

单词 fingers
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREAK〕The autumn leaves crumbled in my fingers. 秋叶在我指间碎了。朗文写作活用〔DECORATE〕Rings and gems adorned the fingers of both her hands. 她的双手手指上戴满了戒指和宝石。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕Nina licked the melted chocolate off her fingers. 尼娜舔去手指上融化了的巧克力。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕Wendell devoured a large piece of gingerbread, then licked his fingers greedily. 温德尔囫囵吞吃了一大块姜饼,然后还馋嘴地舔着手指。朗文写作活用〔FASTEN/UNFASTEN〕My fingers were so cold that I couldn't undo the buttons. 我手指冻得解不开纽扣了。朗文写作活用〔GRACEFUL〕The pianist's fingers ran effortlessly over the keys. 那钢琴家的手指在琴键上轻松自如地弹奏。朗文写作活用〔MARK〕The blackberry juice had stained their clothes and fingers. 黑莓汁沾污了他们的衣服和手指。朗文写作活用〔NARROW〕She had beautiful hands with long tapering fingers. 她的手很漂亮,手指尖尖的,很修长。朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕You can buy guards for electric sockets that make it impossible for little children to stick their fingers into the holes. 你可购买电源插座的保护装置,使小孩的手指插不进孔里去。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕The old woman's fingers were misshapen and useless. 那老妇人的手指都变形了,没有用了。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕They knew that money was going missing and Davy was eventually caught with his fingers in the till. 他们发现钱总是少,而戴维终于在偷钱的时候被逮到了。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕He picked up a pen and twirled it between his fingers. 他拿起一支笔,在手指间转动着。朗文写作活用〔WORK HARD〕His mother had had a hard life - had worked her fingers to the bone bringing up six children. 他妈妈日子过得很苦一拼命干活养活六个孩子。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕Nervously, she twisted her handkerchief in her fingers. 她紧张地拿手绢在手指上绕来绕去。朗文写作活用〔all fingers and thumbs〕Sorry I dropped the vase; I'm all fingers and thumbs today.对不起,我摔碎了花瓶;我今天真是笨手笨脚的。韦氏高阶〔be all fingers and thumbs〕I'm all fingers and thumbs today. That's the second plate I've dropped this morning.我今天笨手笨脚的,这已经是今天早上打碎的第二个盘子了。剑桥高阶〔bloody〕Yulka's fingers were bloody and cracked.尤尔卡的手指头断了, 血淋淋的。外研社新世纪〔blow〕Danny blew on his fingers to warm them.丹尼向手指哈气好让它们暖和起来。外研社新世纪〔blue〕My fingers were turning blue with cold.我的手指冻得发青。麦克米伦高阶〔bomb〕Fuchs lost two fingers when a letter bomb went off at his home.一枚书信炸弹在富克斯家中爆炸, 他被炸掉了两根手指。外研社新世纪〔both〕Both guests have arrived. Both the books are torn. Both her fingers are broken.两个客人都已到了。两本书都撕烂了。她的两个手指都断了美国传统〔bowl〕I put down the chicken bone and rinsed my fingers in the finger bowl.我放下鸡骨头,在洗指钵里洗了洗手指。牛津搭配〔breast〕As my newborn cuddled at my breast, her tiny fingers stroked my skin.我刚出生的宝宝蜷伏在我胸前, 细小的手指触碰着我的肌肤。外研社新世纪〔burn〕I tried a dating agency once, but got my fingers badly burnt – I'll never do it again.我找过一次婚姻介绍所,结果吃了大亏 — 我以后再也不这样做了。朗文当代〔burn〕Since the last recession, a generation has reached the peak spending age without acquiring the caution that comes from burning your fingers once.自从上次经济衰退以来, 一代人已到峰值消费年龄, 却没有从冲动行事的教训中中学会谨慎。