

单词 fear
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COME FROM〕White resistance to Civil Rights was founded on age-old fears of democracy. 白人对公民权的抵制来源于他们多年来对民主的恐惧。朗文写作活用〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕The doctor's vague explanations only increased Clara's fears. 医生含糊不清的解释反而加深了克拉拉的忧虑。朗文写作活用〔EXIST〕As the economy improves, workers’ fears of being laid off have disappeared. 经济好转了,工人对失业的担心也消失了。朗文写作活用〔EXPRESS〕Many of his films express the fears and anxieties of the post-war years. 他的许多电影表达了战后人们的恐惧与不安心理。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕Her little girl doesn't seem to have any fear at all. 她的小女儿好像什么都不怕。朗文写作活用〔HIGH〕She overcame her fear of heights and did a parachute jump for charity. 她克服畏高症,作了一次慈善跳伞。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕There are growing fears for the safety of the kidnap victims -- fears that have been fuelled by rumours of new terrorist threats. 人们对于被绑架者的安全越来越担心—一近来又有人要发动恐怖主义活动的传闻更使得人心惶惶。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕As afternoon drew on and the shadows lengthened, her fears increased. 午后的时间逐渐流逝,影子越拉越长,她的恐惧也随着增加了。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Economic planners fear that there will be a 5% fall in real incomes next year. 经济计划的制定者担心明年的实际收入会下降5%。朗文写作活用〔REAL〕For the first time on the trip, I saw genuine fear in his eyes. 旅途中我第一次看到他眼里流露出真实的恐惧感。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕Instead of celebrating their religious faith, they are forced to conceal it for fear of reprisals. 他们没有为自己的宗教信仰举行庆祝仪式,反而因为害怕报复而被迫隐瞒信仰。朗文写作活用〔REVENGE〕Ross said he feared that he might be fired in retaliation. 罗斯说他担心自己可能遭到报复而被开除。朗文写作活用〔Russophobe〕One who fears or dislikes Russia or its people or culture.恐俄分子:害怕或厌恶俄罗斯、俄罗斯人或其文化的人美国传统〔Sinophobe〕One who fears or dislikes China, its people, or its culture.厌恶中国的人:惧怕或不喜欢中国、中国人或中国文化的人美国传统〔USE〕Right-wing activists used people's fear of unemployment as a way of stirring up extremism. 右翼积极分子利用人们害怕失业的心理挑起极端主义。朗文写作活用〔acerbic〕The letters show the acerbic wit for which Parker was both admired and feared.信的字里行间流露着帕克的辛辣谐趣,这一点让人们对他既欣赏又惧怕。剑桥高阶〔acquiescence〕Fear of rapid social change made temporary acquiescence in slavery tolerable in the South.对快速社会变革的恐惧使得南方人对暂时默许奴隶制的做法也可以容忍了。外研社新世纪〔address〕Mr King sought to address those fears when he spoke at the meeting.金先生在会上讲话时试图消除那些恐惧。柯林斯高阶〔adverse〕They fear it could have an adverse effect on global financial markets.他们担心这会对全球金融市场产生不利影响。朗文当代〔affection〕Love, fear, and hope are affections of the mind.爱、恐惧和希望都是头脑的属性。英汉大词典〔armed〕The President fears that armed conflict (=a war) is possible .总统担心可能发生武装冲突。朗文当代〔as〕As a result of the growing fears about home security, more people are fitting burglar alarms.因为越来越担心住宅安全, 更多的人在安装防盗报警器。外研社新世纪〔atavistic〕Many of those present felt this atavistic fear.在场的那些人中,很多都感觉到这种隔代遗传的恐惧。文馨英汉〔backlash〕They feared a backlash against the new laws.他们害怕人们会强烈抵制新法律。