

单词 artist
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔The outside world〕a local artist who was unknown to the outside world 不为外界所知的当地艺术家韦氏高阶〔abstract〕an artist admired for his abstracts 以抽象派作品著称的艺术家韦氏高阶〔admass〕an artist schooled in the imported imagery of admass 在国外传入的大众广告形象影响下成长起来的艺术家英汉大词典〔alfresco〕an artist who likes to paint alfresco 喜欢在户外绘画的画家韦氏高阶〔artist〕a graphic artist 平面造型艺术家牛津高阶〔artist〕a jazz artist 爵士乐演奏家韦氏高阶〔artist〕a make-up artist 化妆师牛津高阶〔artist〕a popular artist who has sold many records唱片销量很大的流行歌手外研社新世纪〔artist〕a popular artist who has sold millions of records.唱片销量达到数百万张的当红音乐家柯林斯高阶〔artist〕a recording/solo artist 音像录制艺术师;单人表演演员牛津高阶〔artist〕a scam artist 大骗子韦氏高阶〔artist〕an artist at bricklaying砌砖能手外研社新世纪〔artist〕an exhibition featuring wildlife artist Emma Gray 介绍野生生物画家埃玛・格雷的展览牛津搭配〔barren〕an artist who is going through a barren period 一位处于低产期的艺术家韦氏高阶〔bohemian〕an artist known for his bohemian way of life 因不羁的生活方式而闻名的艺术家韦氏高阶〔celebrated〕a celebrated artist 著名艺术家麦克米伦高阶〔character〕the artist who developed the Superman character 塑造了超人角色的艺术家牛津搭配〔crackbrained〕a crackbrained artist 癫狂的艺术家韦氏高阶〔creative〕a highly creative artist 非常有创意的艺术家牛津搭配〔derivative〕a derivative artist 无独创性的艺术家英汉大词典〔drawing〕a set of charcoal drawings by a local artist 当地一位艺术家的一套木炭画牛津搭配〔exuberant〕exuberant designs by a local artist 当地艺术家设计的充满生气的图样麦克米伦高阶〔faith〕an artist whose work reflects his abiding faith in humanity 作品体现其一贯的人道主义信念的艺术家牛津搭配〔fragile〕an artist with a fragile ego 自尊心脆弱的艺术家韦氏高阶〔frustrated〕a frustrated artist 不得志的艺术家牛津高阶〔give〕a young artist who has given evidence/signs of real talent 表现出真正天资的年轻艺术家韦氏高阶〔graphic〕a graphic artist 平面造型艺术家朗文当代〔important〕an important artist 有影响力的艺术家韦氏高阶〔invention〕an artist with exceptional powers of invention 有非凡创造力的艺术家韦氏高阶〔kid glove〕had to handle the temperamental artist with kid gloves.必须审慎地对待这个喜怒无常的画家美国传统〔manqué〕an artist manqué; a writer manqué.想当艺术家而未实现的人;想当作家而未实现的人美国传统〔manqué〕an artist manqué未来的艺术家外研社新世纪〔mime〕a mime artist 哑剧表演艺术家牛津高阶〔minimalist〕a minimalist artist 极简抽象派艺术家韦氏高阶〔native〕a young man with the native talents of a great artist 具有艺术大师天赋才能的青年英汉大词典〔naturally〕an artist who represents objects naturally 把客体表现得逼真的艺术家英汉大词典〔observation〕an artist with acute powers of observation 具有敏锐观察力的艺术家牛津搭配〔original〕an original painting by local artist Graham Tovey 一幅本土艺术家格雷厄姆 · 托维的绘画创作牛津高阶〔pencil〕a street artist drawing pencil portraits一位画素描肖像的街头艺术家外研社新世纪〔pretension〕make no pretensions to skill as an artist 并不自称具备艺术家的技巧英汉大词典〔primitive〕stunted folk figure in a painting by the primitive artist Edward Hicks原始派艺术家爱德华•希克斯画作中的一位身材矮小的农民外研社新世纪〔rap〕a leading rap artist 一位非常成功的说唱艺术家麦克米伦高阶〔seascape〕an artist known for her seascapes 以海景画闻名的女艺术家韦氏高阶〔second-rate〕a second-rate artist 二流艺术家朗文当代〔sensibility〕the sensibility of an artist 艺术家的易感性英汉大词典〔shade〕an artist using shade to good effect 上明暗恰到好处的艺术家英汉大词典〔skillful〕an artist skillful in the use of color 善于使用色彩的画家韦氏高阶〔stature〕his growing stature as an artist 他作为艺术家日益提高的声望朗文当代〔strikeout〕a strikeout artist 落魄的艺术家英汉大词典〔tightrope〕a tightrope artist (或walker) 走钢丝演员英汉大词典〔trapeze〕a trapeze artist 高空秋千杂技演员麦克米伦高阶〔trapeze〕a trapeze artist 高空秋千表演者牛津高阶〔unapproachable〕an artist of unapproachable talent 具有无与伦比的才能的艺术家英汉大词典〔unknown〕an unknown artist 无名艺术家朗文当代〔visionary〕a visionary artist 好空想的艺术家麦克米伦高阶〔water〕an artist of the purest water 第一流的艺术家英汉大词典〔well known〕a well-known local artist 著名的当地艺术家剑桥高阶〔whimsical〕a whimsical artist 满脑子奇想的艺术家英汉大词典〔world〕a world artist 一位世界著名的艺术家英汉大词典a graphic artist 平面设计师牛津商务




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