

单词 follow through
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SEX〕She was followed through the park by some dirty old man in a raincoat. 她在公园里一路被一个身穿雨衣的老色鬼跟着。朗文写作活用〔follow (sth) through〕He didn't follow through with his promise to help.他没有信守承诺提供帮助。剑桥高阶〔follow through with〕Does the firm intend to follow through with this idea?公司是否打算彻底完成这个计划?21世纪英汉〔follow through〕A football passer should follow through after he throws the ball.橄榄球传球员在传出球后应做随球动作。21世纪英汉〔follow through〕After the first victory, our army followed through to win every battle.我军初战胜利后再接再厉,打赢了以后的每一仗。21世纪英汉〔follow through〕Don't forget to follow through when you putt.击球后别忘了做随球动作。韦氏高阶〔follow through〕He doesn't follow through on his good intentions.他不能将良好的愿望付诸实践。韦氏高阶〔follow through〕He rarely follows through with anything.无论做任何事他几乎总是半途而废。21世纪英汉〔follow through〕Mike Weir follows through on a chip shot from the fringe of the 11th green.麦克·韦尔在第11个球穴区的边缘短切球后随球挥杆。外研社新世纪〔follow through〕The leadership has been unwilling to follow through the implications of these ideas.领导层不愿意对这些想法的含意进行深入探究。外研社新世纪〔follow through〕You need to follow through more on your backhand.你需要在反手击球后做更充分的随球动作。剑桥高阶〔follow through〕You should follow through on your backhand.你应在反手击球后做随球动作。韦氏高阶〔follow〕Follow through the business.把这笔生意做完。英汉大词典〔follow〕A football passer should follow through after he throws the ball.橄榄球传球员在传出球后应做随球动作。英汉大词典〔follow〕He decided to follow through with his original plan.他决定把最初的计划执行到底。柯林斯高阶〔follow〕If you have followed through all the exercises in this book, you should be ready for the second year course.如果你完成了本书的全部练习,就可以学第二年的课程。朗文当代〔follow〕Jack is always starting projects, but he rarely follows through.杰克老是在开始各项计划,但很少进行到底。麦克米伦高阶〔follow〕The government needs to follow through with some very necessary reforms.政府需要将有些非常必要的改革进行到底。麦克米伦高阶〔follow〕The leadership has been unwilling to follow through the implications of these ideas.领导层不愿意对这些想法的含意进行深入探究。柯林斯高阶〔follow〕The project went wrong when the staff failed to follow through.项目出了问题 — 员工没有执行下去。朗文当代〔initiative〕The power or ability to begin or to follow through energetically with a plan or task; enterprise and determination.首创精神,进取心:开始并精力充沛地执行一项计划、任务的力量或能力;进取心和决心美国传统〔key〕The key to hitting the ball well is following through on your stroke.击球成功的关键是做好击打的随球动作。韦氏高阶〔make with〕He makes with the big ideas, but can't follow through on them.他总出大主意,但很难实施。21世纪英汉〔unwavering〕She alienated many people with her unwavering determination to follow through on her anger.她生气起来没人劝解得了, 因而疏远了很多人。外研社新世纪He decided to follow through the business first. 他决定先把这笔生意做完。译典通He never follows through on his promises. 他从没实现过其诺言。译典通The essay started interestingly, but failed to follow through (its argument).那篇文章开始挺有趣的,但是没能(扣紧论点)一贯到底。剑桥国际They failed to follow through on their commitments.他们未能兑现承诺。牛津商务When you're playing a sport involving hitting or kicking a ball, it's important to follow through (your shot) (=complete the movement of hitting or kicking by continuing to move your arm or leg in the same direction.) 在从事击球或踢球的运动时,出球后做随球动作十分重要。剑桥国际




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