外研社新世纪〔burn〕Take care not to burn your fingers.当心别烫了手指。外研社新世纪〔burn〕Take care not to burn your fingers.注意别烧着手指头。柯林斯高阶〔caress〕His fingers gently caressed her cheek.他的手指轻轻抚摸着她的脸。牛津搭配〔catch〕He caught his fingers in the door.他的手指给门夹了。英汉大词典〔chop sth off〕Two of his fingers were chopped off in the accident.他的两根手指在事故中被削掉了。剑桥高阶〔claw〕His bony fingers clawed at my face.他用瘦骨嶙峋的手指来抓我的脸。麦克米伦高阶〔click〕Edmund clicked his fingers (=made a short sound to get someone's attention) for John to follow him.埃德蒙弹了个响指示意约翰跟着他。朗文当代〔concentrate〕The radio-set operator's whole being was concentrated in the tips of his fingers.报务员的整个身心都凝聚在他的手指尖上。英汉大词典〔conveniently〕I wore the ring constantly until my fingers and my ideals outgrew it, which conveniently occurred at about the same time.我之前一直都戴着这枚戒指, 后来手指变粗戴不下了, 刚好这时我也已经不太喜欢它了。外研社新世纪〔count〕Count how many fingers I am holding up.数一下我伸出了几根手指。韦氏高阶〔count〕He began to count out loud on his fingers.他开始扳着手指大声数数。外研社新世纪〔count〕He began to count out loud on his fingers.他开始用手指大声地数著。文馨英汉〔crack〕He cracked his fingers nervously.他紧张不安地把手指按得咔吧作响。外研社新世纪〔cross your fingers〕I'm just going to cross my fingers and hope it works.我只能祈求好运,希望会管用。剑桥高阶〔cross your fingers〕Keep your fingers crossed. I just sent out my college applications.为我祈福吧。我刚刚寄出了大学申请书。韦氏高阶〔cross your fingers〕She has her exam this morning so cross your fingers.今天上午她要考试,祝她好运吧。剑桥高阶〔crumble〕The fall leaves crumbled in my fingers.秋叶在我手中碎裂了。朗文当代〔dead〕The dead cigarette was still between his fingers.那支已熄灭的香烟仍在他指间。柯林斯高阶〔double-jointed〕Having unusually flexible joints, especially of the limbs or fingers.双关节的:尤指四肢或手具有异常柔韧关节的美国传统〔drip〕Hot wax dripped onto my fingers.热蜡滴落在我的手指上。韦氏高阶〔drop off〕Gangrene can set in and fingers and toes drop off.会感染坏疽, 手指和脚趾会脱落。外研社新世纪〔dropping〕He felt hot tears dropping onto his fingers.他感觉到热泪掉到他的手指上。柯林斯高阶〔drop〕He felt hot tears dropping onto his fingers.他感觉到热泪落在自己的手指上。外研社新世纪〔drum〕He drummed his fingers on the table.他用手指有节奏地敲着桌子。外研社新世纪〔drum〕Impatiently, he drummed his fingers on the table.他不耐烦地用手指嗒嗒地敲击桌子。牛津高阶〔drum〕Lisa drummed her fingers impatiently on the table.丽莎不耐烦地用手指嗒嗒地敲桌子。朗文当代〔elbow〕Her arm was bandaged from the elbow to the fingers.她的胳膊从肘部一直到手指全缠上了绷带。剑桥高阶〔end〕He tapped the ends of his fingers together.他同时轻轻地叩击着几根指尖。柯林斯高阶〔entwined〕He entwined his fingers with hers.他和她十指相扣。柯林斯高阶〔explore〕Gingerly she explored the bump on her head with her fingers.她小心翼翼地用手指试探着摸了一下头上的肿块。朗文当代〔fiddle〕To move one's fingers or hands in a nervous fashion.神经质地摆弄手指或手美国传统〔fingering〕The indication on a score of which fingers are to be used in playing.指法符号:用以指示手指弹奏的标明的记号美国传统〔finger〕He crossed his fingers, asking for luck for the first time in his life.他将两指交叉, 平生第一次乞求好运。外研社新世纪〔finger〕He was drumming his fingers nervously on the arm of the chair.他紧张地用指头敲打着椅子的扶手。牛津搭配〔finger〕Her nimble fingers undid the knot in seconds.转瞬之间她灵巧地解开了结。牛津搭配〔finger〕Mr Walesa burned his fingers by promising he would give every Pole 100m zlotys to start a business.