

单词 filament
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔barb〕Zoology One of the parallel filaments projecting from the main shaft of a feather.【动物学】 羽支:一个羽毛的羽干上突出的平行丝之一美国传统〔basifixed〕Attached by the base, as certain anthers are to their filaments.基部的:附着于底部的,如雄蕊之花粉囊到花丝美国传统〔byssus〕Zoology A mass of strong, silky filaments by which certain bivalve mollusks, such as mussels, attach themselves to rocks and other fixed surfaces.【动物学】 足丝:某些双壳软体动物(如贻贝)用于将自身附着在岩石上和其它固定表面上的一团柔韧的丝美国传统〔chromonema〕The spirally coiled central filament of a chromatid along which the chromomeres are aligned.染色线,染色丝:染色单体的中间丝状体螺旋盘绕在排成一列的染色粒上美国传统〔cytoskeleton〕The internal framework of a cell, composed largely of actin filaments and microtubules.细胞骨架:细胞的内部结构, 主要由肌动蛋白纤维和微管组成美国传统〔fiber〕A natural or synthetic filament, as of cotton or nylon, capable of being spun into yarn.天然纤维:如棉纤维或尼龙纤维等能够被纺成线的天然或人造长丝美国传统〔fiber〕Any of the filaments constituting the extracellular matrix of connective tissue.纤维组织:构成结缔组织的细胞外基质的丝状体之一美国传统〔fiber〕Material made of such filaments.纤维织物:由这种长丝制成的织物美国传统〔fibril〕A small, slender fiber or filament.小纤维:一种细小的纤维或丝美国传统〔fibril〕Anatomy Any threadlike fiber or filament, such as a myofibril or neurofibril, that is a constituent of a cell or larger structure.【解剖学】 原纤维:任何如肌原纤维或神经纤维等的线状纤维或丝,是细胞或大一些的结构的组成部分美国传统〔fibroin〕An insoluble white protein that is the essential component of raw silk and spider-web filaments.丝蛋白:一种不能溶解的白色蛋白质,是生丝及蜘蛛网丝的基本成分美国传统〔filament〕Toothbrushes should be replaced when the filaments become worn.牙刷毛磨损后就应该更换了。剑桥高阶〔filiform〕Having the form of or resembling a thread or filament.丝状的,纤维状的:具有或象线或细丝形状的美国传统〔filum〕A threadlike anatomical structure; a filament.丝,丝状组织:丝状的结构;细丝美国传统〔grid〕A network or coil of fine wires located between the plate and the filament in an electron tube.栅极:在电子管中线极和阳极之间的由导电性很好的电线组成的网络或线圈美国传统〔hair〕A growth of such filaments, as that forming the coat of an animal or covering the scalp of a human being.生毛(发):毛发生长,如形成动物的皮毛或盖住人的头皮美国传统〔hair〕Any of the cylindrical, keratinized, often pigmented filaments characteristically growing from the epidermis of a mammal.毛发:哺乳动物特有的,生长于表皮的柱状、有角质而且通常含有色素的细丝美国传统〔heterocyst〕A large, thick-walled, transparent cell that occurs at intervals along the filaments of certain cyanobacteria.异型细胞:间歇地沿某些藻真菌的花丝出现的大型、细胞壁厚的透明细胞美国传统〔hormogonium〕A portion of a filament of a cyanobacterium that detaches and grows by cell division into a new filament.连锁体,藻殖段:一种青色细菌的菌丝之一部分,其从原菌丝上脱落下来后,通过细胞分裂而形成新的菌丝美国传统〔hypha〕Any of the threadlike filaments forming the mycelium of a fungus.菌丝:任何形成真菌丝状线美国传统〔ignite〕When the electric current is turned on, it ignites the tungsten filaments in the bulb.电流一接通就使灯泡内的钨丝灼热发光。英汉大词典〔incandescent lamp〕An electric lamp in which a filament is heated to incandescence by an electric current.白炽灯:灯丝因通过电流而加热到白炽的电灯美国传统〔light bulb〕An electric light in which a filament is heated to incandescence by an electric current.白炽灯:一种灯丝被电流加热到白炽状态的电灯美国传统〔monadelphous〕Related to or being stamens with all the filaments united into a single tubelike group.雄蕊单体的:与所有花丝结成单一管状组的雄蕊单体的或与之有关的美国传统〔myofilament〕Any of the ultramicroscopic filaments, made up of actin and myosin, that are the structural units of a myofibril.