麦克米伦高阶〔bruxism〕The habitual, involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth, usually during sleep, as from anger, tension, fear, or frustration.磨牙:因愤怒、紧张、恐惧或失望,而通常在睡梦中的习惯性且无意识地磨牙或咬牙美国传统〔burn〕His greatest fear is of being burnt alive.他最怕的是被活活烧死。牛津高阶〔chaff〕We often chaff him for his fear of his wife.我们常常拿他的怕老婆开玩笑。21世纪英汉〔chew〕Micky is used to handling dodgy deals but this time fears he may have bitten off more than he can chew.米基本来是善于处理棘手交易的,可是这回他可能会力有不逮。柯林斯高阶〔chill〕He was chilled with fear.他吓得浑身打寒颤。21世纪英汉〔come〕Their worst fears may be coming true.他们最害怕的事情可能要发生了。柯林斯高阶〔companion〕The fear of imprisonment is her daily companion.她天天害怕被关进监狱。英汉大词典〔confront〕It takes courage to confront your fears.克服恐惧心理需要勇气。麦克米伦高阶〔contradiction〕I think I can say, without fear of contradiction, that tonight has been a real success.我想我可以很有把握地说,今晚确实很成功。麦克米伦高阶〔cower〕They cowered in their huts, listening in fear.他们蜷缩在茅屋里战战兢兢地听着。英汉大词典〔crank〕My fears were so excessive that I began cranking out old childhood prayers.我害怕得开始机械地念出童年时的祷词。英汉大词典〔deal with〕She saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear.她去看了一位用催眠术帮她克服恐惧感的精神科医生。柯林斯高阶〔decency〕Decency, not fear of punishment, caused them to do the right thing.驱使他们做了正当的事情的是正派的为人,而不是对惩罚的惧怕。韦氏高阶〔deep〕Fear runs deep in this small town.恐惧感在这个小镇里四处蔓延。韦氏高阶〔denunciation〕He could not tell them of his plan for fear of risking denunciation to the police.他不能把自己的计划告诉他们,因为怕有人会向警方告发。英汉大词典〔doubt〕Archaic To suspect; fear.【古语】 猜想;恐怕美国传统〔ear〕Even if my fears were silly, he always had an open ear.即使我的担心挺傻的,他也总是愿意倾听。牛津搭配〔emotion〕Fear is a normal human emotion.恐惧是正常的人类情感。牛津搭配〔engulf〕Fear engulfed her.她陷入深深的恐惧之中。牛津高阶〔erupt〕Diplomats feared the dispute could erupt into a potentially devastating war.外交官们担心争端会突然演变成潜在的毁灭性战争。英汉大词典〔fail〕I lived in fear of failing my end-of-term exams.我总是担心期末考试不及格。柯林斯高阶〔fear the worst〕We hoped that they would be found safe and uninjured, but secretly we feared the worst.我们希望找到他们时他们安然无恙,但内心却害怕最糟糕的事会发生。剑桥高阶〔fear〕Fear not, Darlene will protect me.别担心, 达琳会保护我的。外研社新世纪〔fear〕At some time or other Eve had obviously put the fear of God into her.伊夫显然什么时候故意吓唬过她。外研社新世纪〔fear〕He fears nothing.他什么都不怕。英汉大词典〔fear〕His fears might be groundless.他的种种忧虑可能毫无根据。外研社新世纪〔fear〕His face was white with fear.他吓得面色苍白。牛津搭配〔fear〕I fear greatly for their safety.我非常担心他们的安全。麦克米伦高阶〔fear〕I have a fear of heights.我有恐高症。剑桥高阶〔fear〕Martin screamed in fear.马丁恐惧地惊叫起来。麦克米伦高阶〔fear〕My worst fears were confirmed.我最担心的事得到了证实。牛津搭配〔fear〕Rachel was shaking with fear .雷切尔吓得发抖。朗文当代〔fear〕She managed to overcome her fear.她设法克服了恐惧。牛津搭配〔fear〕She showed no fear.她毫无惧色。牛津高阶〔fear〕She was shaking with fear.她害怕得直发抖。麦克米伦高阶〔fear〕The boy showed no fear.这个男孩毫无惧色。牛津搭配〔fear〕The elderly live in fear of assault and murder.老人们生活在对袭击和谋杀的恐惧之中。柯林斯高阶〔fear〕The government is trying to allay/alleviate/ease fears of a recession.政府正努力减轻人们对经济衰退的担忧。韦氏高阶〔fear〕The police dared not take the high-powered protesters to court, for fear that the demonstrations would grow still larger.警方不敢起诉强烈抗议者, 因为担心会造成示威活动进一步扩大。外研社新世纪〔fear〕The students obeyed through fear of punishment.