

单词 figure up
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔add (sth) up〕If you add those four figures up, it comes to over £1,500.这4个数字加起来总额超过1,500英镑。剑桥高阶〔add up〕Add the figures up.把这些数字加起来。外研社新世纪〔add up〕Adding these figures up we can find the answer.把这些数字加起来,我们就可以找到答数。21世纪英汉〔agree〕We both added the figures up, but our answers didn’t agree.我们都加了这些数字, 可是彼此的答案不一致。牛津同义词〔figure up〕Can you figure up this bill?你能把账单的账计算出来吗?21世纪英汉〔figure up〕Give me a minute to figure up how much you owe me.给我一分钟时间合计一下你欠我多少钱。外研社新世纪〔figure〕He figured up the balance in their checking account.他算出了他们活期存款账户上的余额总和。柯林斯高阶〔formula〕With viewing figures up a million, the programme has a winning formula .收视人数增加一百万,这个节目拥有吸引观众的法宝。朗文当代〔uh-oh〕Uh-oh! I think we've added the figures up wrongly.啊噢!我认为我们把数字加错了。麦克米伦高阶I've added these figures up three times, and the answers all disagree with each other.我已经把这些数字加了三遍,每次答案都不一样。剑桥国际She put the figures up on the board to underline the seriousness of the situation.她把数字写在黑板上以强调形势的严峻性。剑桥国际




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