

单词 hectoring
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔hectoring〕In a loud, hectoring tone, Alan told us that he wasn't going to waste time discussing nonsense.艾伦大声威逼我们说, 他不会把时间浪费在讨论没用的事情上。外研社新世纪〔hector〕In a loud, hectoring tone, Alan told us that he wasn't going to waste time discussing nonsense.艾伦大声威逼我们说,他不会把时间浪费在讨论没用的事情上。柯林斯高阶〔hector〕The judge ordered the attorney to stop hectoring the witness.法官要求辩护律师停止恐吓证人。韦氏高阶He did not take kindly to the hectoring moral tone of the speaker.他对演讲者那种威吓性的说教口吻产生了厌恶感。剑桥国际He had a loud, hectoring manner.他的态度是大嚷大叫、咄咄逼人。剑桥国际She was regarded as rude, haughty, bossy and hectoring.人们认为她傲慢无礼、专横跋扈。剑桥国际




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