这些学生由于害怕受惩罚就服从了。牛津搭配〔fear〕There are fears that share prices could decrease still further.有人担心股价会继续下滑。朗文当代〔fear〕There are fears that the disease will spread to other countries.有人担心这种疾病会传播到其他国家。剑桥高阶〔fear〕There is no fear you'll forget.你不会忘记的。英汉大词典〔fear〕There's no fear of revolt now.现在不可能有人造反了。朗文当代〔fear〕They regarded their enemies with fear and hatred/loathing.他们对敌人又怕又恨。韦氏高阶〔fear〕They were very late, and I was beginning to fear the worst.他们很晚还不到,我开始感到非常担心。麦克米伦高阶〔fear〕Women and children are feared to be among the victims.大家担心受害者中有妇女儿童。牛津高阶〔feed〕It feeds the fear that Britain has lost control over its borders.这使人们更加担心英国已失去对其边境的控制。外研社新世纪〔flood〕There are now fears that the river could flood.现在人们担心河水会泛滥。朗文当代〔fortress〕Fear of terrorist attack has turned the conference centre into a fortress.由于害怕恐怖分子袭击,会议中心已变成了堡垒。牛津高阶〔for〕I didn't say anything for fear of (= because I was frightened of) offending him.因为怕冒犯他,所以我什么都不敢说。剑桥高阶〔freely〕In France he could write freely, without fear of arrest.在法国,他可以自由写作而不必担心被逮捕。朗文当代〔get over〕The actress had to learn to get over her fear of the public.这位女演员必须学会不怯场。21世纪英汉〔go up〕She went up on her lines out of fear on opening night.上演首晚她因怯场忘记了台词。21世纪英汉〔groundless〕Fears that the world was about to run out of fuel proved groundless.事实证明, 对全球燃料即将耗尽的担忧是毫无根据的。外研社新世纪〔groundless〕Our fears proved totally groundless.事实证明,我们的担心是完全没有根据的。牛津搭配〔gun-shy〕Everyone I talked to in the company seemed a little gun-shy, perhaps fearing that I was yet another snide reporter.公司里同我交谈过的人看上去都有一些提心吊胆, 也许担心我又是一位用心险恶的记者。外研社新世纪〔hate〕He was a cruel tyrant who was hated and feared by his people.他是一个残酷的暴君,他的臣民对他既恨又怕。韦氏高阶〔haunting〕The enemy's haunting fear was that we might make a surprise attack on them.敌军老是提心吊胆,怕我们会奇袭他们。英汉大词典〔heighten〕This latest attack has greatly heightened fears of an all-out war.最近的袭击事件大大加剧了人们对爆发全面战争的恐慌。牛津搭配〔holdover〕Her fear of dogs is a holdover from her childhood.她害怕狗,那是儿时遗留下来的。朗文当代〔hope〕She told him all her secret hopes and fears.她把隐藏在心里的所有期望和担忧都告诉了他。朗文当代〔hypnotism〕Dulcy also saw a psychiatrist who used hypnotism to help her deal with her fear.达尔茜还看过一位精神科医生,他使用催眠术帮她消除恐惧。柯林斯高阶〔ignorant〕People don't like to ask questions for fear of appearing ignorant.人们不喜欢提问题, 唯恐显得知识浅薄。外研社新世纪〔illogical〕Many children have an illogical fear of the dark.许多儿童对黑暗怀有一种莫名的恐惧。英汉大词典〔invisible〕Parents fear they might overstep these invisible boundaries.父母们害怕他们会无意间跨过这些无形的界限。外研社新世纪〔knot〕I could feel a knot of fear in my throat.我很害怕,感到喉咙发紧。牛津高阶〔leak〕Security is high because of a fear of leaks before negotiations have been finished.因为担心谈判结束前泄密,所以保密工作做得特别严密。韦氏高阶〔leave behind〕Many of the women had left their husbands behind and they told of their fears that they may never see them again.这些女人中很多抛下了自己的丈夫,她们说害怕可能永远都见不到他们了。柯林斯高阶〔legitimacy〕As if to prove the legitimacy of these fears, the Cabinet collapsed.似乎是为了证明这些担心不无道理, 内阁真的垮台了。外研社新世纪〔legitimate〕That's a perfectly legitimate fear.这种担心不无道理。外研社新世纪〔live〕Many live in fear of losing their jobs.许多人生活在失去工作的恐惧中。