瓦文萨先生因为答应给每个波兰人一亿兹罗提做生意而大吃苦头。外研社新世纪〔finger〕Serve with fingers of toast.配有长条烤面包。麦克米伦高阶〔finger〕She took off his bandages with gentle fingers.她动作轻柔地取下他的绷带。牛津搭配〔finger〕To handle something with the fingers.利用手指触摸某物美国传统〔flesh〕His fingers closed around the soft flesh of her arm.他握住了她柔软的手臂。牛津高阶〔flick〕He sent it skidding across the table with a flick of his fingers.他手指轻轻一弹, 把那东西推过桌面。外研社新世纪〔flip〕He thinks that all he has to do is to flip his fingers and I'll come running.他以为他只要打个响指, 我就会跑过来。外研社新世纪〔fluff〕She stood up and fluffed her hair, wiggling her fingers through it and then throwing it back.她站起身来,弄松了头发,将手指穿过发丝,然后把头发向后一甩。柯林斯高阶〔flutter〕Her gaze fell and her fingers fluttered.她垂下目光, 手指搓来搓去。外研社新世纪〔flutter〕The telegram fluttered from his fingers to the floor.电报从他手中飘落到地板上。英汉大词典〔fold around〕She folded her fingers around his hand.她用手握住他的手。外研社新世纪〔get/have your fingers burned〕She'd invested extensively in stocks and got her fingers burned when the market collapsed.她在股市上大量投资,结果股市崩溃损失惨重。剑桥高阶〔get〕He got his fingers caught in the door.他的手指给门夹了。牛津高阶〔graze〕She let her fingers graze lightly against his skin.她用手指轻轻地擦了一下他的皮肤。麦克米伦高阶〔greenness〕You don't need green fingers to fill your home with lush leaves.不是园艺大师也可以把自己的家里装点得绿意盎然。柯林斯高阶〔handful〕She let the handful of sand trickle through her fingers.她让手里的一把沙子从指缝间慢慢漏下来。外研社新世纪〔icky〕She could feel something icky on her fingers.她感觉到手指上有黏糊糊的东西。外研社新世纪〔impress〕All 10 fingers are impressed on the card.10个手指都在卡片上按了手印。英汉大词典〔inspect〕She inspected his fingers for signs of smoking.她检查他的手指, 看看有没有抽烟留下的痕迹。外研社新世纪〔interlock〕Interlock your fingers behind your back.把手十指交错放到背后。柯林斯高阶〔interlock〕Joyce sits with her fingers interlocked under her chin.乔伊丝坐着, 十指交叉托住下巴。外研社新世纪〔interlock〕She interlocked her fingers and considered the offer.她双手交插,考虑着该提议。21世纪英汉〔itchy〕I tucked the bills deep into my pocket, away from itchy fingers.我把钞票塞进口袋深处,以防扒手偷走。朗文当代〔jam〕He jammed his fingers in his ears.他用手指使劲堵住耳朵。牛津高阶〔knot together〕Arthur knotted his fingers together, unconsciously.亚瑟不知不觉地将自己的手指缠在一起。外研社新世纪〔knuckle ball〕A slow, randomly fluttering pitch thrown by gripping the ball with the tips or nails of two or three fingers.不旋转球,慢速变化球:用两个或三个手指指尖或指甲握住球,而进行的缓慢而无目的的投掷美国传统〔lace〕Her fingers were too cold to lace the tent flap.她手指都冻僵了, 无法系紧帐篷的帘子。外研社新世纪〔lace〕They sat with their fingers laced.他们手指交叉着坐在那里。牛津高阶〔lank〕She ran her fingers through her hair; it felt lank and dirty.她用手指梳了梳自己的长发, 头发摸起来又油又脏。外研社新世纪〔lank〕She ran her fingers through her hair; it felt lank and dirty.她用手指梳了梳自己的长发,头发摸起来又油又脏。柯林斯高阶〔length〕I noticed, too, the length of her fingers.我也注意到她的手指很长。柯林斯高阶〔lick〕He licked his fingers.他舔了一下自己的手指。牛津高阶〔lick〕The child licked his fingers clean.孩子把手指舔干净。英汉大词典〔light〕This child has light fingers.这孩子有偷东西的习性。英汉大词典〔list〕He listed on his fingers four suspects and I wrote down their names.他扳手指列举了4名嫌疑分子,我便记下他们的名字。英汉大词典〔lovingly〕I lifted the box and ran my fingers lovingly over the top.我拎起盒子,爱惜地抚摩着盒盖。