

单词 fighting
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ENEMY〕someone you are fighting against, especially in a war 你在对抗的人,尤指在战争中朗文写作活用〔appeal〕appeal to the number of dead as a reason why the fighting should stop 提出死者数字以此作为战斗必须停止的理由英汉大词典〔breed〕dogs that are bred for their fighting ability 看中其打斗能力而培育的狗牛津搭配〔brunt〕carry the brunt of the fighting 在战斗中首当其冲英汉大词典〔combat〕unarmed combat (= fighting without weapons) 非武装斗争剑桥高阶〔disposed〕dogs that are naturally disposed toward fighting 天生好斗的狗韦氏高阶〔engrain〕a fighting instinct so deeply engrained 根深蒂固的好斗天性英汉大词典〔eruption〕a sudden eruption of fighting 突然打斗起来牛津搭配〔escalate〕escalate the fighting 使战斗升级英汉大词典〔escalate〕the escalation of fighting in June 六月份战事的升级朗文当代〔field〕the greatest fighting force that any nation has ever fielded 有史以来单个国家派出过的最强作战部队韦氏高阶〔fierce〕fierce fighting in the city 城里的激烈战斗朗文当代〔fighting chance〕had a fighting chance to recover.经过努力可有机会恢复原状美国传统〔fighting〕a fighting ship 战舰英汉大词典〔fighting〕a fighting tribe 好斗的部落英汉大词典〔fighting〕heavy fighting between government and rebel forces 政府军和叛军之间的激烈战斗朗文当代〔fighting〕street fighting 巷战英汉大词典〔fight〕fighting a duel 进行决斗韦氏高阶〔fight〕fighting against AIDS/cancer/crime 努力预防艾滋病/癌症/犯罪韦氏高阶〔fight〕a world title fight(= fighting as a sport, especially boxing) 一场世界冠军争夺战(尤指拳击)牛津高阶〔fight〕fought against graft; fighting for her rights.拒绝贪污腐化;为她的权利奋斗美国传统〔fight〕rebel forces fighting against the Russians 对抗俄罗斯人的叛军朗文当代〔foil〕fighting with foils.用钝头剑击斗。牛津同义词〔for〕soldiers fighting for their country 为祖国出征的军人牛津高阶〔government〕fighting between government forces and left-wing rebels.政府军和左翼叛乱分子之间的战斗柯林斯高阶〔heavy〕a day of heavy fighting 一天的激战韦氏高阶〔heavy〕heavy fighting 激战 英汉大词典〔heavy〕heavy fighting 激战剑桥高阶〔injustice〕fighting against poverty and injustice 与贫困和不公平斗争牛津高阶〔injustice〕a plan for fighting misery and social injustice 一项旨在与苦难和社会不公正作斗争的计划麦克米伦高阶〔intensify〕an intensification of fighting in the region 该地区战斗的激化朗文当代〔intolerance〕fighting the forces of racism and intolerance 与种族主义和狭隘主义势力做斗争韦氏高阶〔intransigence〕fighting bureaucratic intransigence 与官僚主义的顽固不化做斗争韦氏高阶〔lull〕a brief lull in the fighting 战斗的短暂间歇期牛津搭配〔lull〕a lull in the fighting 战斗的间歇期麦克米伦高阶〔military〕efforts to transform the military into a 21st-century fighting force 把军队转型为 21 世纪作战力量的努力牛津搭配〔mobile〕mobile fighting forces 机动战斗力量韦氏高阶〔mythical〕gods fighting in a mythical battle in the sky 神话中在天上打斗的诸神韦氏高阶〔needle〕needle sb. into fighting (或a fight) 用话挑动某人打架英汉大词典〔opening〕the opening stages of fighting 战斗的开始阶段英汉大词典〔paid〕a series of airforce strikes that put paid to the General's hopes of fighting on.一连串空中打击粉碎了那位将军继续战斗的希望柯林斯高阶〔partition〕fighting which followed the partition of India.印度分裂后随之而来的战乱柯林斯高阶〔party〕a party to the international coalition aimed at fighting hunger 反饥饿国际联盟成员韦氏高阶〔powerful〕a powerful fighting force 强大的作战部队朗文当代〔powerful〕a powerful fighting force 强大的战斗力麦克米伦高阶〔rebel〕fighting between rebels and government forces.叛军和政府军之间的战争柯林斯高阶〔retake〕retake a city after severe fighting 激战后夺回一座城市英汉大词典〔right〕people who are fighting for basic rights 在努力争取基本权利的人们朗文当代〔savage〕savage fighting 恶斗英汉大词典〔spirit〕a young team with strong fighting spirit 一支斗志坚强的年轻队伍朗文当代〔sporadic〕a year of sporadic fighting over northern France法国北部断断续续、历时一年的战斗外研社新世纪〔stance〕a fighting stance 搏击姿势朗文当代〔supremacy〕factions fighting for supremacy within the Church 争夺教会内部最高地位的各个派系牛津搭配〔there〕be in there fighting for peace and freedom 为和平和自由而坚持不懈地斗争英汉大词典〔vehicle〕a Bradley fighting vehicle 布莱德雷战车牛津搭配〔wage〕workers fighting for a living wage 为获得能维持生活的工资而斗争的工人牛津搭配companies fighting for domination of the software market 争夺软件市场主导地位的公司牛津商务dirty fighting in the boardroom 董事会会议上的明争暗斗牛津商务new rules aimed at fighting fraud and tax evasion 旨在打击诈骗和逃税的新法规牛津商务unions fighting for a living wage 工会为争取基本生活工资而奋斗牛津商务




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