外研社新世纪〔loathing〕She looked at her attacker with fear and loathing.她盯着袭击她的歹徒,既害怕又憎恨。牛津高阶〔loose〕And now the anger Maggie had feared was loosed.现在,玛吉所害怕的怒火发泄出来了。朗文当代〔make noises〕The company has been making soothing/reassuring noises to calm the fears of investors.这家公司频频发表抚慰人心/鼓舞人心的言论,以消除投资者的恐惧。韦氏高阶〔matronly〕She feared she was becoming a matronly old woman.她担心自己正逐渐变成一个韶华已逝的老年妇女。韦氏高阶〔maw〕She fears that the matter will simply be swallowed up by the maw of bureaucracy.她害怕这件事只会被官僚体制的无底洞所吞没。剑桥高阶〔melt〕My fears melted when I saw his kind expression.看到他友善的表情我的恐惧渐渐消失了。麦克米伦高阶〔mine a rich seam of sth〕Polidori, the right-wing politician, is mining a rich seam of fear and prejudice.右翼政客帕里德瑞正在利用人们的强烈恐惧和偏见。剑桥高阶〔misconception〕There are many fears and misconceptions about cancer.人们对癌症非常恐惧,而且存在许多错误看法。柯林斯高阶〔motivate〕The fear of failure can be a powerful motivator.对失败的担心能够成为一种强大的动力。韦氏高阶〔muscle-flexing〕Opposition groups fear violence, after weeks of military muscle-flexing from the government.政府进行了几周的军事实力展示以后,反对派担心会发生暴力事件。剑桥高阶〔mute〕I was mute with fear.我吓得一时说不出话来。英汉大词典〔nameless〕He managed to calm her nameless fears.他设法使她克服了不可名状的恐惧。朗文当代〔net〕Officials fear some of the thugs identified by British police may have slipped through the net.官员们担心一些被英国警方指认的罪犯可能已经漏网。外研社新世纪〔nightmare〕A dream arousing feelings of intense fear, horror, and distress.恶梦:使人恐惧、害怕和痛苦的梦美国传统〔overcome〕What can I do to overcome my fear of rejection? 我怎样才能克服对遭到拒绝的恐惧?麦克米伦高阶〔pale〕Albert's face paled with fear.艾伯特因为恐惧而脸色煞白。麦克米伦高阶〔palpitaed〕He palpitated with fear.他吓得发抖。21世纪英汉〔pantomime〕Chaplin feared that the art of pantomime was under threat.卓别林担心哑剧艺术面临威胁。外研社新世纪〔pantomime〕Chaplin feared that the art of pantomime was under threat.卓别林担心哑剧艺术面临威胁。柯林斯高阶〔perceive〕Often what is perceived to be aggression is simply fear.往往看来气势汹汹的表现不过是害怕而已。朗文当代〔permanent〕I began to live in an almost permanent state of fear.我开始生活在一种几乎无休止的恐惧状态中。外研社新世纪〔perpetual〕Many people live in perpetual fear of losing their jobs.许多人长期生活在失去工作的恐惧之中。麦克米伦高阶〔perpetual〕They lived in perpetual fear of being discovered.他们长期生活在恐惧中,担心被发现。剑桥高阶〔petrify〕It is feared that a political deadlock may petrify economic initiatives.人们担心政治僵局可能使经济丧失活力。外研社新世纪〔plague〕Fears about job security plague nearly half the workforce.几乎一半的员工担心工作保障问题。外研社新世纪〔play〕Advertisements often play on people's fears.广告常利用人们的恐惧心理。牛津高阶〔pull〕He knew he should pull the trigger, but he was suddenly paralysed by fear.他知道他应该扣动扳机,但突然间害怕得动弹不得。柯林斯高阶〔push〕He push ed aside the feelings of fear.他排除了恐惧。牛津高阶〔quake〕He was quaking with fear.他害怕得发抖。21世纪英汉〔quiver〕His voice quivered with fear.他的嗓音由于害怕而颤抖。外研社新世纪〔rebellion〕Fearing a taxpayers' revolt, the legislature passed a less confiscatory revenue bill.由于担心纳税人的反对,立法机关通过了一项有利于私人收入的法案。美国传统〔reckless〕She was reckless and utterly without fear.她鲁莽无畏。外研社新世纪〔register〕Fear was registered on her face.她面露恐惧。韦氏高阶〔remove〕Most of her fears had been removed.她的恐惧基本上消除了。柯林斯高阶〔represent〕His fears represented the undertaking as impossible.他的忧虑使人感到这件事办不成。英汉大词典〔rigid〕She sat upright, her body rigid with fear.