柯林斯高阶〔microsurgery〕She underwent microsurgery to re-attach her severed fingers.她接受了显微手术,将切断的手指重新接合。剑桥高阶〔mitt〕A woman's glove that extends over the hand and only partially covers the fingers.露指手套:一种妇用手套,覆盖手,但只部分覆盖手指美国传统〔move〕His fingers moved rapidly over the keyboard.他的手指在键盘上飞快地移动。英汉大词典〔move〕I can't move my fingers.我的手指动不了了。牛津高阶〔move〕I'm so cold I can't move my fingers.我太冷了,手指都动不了了。剑桥高阶〔napkin〕A piece of cloth or absorbent paper used at table to protect the clothes or wipe the lips and fingers.餐巾:用于铺在桌上保护衣服或用来擦嘴和手指的一块布或吸水纸美国传统〔nerveless〕The knife fell from her nerveless fingers.刀从她无力的手里落下。牛津高阶〔nicotine〕Nicotine marks stained his chin and fingers.尼古丁渍染黄了他的下巴和手指。外研社新世纪〔nicotine〕The nicotine stains on his fingers told me he was under stress.他手指上的烟痕表明他压力很大。牛津搭配〔nimble〕You need nimble fingers for that job.干这活需要手指灵巧。牛津高阶〔nip off〕He nipped off the bud with his fingers.他用手指掐掉花苞。韦氏高阶〔nip〕Our puppy nipped my fingers playfully.我们的小狗戏咬我的手指头。文馨英汉〔nip〕The cold wind has nipped my fingers.寒风刺痛我的手指头。文馨英汉〔numb〕It was so cold that my fingers felt numb.天很冷, 我的手指都冻麻了。外研社新世纪〔numb〕My fingers have gone numb.我的手指已经麻木了。外研社新世纪〔numb〕Their fingers were going numb with cold.他们的手指都要冻麻了。牛津搭配〔pinch〕He pinched his fingers in the door.他的手指被门夹住了。21世纪英汉〔pins and needles〕I've got pins and needles in the tips of my fingers.我的指尖发麻。外研社新世纪〔poise〕He waited with his fingers poised over the keys.他把手指摆在琴键上等候着。英汉大词典〔poke〕His fingers poked through his gloves.他的手指由他的手套刺穿出来。文馨英汉〔poke〕His fingers poked through the worn tips of his gloves.他的手指从手套的破指尖处露了出来。柯林斯高阶〔pressured〕The pressure of his fingers had relaxed.他手指按压的力道减轻了。柯林斯高阶〔pressure〕The pressure of his fingers had relaxed.他手指按压的力道减轻了。外研社新世纪〔prise〕He held on tight but she prised it from his fingers.他紧紧地握着, 但她还是把它从他手上抢了过来。外研社新世纪〔prize〕He held on tight but she prised it from his fingers.他抓得很紧,但她还是掰开他的手,把它拿走了。柯林斯高阶〔quiver〕His fingers quivered.他的手指发抖。文馨英汉〔rake〕He raked his fingers through his hair.他用手指梳了一下头发。韦氏高阶〔ran〕She ran her fingers lightly over the child's face.她用手指轻轻地抚摸着孩子的脸。21世纪英汉〔read〕The blind read with their fingers.盲人用手指读书。文馨英汉〔reckon ... up〕The great poets still living can be reckoned up on the fingers of one hand.现在还在世的伟大诗人屈指可数。(即用一只手的手指就可以把活着的伟大诗人一一列举)21世纪英汉〔reckon〕Angela quickly reckoned the amount on her fingers.安吉拉掰着手指头快速计算了一下数量。剑桥高阶〔revolve〕He revolved the pencil between his fingers.他把铅笔放在手指间转动。21世纪英汉〔rock steady〕He reached for a cigarette and lit it, fingers rock steady.他伸手拿了一支烟点着,手指纹丝不动。柯林斯高阶〔rosary〕Estrada took a rosary from his tunic and ran the beads through the fingers of one hand.埃斯特拉达从法衣里取出一串念珠,用一只手捻动起来。柯林斯高阶〔rough up〕She roughed up her hair with four fingers.她用四个手指头把头发弄乱。外研社新世纪〔round〕With her fingers she smoothed the clay and rounded the bottom of the bowl.她用手指把黏土弄平滑, 又把碗底修出圆形。外研社新世纪〔run〕He began to run his fingers over the keyboard.他开始用手指去摸弄键盘。文馨英汉〔run〕He ran (= pushed) his fingers through his hair and looked up at me.他用手梳拢了一下头发,抬头看我。剑桥高阶〔scrape〕The wire had scraped the skin from her fingers.