

单词 gentrified
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔gentrification〕The local neighbourhood, like so many areas of Manhattan, is gradually being gentrified.同曼哈顿的许多地区一样,当地街区正逐渐贵族化。柯林斯高阶〔gentrify〕As the neighborhood became gentrified, the people who had lived there for many years could no longer afford it.由于这个街区已改造成高档社区,原来在这里居住了多年的人已无法承受这里的房价了。韦氏高阶〔gentrify〕Old working-class areas of the city are being gentrified.这个城市工人居住的老城区正在进行改造,以供较高阶层人士居住。牛津高阶〔gentrify〕The area where I grew up has been all modernized and gentrified, and has lost all its old character.我成长的地方已经整个被现代化和贵族化,完全失去了以前的风貌。剑桥高阶〔gentrify〕The local neighbourhood is gradually being gentrified.当地街区正逐渐贵族化。外研社新世纪He told me quite sadly that most of the area in which he had grown up had now been modernized and gentrified, and had lost all its old character.他很悲哀地告诉我,在他长大的地方,大部分地区现在都被现代化了,中产阶级也移居到此,这里已完全失去了它昔日的特色。剑桥国际With the emergence of the middle class, a lot of domestic consumptions need to be gentrified. 中产阶级崛起之后,国内的许多消费都需要士绅化。译典通




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