她直挺挺地坐着,吓得浑身发僵。牛津高阶〔root〕Fear rooted me to my chair.我吓得坐在椅子上动弹不得。韦氏高阶〔rush〕Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.【谚】天使不敢踏的地方愚人却冲进去。文馨英汉〔scar〕The early years of fear and the hostility left a deep scar on the young boy.早年的恐惧不安和别人的敌意给这个小男孩留下了深深的创伤。柯林斯高阶〔self-fulfilling〕Fear of failure can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.害怕失败可能会真的导致失败。柯林斯高阶〔self-interest〕He acted out of self-interest and fear.他是出于利己之心和恐惧才这么干的。英汉大词典〔settle〕Fear settled over her heart.恐惧开始占据她的心房。麦克米伦高阶〔shake〕I stood there, crying and shaking with fear.我哭着站在那里, 怕得发抖。外研社新世纪〔shake〕When events happen that shake these beliefs, our fear takes control.当一些事情的发生动摇这些信念时,恐惧就会占据我们的心灵。柯林斯高阶〔shiver〕She shivered with fear at the thought of seeing him again.一想到要再见他,她就害怕得浑身打颤。麦克米伦高阶〔shore〕It is feared that a similar epidemic will soon reach the shores of Europe.人们担心类似的流行病很快会传到欧洲。柯林斯高阶〔short-sightedness〕Environmentalists fear that this is a short-sighted approach to the problem of global warming.环境保护主义者担心这并非解决全球变暖问题的长久之计。柯林斯高阶〔show〕Fear showed in his eyes.他眼里显出了害怕的神色。牛津高阶〔spasm〕Kemp felt a spasm of fear.肯普感到一阵恐惧。外研社新世纪〔spasm〕Kemp felt a spasm of fear.肯普突然感到一阵恐惧。柯林斯高阶〔species〕I felt a species of fear.我感到有点儿害怕。文馨英汉〔stalk〕Fear stalked the streets.恐惧蔓延于街道。文馨英汉〔stir〕The latest economic figures have stirred fears of growing inflation.最新的经济统计数字引起了人们对愈来愈严重的通货膨胀的恐惧。麦克米伦高阶〔strike〕If there is a single subject guaranteed to strike fear in the hearts of parents, it is drugs.如果只有一样东西定能让父母感到恐惧,那就是毒品。柯林斯高阶〔strike〕Police fear that the killer may strike again.警方担心杀人犯可能再次下手。牛津高阶〔study〕His face was a study in fear.他脸上完全是一副害怕的表情。朗文当代〔subdue〕He forced himself to subdue and overcome his fears.他强迫自己克制并战胜恐惧心理。柯林斯高阶〔surprise〕She feared her parents would return and surprise them.她担心她的父母回来, 令他们措手不及。外研社新世纪〔theoretical〕These fears are purely theoretical.这些担心纯属假设。外研社新世纪〔tight〕Her throat was tight with fear.她因惊恐而感到喉咙堵塞。英汉大词典〔toll〕There are fears that the casualty toll may be higher.有人担心伤亡总数可能会更高。柯林斯高阶〔torment〕She was tormented with fear.她受到恐惧的折磨。21世纪英汉〔tremble〕My legs were trembling with fear.我吓得双腿直发抖。牛津高阶〔turn〕Dan turned away, hiding the fear in his eyes.丹扭过头去,掩饰着眼中的恐惧。朗文当代〔unacknowledged〕Dreams often contain unacknowledged fears and anxieties.梦中常常出现被忽视了的恐惧和焦虑。麦克米伦高阶〔unfounded〕Our fears about the weather proved totally unfounded.我们对天气的担忧毫无根据。剑桥高阶〔unpick〕There are fears that the president might unpick the treaty.有人担心总统会挑那个协议的毛病。朗文当代〔violence〕The violence of the storm caused great fear.这场暴风雨的破坏力令人恐惧。韦氏高阶〔voice〕Participants are encouraged to give voice to their personal hopes, fears and dreams.参加者被鼓励要把自己的愿望、担忧以及梦想表达出来。朗文当代〔well-grounded〕My fears were well-grounded.我的害怕是有道理的。朗文当代〔while the going is good〕Many people fear that the newly elected government will be ousted in a military coup and are leaving their country while the going is good.很多人担心新当选的政府会被军事政变推翻,所以趁形势尚稳定纷纷离开自己的国家。剑桥高阶〔wide〕She had a fear of wide-open spaces.身处开阔的空地中会使她感到害怕。牛津高阶〔wide〕The boy looked at the intruder, his eyes wide with fear.