

单词 artless
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔artless〕Alice is innocent and artless.爱丽丝是纯真而无心机的。文馨英汉〔artless〕Hemingway's artless air and charming smile.海明威的纯朴气质和迷人微笑柯林斯高阶〔artless〕Hemingway's artless air and charming smile海明威的率真气质和迷人微笑外研社新世纪〔artless〕Her simple artless charm won us over instantly.她淳朴自然的魅力一下子就赢得了我们的好感。韦氏高阶〔artless〕She is an artless village girl.她是一个淳朴的村姑。文馨英汉〔artless〕She was curiously artless.她出奇地单纯。外研社新世纪〔artless〕She was curiously artless.她单纯得令人难以置信。柯林斯高阶〔ingenuous〕Lacking in sophistication or worldliness; artless.纯真的,无邪的:缺乏老练或世俗的;无心计的美国传统〔ingénue〕An artless, innocent girl or young woman.清纯的少女:天真无邪的女孩或年轻妇女美国传统〔ingénue〕The role of an artless, innocent girl or young woman in a dramatic production.戏剧中天真少女的角色:戏剧中一个天真无邪的女孩或年轻妇女的角色美国传统〔innocent〕Betraying or suggesting no deception or guile; artless.天真的:表现出诚实无欺的;天真的美国传统〔naiveté〕An artless, credulous, or uncritical statement or act.天真的举动:天真、轻信或不加批判的状态或行为美国传统〔naiveté〕The state or quality of being artless, credulous, or uncritical.天真,幼稚,单纯:天真、轻信或不加批判的状态或性质美国传统〔naive〕Lacking worldliness and sophistication; artless.缺乏俗气和世故的;自然的美国传统〔naive〕One who is artless, credulous, or uncritical.天真的人,易轻信的人,无批判力的人美国传统She was a single-minded, artless girl. 她是一个诚实天真的女孩子。译典通She's an artless young woman who would never dream of trying to mislead anyone.她是一个单纯的年轻女子,从未想到过要去蒙骗任何人。剑桥国际The child asked many artless questions. 那小孩问了许多天真的问题。译典通Too often, though, I found myself wondering whether the piece of whimsical, artless charm I was watching had any point at all.虽然一而再,再而三,我还是疑惑自己注视的这件怪异而拙劣的护身符是否真有意义。剑桥国际




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