她的手指头让金属丝刮掉了皮。牛津高阶〔slimy〕Get your slimy fingers off my jacket.把你那讨厌的手指从我夹克上拿开。韦氏高阶〔slip〕Don't let the chance to work abroad slip through your fingers.这个出国工作的机会你可不要错过。牛津高阶〔slip〕It slipped from his fingers and fell with a bump.那东西从他手中滑落,砰地掉在地上。英汉大词典〔snap〕At a snap of his owner's fingers, the dog came running.主人打了个响指,那狗就跑过来了。朗文当代〔snap〕He snapped his fingers to get the waiter's attention.他打了个响指招唤服务员。韦氏高阶〔snap〕I've trained the dog to come to me with a snap of my fingers.这条狗经过我训练,一听到我打响指就会过来。韦氏高阶〔snap〕If I hit upon the right name, her fingers snapped.如果碰巧我把名字说对了,她的手指便啪地打一个榧子。英汉大词典〔snap〕She had millions of listeners snapping their fingers to her first single.百万听众和着她第一首歌的节拍打着响指。柯林斯高阶〔snap〕She snapped her fingers at a passing waiter.她向经过身边的一个服务生打了个响指。柯林斯高阶〔snap〕The job he's got now can end with a snap of the fingers.他现在做的这份差使弹指间就可能丢掉。英汉大词典〔sparkle〕The jewels on her fingers sparkled.她戴在手指上的珠宝光彩熠熠。外研社新世纪〔splay〕He splayed his fingers across his face.他张开手指, 蒙住了脸。外研社新世纪〔stain〕Her fingers were stained yellow from years of smoking.她的手指因长年吸烟被熏黄了。朗文当代〔sticky〕I licked my sticky fingers.我舔了舔我黏糊糊的手指。麦克米伦高阶〔sticky〕My fingers are sticky.我的手指很黏。韦氏高阶〔sticky〕They don't want your sticky fingers on their stuff.他们不愿意让你用黏糊糊的手指动他们的东西。外研社新世纪〔stick〕Don't stick your fingers through the bars of the cage.不要把指头伸进笼子里。牛津高阶〔stiffen〕Her old fingers were stiffening up now.她老了,现在手指变得不灵活了。麦克米伦高阶〔stiffly〕Her fingers were stiff with cold inside her leather gloves.她的手指在皮手套里冻得僵硬。柯林斯高阶〔swell〕My fingers and thumbs swelled to grotesque proportions.我的手指和大拇指肿得吓人。牛津搭配〔tangle〕She ran her fingers through the tangles in her hair.她用手指梳理蓬乱的头发。牛津搭配〔tap〕I could hear him tapping his fingers on the desk.我能听见他用手指轻叩桌子的声音。剑桥高阶〔task〕His thick fingers were not well suited to the task.他手指粗,不太适合做这项工作。牛津搭配〔tattoo〕To beat out an even rhythm, as with the fingers.敲打出一段平滑的节奏,如用手指美国传统〔thaw〕She held the coffee cup tightly, trying to thaw her frozen fingers.她紧紧地握住咖啡杯,想把冰冷的手指捂暖。韦氏高阶〔thick〕She ran her fingers through her thick brown hair.她用手指拢了拢她那浓密的褐色头发。朗文当代〔this〕They'd said the wound was only about this big you see and he showed me with his fingers.他们说伤口只有这么一点大,他还用手指比划给我看。柯林斯高阶〔through〕Sybil's fingers ran through the water.西比尔的手指在水中划来划去。柯林斯高阶〔thumb〕Can you do these buttons up for me? I'm all fingers and thumbs.你能替我扣上这些纽扣吗?我的手指很笨拙。英汉大词典〔thumb〕To express scorn or ridicule by or as if by placing the thumb on the nose and wiggling the fingers.作蔑视的手势:把或似把拇指放在鼻子上并摆动其它手指以表示批评或嘲弄美国传统〔tinge〕The ink tinged his fingers blue.墨水把他的手指染上了点蓝色。韦氏高阶〔tingle〕My fingers and toes are tingling with the cold.我的脚趾和手指冻得刺痛。剑桥高阶〔touch〕He remembered the touch of her fingers on his face.他还记得她的手指抚摸他的脸的感觉。朗文当代〔trail〕She trailed her fingers through the water.她把手伸进水里, 任水从指间流过。外研社新世纪〔trap〕Mind you don't trap your fingers in the door.小心别让门夹了手指头。朗文当代〔trembling〕I put down my fork with trembling fingers.我手指颤抖着放下餐叉。英汉大词典〔tremulous〕I opened the important letter with tremulous fingers.