

单词 freeing
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GET RID OF〕Neighbourhood Watch schemes have succeeded in virtually freeing the area of crime. 邻里守望计划实际上已消灭了该地区的犯罪现象。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕The government plans to reduce its outstanding debt, freeing capital for investment. 政府计划减少未偿债务,腾出资金用作投资。朗文写作活用〔amnesty〕The government proclaimed a series of amnesties freeing hundreds of convicted prisoners.政府颁布了一系列赦令,释放了数百名已被定罪的囚犯。英汉大词典〔dogma〕He stands for freeing the country from the grip of dogma.他主张将国家从宗教教义的束缚下解放出来。外研社新世纪〔dogma〕He stands for freeing the country from the grip of dogma.他主张将国家从教条的控制下解放出来。柯林斯高阶〔expand〕He let slip that he had information that could lead to the freeing of men in jail. He expanded, and we ran a story in Time Out.他无意中透露出他掌握了一些信息, 可以让犯人们得以释放。他详细说明情况, 我们将其报道在《暂停》周刊上。外研社新世纪〔free sb from/of sth〕He dedicated his life to freeing the world from famine and disease.他毕生致力于消除世界上的饥饿和疾病。剑桥高阶〔free up〕It can handle even the most complex graphic jobs, freeing up your computer for other tasks.它可以解决哪怕是最复杂的绘图问题, 把计算机解放出来做其他工作。外研社新世纪〔free〕His contract will run out shortly, freeing him to pursue his own projects.他的合同即将到期, 那之后他就可以腾出时间来做自己的项目了。外研社新世纪〔free〕His deal with Disney will run out shortly, freeing him to pursue his own project.他和迪斯尼的协议很快就要到期,这样他就可以腾出身来发展自己的项目了。柯林斯高阶〔free〕It can handle even the most complex graphic jobs, freeing up your computer for other tasks.它可以处理哪怕是最复杂的图形作业,空出计算机以便用于其他任务。柯林斯高阶〔free〕There were more civilians working for the police, freeing officers from desk jobs.更多的平民在为警察部门工作,使得警员从文案中解脱出来。柯林斯高阶〔free〕They planned to extend the car park, freeing existing parking spaces for visitors.他们计划扩建停车场,腾出现有的停车位给访客用。剑桥高阶〔free〕They succeeded in freeing their friends from prison.他们成功地解救了关在牢里的朋友。牛津搭配〔prayer〕She'd been caught from behind and hadn't a prayer of freeing herself.有人从后面抓住她, 她不可能脱身。外研社新世纪〔prayer〕She'd been caught from behind and hadn't a prayer of freeing herself.有人从后面抓住她,她不可能脱身。柯林斯高阶〔quiet〕Law To make (a title) secure by freeing from all questions or challenges.【法律】 确认:通过消除所有疑问或挑战而确认(一头衔)美国传统〔save〕These verbs are compared in the sense of freeing a person or thing from danger, evil, confinement, or servitude.这些动词意为使人或事物免于危险、邪恶、受困或奴役,其比较如下面所述。美国传统〔scour〕To clear (an area) by freeing of weeds or other vegetation.拔净:把(一块地方)的杂草或其它植物清除美国传统By freeing memories that were lodged in her subconscious, she succeeded in piecing together the trauma that had affected her as a child.当她释放了深藏在潜意识中的记忆之后,终于逐步勾勒出童年时留下的精神创伤。剑桥国际He dedicated his life to freeing the world from famine and disease.他毕生致力于消除世界上的饥饿和疾病。剑桥国际His evidence, although damning to the others, was exculpatory (= freeing him from blame) concerning his own actions.他的证据,虽然对别人不利,但能够辨白他自己的行为。剑桥国际




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