

单词 forcefully
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PERSUADE〕For over an hour she spoke forcefully about the famine in Africa. 她恳切动人地谈论非洲的饥荒,一直说了一个多小时。朗文写作活用〔case〕You need to state your case clearly and forcefully.你需要清楚有力地陈述你的论点。外研社新世纪〔convincingly〕He argued forcefully and convincingly that they were likely to bankrupt the budget.他坚持认为他们可能会突破预算,而且理由非常有说服力。柯林斯高阶〔convincingly〕He argued forcefully and convincingly that they were likely to bankrupt the budget.他有力而又令人信服地争辩道, 他们有可能会使预算超支。外研社新世纪〔counterinsurgency〕Political and military strategy or action intended to oppose and forcefully suppress insurgency.反暴动,反叛乱:用来反对或有力压制叛乱的政治和军事策略或行动美国传统〔duel〕To oppose actively and forcefully.反对:积极而有力地反对美国传统〔fist〕His fist landed forcefully against Mike's jaw.他的拳头重重地落在迈克的下巴上。牛津搭配〔forcefully〕Daytime television tended to remind her too forcefully of her own situation.日间电视节目往往使她深刻地认识到自身的境况。柯林斯高阶〔forcefully〕Mrs Dambar was talking very rapidly and somewhat forcefully.丹巴尔夫人讲得极快, 而且还算令人信服。外研社新世纪〔forcefully〕Mrs. Dambar was talking very rapidly and somewhat forcefully.丹巴尔夫人说话很快,而且有几分力度。柯林斯高阶〔forceful〕He argued his case forcefully.他雄辩地阐述了他的立场。牛津高阶〔kill shot〕A shot in various games, especially racquet games, that is so forcefully hit or perfectly placed that it cannot be returned.扣杀:多种比赛中的击球,尤其指壁球比赛,用有力的击球或完美的放球使球不能击回美国传统〔push〕He pushed the money into my hand (= forcefully gave me the money), saying, "Please take it." 他把钱硬塞在我手里,说道:“请收下。”剑桥高阶〔push〕They pushed (= forcefully made) their way to the front.他们挤到了队伍的前面。剑桥高阶〔ram〕She slammed the door and rammed home the bolt (= closed it forcefully and completely).她猛地关上门,用力把门闩插上。剑桥高阶〔rub〕To bring repeatedly and forcefully to another's attention.不断地强制性地引起另一个人的注意美国传统〔slam-dunk〕Basketball To shoot (the ball) forcefully and dramatically into the basket.【篮球】 灌篮:把(蓝球)有力地并有戏剧性地投进篮筐里美国传统〔slam〕Slang To criticize harshly; censure forcefully.【俚语】 苛刻地批评;有力地非难美国传统〔smite〕To drive or strike (a weapon, for example) forcefully onto or into something else.猛击:凶猛地指向或打向或打进别的物体,例如使用武器美国传统〔snort〕A rough, noisy sound made by breathing forcefully through the nostrils, as a horse or pig does.呼哧声:通过用鼻腔用力呼吸而发出的粗而巨大的声音,例如马或猪发出的声音美国传统〔snort〕To breathe noisily and forcefully through the nostrils.喷鼻息:通过鼻腔用力的大声地呼吸美国传统〔storm〕To blow forcefully.强有力地吹美国传统〔stress〕The emphasis placed on the sound or syllable spoken most forcefully in a word or phrase.重音:放在词或词组中发音非常有力的声音或音节的重读美国传统〔unstrap〕She unstrapped the watch forcefully from Nancy's wrist.她从南希手腕上强行把手表解下。英汉大词典〔upheave〕To lift forcefully from beneath; heave upward.从底下猛力地提起;向上提升美国传统〔violent〕The speaker launched into a violent attack on (= spoke forcefully against) the president's policies.发言者猛烈抨击总统的政策。剑桥高阶〔whip〕To bring to a specified state or condition, vigorously and often forcefully.使进入某特定状态:强劲且常用暴力地使进入某特定状态或条件美国传统He argued forcefully that stricter laws were necessary to deal with the problem.他有理有据地认为,要解决那个问题必须采用更加严格的法律。剑桥国际He pushed the money into my hand (= forcefully gave me the money). “Please take it,” he said.他硬把钱塞到我手里。“请收下,”他说。剑桥国际I was waiting in the bus queue when two men pushed in (= unfairly moved forcefully into a position in front of someone who is waiting in a line) in front of me.我正在排队等公共汽车,这时候两个人挤到我前面。剑桥国际She broke (= forcefully removed herself from) her brother's hold and ran away.她用力挣脱了她兄弟的手,跑开了。剑桥国际The children keep hassling me (=repeatedly and forcefully trying to persuade me) to take them to Disneyland.孩子们不断地烦我,要我带他们去迪斯尼乐园。剑桥国际The speaker launched into a violent attack (= spoke forcefully ) against the government's policies.发言人对政府的政策发起了猛烈的攻击。剑桥国际They pushed (= forcefully made) their way to the front of the queue.他们奋力挤到队伍的前面。剑桥国际You say get lost to someone when you want to tell them forcefully and quite rudely to go away.走开!去你的!剑桥国际




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