输需要保密或简结的信息美国传统〔continuum〕A continuous extent, succession, or whole, no part of which can be distinguished from neighboring parts except by arbitrary division.统一体:一个连续不断的范围、顺序或整体,除非用硬性分割不能将其中一部分当作邻近部分区分开来美国传统〔detention〕Opponents of the regime had been subject to arbitrary detention.政府中的反对派人士被随意拘留。牛津搭配〔domineer〕To exercise arbitrary or arrogant rule or control.飞扬跋扈,作威作福美国传统〔fiat〕An arbitrary order or decree.任意发布的命令或法令美国传统〔freedom〕Possession of civil rights; immunity from the arbitrary exercise of authority.公民权的享有:公民权利的享有;免除掌权之人恣意使用权力美国传统〔ground〕A large conducting body, such as the earth or an electric circuit connected to the earth, used as an arbitrary zero of potential.接地:大面积导体,如地面或与地面连结的电路,用做任意零电位美国传统〔inflexible〕The rules seemed arbitrary and inflexible.这些规定似乎是任意作出的,而且缺乏弹性。牛津搭配〔method〕The chief of staff issued a series of orders in an arbitrary and abrasive fashion.办公室的领导发布了一系列命令,态度专制蛮横。美国传统〔nonresistance〕The practice or principle of complete obedience to authority even if unjust or arbitrary.不抵抗:完全服从于即使是不公平或霸道的势力的实践或原则美国传统〔petit larceny〕The theft of objects whose value is below a certain arbitrary standard.轻微盗窃罪:所盗窃物品的价值低于某一个专门制定的标准的盗窃行为美国传统〔star-chamber〕Secret, harsh, or arbitrary, as in procedures.星室法庭似的:在程序上秘密的、暴虐的或专断的美国传统〔tribune〕An officer of ancient Rome elected by the plebeians to protect their rights from arbitrary acts of the patrician magistrates.保民官:古代罗马平民选举产生的保护他们的权利免受贵族地方行政官专横行为侵害的官员美国传统〔tyrant〕An oppressive, harsh, arbitrary person.压迫的,残酷的,专横的人美国传统Dictators are arbitrary rulers. 独裁者即独断专横的统治者。译典通Our decision to go to Italy this summer rather than Spain was quite arbitrary.我们只是一时随心所欲地决定今夏去意大利而不去西班牙的。剑桥国际She made an arbitrary choice of the black shoes instead of the brown ones.她心血来潮地选了那双黑色的而不是棕色的鞋。剑桥国际She married an artist with an arbitrary character. 她嫁给一个性格反复无常的艺术家。译典通This is an arbitrary decision. 这是个武断的决定。译典通




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