肌丝:一种极微小的细丝,由肌动朊和肌球蛋白组成,是肌原纤维的结构单位美国传统〔paraphysis〕One of the erect, sterile filaments often occurring among the reproductive organs of certain fungi, algae, and mosses.侧丝:通常出现于某些真菌、藻类和苔藓的生殖器官中的直立的不育花丝美国传统〔rayon〕Any of several synthetic textile fibers produced by forcing a cellulose solution through fine spinnerets and solidifying the resulting filaments.人造丝,人造纤维:一种人造纺织纤维,将原制纤维胶体强行穿过喷丝头,使生产出来的细丝得到加固美国传统〔resonance〕The ear has a set of filaments to vibrate in resonance with incoming sound-waves.耳朵里有一组细丝能和进入的声波产生共振。柯林斯高阶〔reticulocyte〕An immature red blood cell that contains a network of basophilic filaments.网状细胞:一种未成熟的红血球,含有嗜碱性细丝的网状体美国传统〔rhizoid〕A slender rootlike filament by which mosses, liverworts, and fern gametophytes attach to the substratum and absorb nourishment.假根:一种纤细的似根丝状体,苔藓、地钱及蕨类的配子体通过它附着于基质并吸收营养美国传统〔spindle fiber〕One of a network of achromatic filaments that extend inward from the poles of a dividing cell, forming a spindle-shaped figure.纺锤丝:从正在分裂的细胞的两极向内延伸的非染色质细丝网,构成纺缍形状美国传统〔spinneret〕A device for making rayon, nylon, and other synthetic fibers, consisting of a plate pierced with holes through which plastic material is extruded in filaments.喷丝头:用来制造人造丝、尼龙及其他合成纤维的装置,由一钻有小孔的金属片组成,塑料物质就从小孔中以细丝的形式喷出美国传统〔spin〕To extrude viscous filaments, forming a web or cocoon.吐(丝),作(茧),结网:吐出能迅速硬化的粘液形成网或茧美国传统〔spin〕To form (a web or cocoon, for example) by extruding viscous filaments.吐丝:通过吐出粘性细丝形成(如网或茧)美国传统〔spireme〕Any of these filaments.上述这些细丝中任何一根美国传统〔spireme〕The tangle of filaments that appears at the beginning of the prophase portion of meiosis or mitosis.染色质缠绕:减数分裂或有丝分裂前期开始时出现的细丝缠绕美国传统〔stamen〕The pollen-producing reproductive organ of a flower, usually consisting of a filament and an anther.雄蕊:花的生产花粉的繁殖器官,通常包括花丝和花药美国传统〔stem〕The tubular glass structure mounting the filament or electrodes in an incandescent bulb or vacuum tube.晶体管管座:将灯丝或电极装入白炽灯泡或真空管的管状玻璃结构美国传统〔strand〕A complex of fibers or filaments that have been twisted together to form a cable, rope, thread, or yarn.股:被绞起来形成索,绳或织物的纤维或细丝的结构美国传统〔strand〕A single filament, such as a fiber or thread, of a woven or braided material.一丝:织或编成的材料的单独一细丝,如纤维或细线美国传统〔thread〕A thin strand, cord, or filament of natural or manufactured material.细丝:天然或人造细绳、细线或细纤维美国传统〔thread〕Fine cord of a fibrous material, such as cotton or flax, made of two or more filaments twisted together and used in needlework and the weaving of cloth.线:由两根或多根拧到一起的丝组成的纤维状物质的细丝,如棉花或亚麻丝,用于针织品和编织物美国传统〔tungsten lamp〕An incandescent electric lamp with a tungsten filament.钨丝灯:具有一根以金属钨作为灯丝的白炽灯美国传统〔unifilar〕Having or using only one filament, such as a thread or wire.单线的:仅有或用一根丝,例如纤维或导线美国传统〔web〕A structure of delicate, threadlike filaments characteristically spun by spiders or certain insect larvae.虫网:由线状的丝构成的精致组织,最典型的是蜘蛛或某些昆虫的幼体吐出的组织美国传统Light bulb filaments break because they oxidize -- replacing all the air with an inert gas would prevent this.灯泡的灯丝由于氧化会断开,将所有的空气换成惰性气体可以防止这种氧化现象。剑桥国际The filaments of light bulbs are made from tungsten wire.灯泡的细丝是由钨丝制成的。剑桥国际The light of an electric lamp comes from an incandescent filament. 电灯光亮来自白热的灯丝。译典通The main limitation on the life of a light bulb is not the thickness of the filament but the degree of vacuum.决定一个灯泡使用寿命的主要因素不是灯丝的粗细,而是真空度的高低。剑桥国际




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