

单词 figurine
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Claymation〕A service mark used for an animation process in which clay figurines are manipulated and filmed to produce an image of lifelike movement.服务标志的:用于动画制作过程的工作人员标志的,在其过程中操纵粘土模特并拍摄出生命运动的影象美国传统〔PUT〕She picked up a porcelain figurine and put it down again. 她拿起一个陶土小人像,然后又放下。朗文写作活用〔balance〕On the mantelpiece stood a vase and to balance it an ivory figurine.壁炉架上放着一个花瓶,还放着一个象牙小雕像和它对称。英汉大词典〔crèche〕A representation of the Nativity, usually with statues or figurines.基督诞生雕像:耶稣诞生的演示,通常用雕像或小雕像美国传统〔magot〕A fanciful, often grotesque figurine in the Japanese or Chinese style rendered in a crouching position.奇形偶像:见于中国或日本的奇异的呈蹲伏姿态的,经常是奇形怪状的小雕像美国传统〔tiki〕A Maori figurine representing an ancestor, often intricately carved from greenstone and worn about the neck as a talisman.毛利人的一种通常用绿岩精细雕成的代表一个祖先的小雕像,戴在脖子上作为护身符美国传统She bought an exquisite china figurine. 她买了一尊小巧而精致的瓷塑像。译典通




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