那男孩看着闯入者,害怕得睁大了眼睛。麦克米伦高阶〔wing〕Fear gave wings to his feet.恐惧使他的双脚如飞。英汉大词典〔worldwide〕Today, doctors are fearing a worldwide epidemic.如今医生们担心会爆发全球性的流行病。外研社新世纪〔yikes〕Used to express mild fear or surprise.呀克:用于表达轻微的恐惧或惊讶美国传统Fear of terrorist activity will frustrate the proposal to decrease security measures.对恐怖活动的惧怕将使减少安全措施的提议得不到实行。剑桥国际Fearing (=Being afraid) to go herself, she sent her son to find out the news.自己不敢去,她派儿子去探明消息。剑桥国际Fears have been expressed that sheepdip might be harmful to farmers.有人表达了羊消毒液可能对农民有害的恐惧。剑桥国际A contagion of fear swept through the crowd. 一种恐惧感在人群中迅速蔓延开。译典通Every time I get on a plane, I quake with fear.我每次上飞机都吓得浑身发抖。剑桥国际Figures like these have led to one of the few expansions in the economy-- the fear industry.这样的数据导致了经济领域内屈指可数的几种发展之一----恐惧工业的发展。剑桥国际He had to show that he had a well-founded fear of persecution on religious or political grounds to qualify as a refugee.为了取得难民资格,他不得不表明他有充分的理由对宗教或政治迫害感到恐惧。剑桥国际I fear (that) your train has already left. [+ (that) clause] 我恐怕你要乘的那次火车已经离站了。剑桥国际I finally conquered my fear of heights. 我终于克服了我的惧高心理。译典通I stood there quaking with fear. 我站在那儿,吓得直打哆嗦。译典通It's every actor's greatest fear that one day people will just regard them as an old has-been.每个演员最大的恐惧是有一天人们会把他们看作是人老珠黄。剑桥国际My worst fears were quickly realized. 我最担心的事很快成了现实。译典通People had come to fear the knock at/on the door in the middle of the night (= the situation in which the police or soldiers came to take them from their homes).人们开始害怕半夜里(警察或士兵抓人)的敲门声。剑桥国际People's fears of AIDS were hyped up (= increased) by the newspapers.人们对于艾滋病的恐惧被报纸的宣传大大鼓起来了。剑桥国际She gripped my hand in fear. 她恐惧地握紧我的手。译典通She has a fear of going out in the dark.她害怕在黑夜里出去。剑桥国际She let out a yelp of fear.她惊恐地尖叫了一声。剑桥国际Ten years later her worst fears were realized.十年后,她最害怕的事发生了。剑桥国际The film's success may reflect the country's zeitgeist,anxiety, economic hardship, suspicion and fear.这部影片的成功反映了这个国家的时代特征: 忧虑,经济困难,怀疑以及恐惧。剑桥国际The government fears that talking to terrorists might legitimize (= make acceptable) their violent actions.该政府担心与恐怖分子对话意味着认可他们的暴力行动。剑桥国际The low profit figures simply confirmed my worst fears.这么低的利润完全证实了我最担心的事。剑桥国际There are fears that the hurricane bodes disaster for those areas in its path.人们害怕飓风将给所经过的地区带来灾难。剑桥国际There are fears that the incident may act as a trigger for (= cause) further violence in the capital.有人害怕这起事件可能会成为首都进一步发生暴力冲突的起因。剑桥国际They lived in perpetual fear of being discovered and arrested.他们长期生活在恐惧中,担心被发现被逮捕。剑桥国际They stood there in fear and trembling. 他们站在那儿,惊恐万状。译典通They tried to cash in on people's fears by selling them burglar alarms.他们想利用人们的恐惧心理把防盗警铃卖给他们。剑桥国际Troop movements on the border have bolstered (= increased) fears that the country is planning to invade its neighbour.边境军队的调动使人们更加害怕这个国家有意入侵它的邻国。剑桥国际With her cropped hair and her mannish clothes, she typifies the sort of feminist often feared by men.理着短短的头发, 穿着男式衣服, 她是那种经常使男人恐怖的女性主义的典型。剑桥国际




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