我用颤抖的手指打开这封重要的信。牛津同义词〔trickle〕She trickled the salt through her fingers.她让手中的盐从指缝间慢慢漏下。英汉大词典〔twine〕She slid her hand down to his and twined their fingers together.她的手滑入他手中, 十指相扣。外研社新世纪〔twirl〕Bonnie twirled her empty glass in her fingers.邦妮用手指旋转着她的空杯子。柯林斯高阶〔unbend〕His fingers were bending and unbending.他的手指不停地屈伸。韦氏高阶〔use〕After a while she regained the use of her fingers.过了一会儿,她的手指又重新恢复了知觉。牛津搭配〔with〕His fingers were numb with cold.他的手指冻麻了。牛津高阶〔zill〕One of a pair of round metal cymbals attached to the fingers and struck together for rhythm and percussion in belly dancing.对钗:一种成对带在手指上的圆形金属铜钹,在肚皮舞中碰撞铜钹产生节奏和打击声美国传统After her car had been broken into, it was dusted for fingerprints (= special powder was put on its surfaces so that marks made by fingers could be seen) by the police.她的车被撬后,警方在车上撒了粉末以提取指纹。剑桥国际Fingerprint classification is based on four groups of ridge patterns on your fingers.指纹分类法根据的是你手指上的四类褶皱形状。剑桥国际He burnt the tips of his fingers. 他烧伤了指尖。译典通He cracked his knuckles (= pulled each of his fingers until the bones made a noise) loudly.他把指节扳得嘎嗒作响。剑桥国际He noticed her long delicate fingers.他注意到了她修长纤细的手指。剑桥国际He tensely ran his fingers through his hair as he sat in the dentist’s waiting room.坐在牙科候诊室里,他紧张地用手指捋头发。剑桥国际He took them through the schedule slowly, ticking each item off on his fingers (=touching the fingers of one hand with the first finger of the other).他慢慢地排着日程,扳着手指一项项核对。剑桥国际He's always cracking his knuckles (=pulling the joints of his fingers to make a noise).他老是把指关节弄得噼啪作响。剑桥国际His pen had been leaking and his fingers were inky (=covered with ink).他的钢笔一直在漏水,手指上沾满了墨水。剑桥国际I never have green fingers. 我向来不擅长种花莳草。译典通I'm all fingers and thumbs today. That's the third plate I've dropped this morning.今天我真笨手笨脚。那已经是我今天早上失手掉落的第三只盘子了。剑桥国际Mothers who took the drug Thalidomide in the 1960s gave birth to babies with terrible deformities, such as hands without fingers, or feet without legs. [C] 20 世纪60 年代,服用“反应停”催眠镇静药的母亲生出的婴儿严重畸形,如没有手指的手或没腿的脚。剑桥国际My fingers were numb with cold. 我的手指冻僵了。译典通My toes and fingers are tingling with cold.我的脚趾和手指冻得刺痛。剑桥国际She was knitting with deft fingers. 她用灵巧的手指编结著。译典通She'd tried to make money by investing in stocks but she got her fingers badly burnt / burnt her fingers badly because the market collapsed.她试图投资股票来赚钱,但由于市场崩溃,这个错误决定使她吃了大亏。剑桥国际The four fingers, thumb and palm are the main parts of the hand, which is attached to the arm by the wrist.四指、大拇指和手掌是手的主要部分,手和手臂由手腕相连接。剑桥国际Two of her fingers had been cut off in the machine but fortunately the surgeons were able to reattach them using microsurgery.她的两个手指被机器切断了,而幸运地是外科医生能够使用显微手术重新把它们接起来。剑桥国际Two of his fingers were chopped off in the accident but surgeons managed to attach them again.他的两个手指在事故中被切掉了, 可是外科医生又把它们接了上去。剑桥国际When he runs his fingers through my hair, it drives me wild! 当他用手指抚摸我的头发时,简直让我神魂颠倒。剑桥国际Your fingers bend towards your palm.手指向手心弯曲。剑桥国际




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