

单词 ascribe to
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Orphic〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the dogmas, mysteries, and philosophical principles set forth in the poems ascribed to Orpheus.俄耳甫斯教教义的:关于或属于俄耳甫斯诗歌中的教义、奥义和哲理的或以之为特征的美国传统〔Timothy〕Christian leader and companion of Saint Paul. Two epistles of the New Testament, ascribed to Paul, are addressed to him.提摩太:基督教领袖,圣保罗的同伴。《新约全书》中人们认为保罗所写的两封书信就是写给他的美国传统〔Titus〕Christian leader and companion of Saint Paul. An epistle of the New Testament, ascribed to Paul, is addressed to him.提图斯:基督教领袖,圣保罗的同伴。《新约全书》中一封被认为是保罗所写的书简是写给他的美国传统〔ascribable〕The alphabet is usually ascribed to the phoenicians.通常把字母表归因于腓尼基人。21世纪英汉〔ascribe to〕The painting was ascribed to an unknown artist.据考证这幅画的作者是一位无名画家。21世纪英汉〔ascribe〕Husbands are often mistaken in the virtues they ascribe to their wives.做丈夫的常常会误以为妻子具有种种美德。外研社新世纪〔ascribe〕This play is usually ascribed to Shakespeare.通常认为这部剧是莎士比亚所写。牛津高阶〔attribute〕A quality or characteristic inherent in or ascribed to someone or something.品质、属性、特征:内在的属性或特征,或归结为某人某物的属性或特征美国传统〔black mass〕A travesty of the Roman Catholic Mass, ascribed to reputed worshipers of Satanism.黑弥撒:罗马天主教弥撒的一种滑稽模仿,武断地确认对撒旦主义的崇拜美国传统〔hermetic〕Of or relating to Hermes Trismegistus or the works ascribed to him.赫尔墨斯·特利斯墨吉斯忒斯(著作)的:赫尔墨斯·特利斯墨吉斯忒斯(著作)的或与其有关的,或归因于他的著作的美国传统〔juju〕The supernatural power ascribed to such an object.魔力:认为是这种物件所属有的超自然力量美国传统〔monism〕The view in metaphysics that reality is a unified whole and that all existing things can be ascribed to or described by a single concept or system.一元论:一种形而上学理论,认为现实世界是一个整体,所有存在的事物可以被归结或描述为一个单一的概念或系统美国传统The painting was ascribed to an unknown artist. 那幅画被认定系一不出名的画家所作。译典通




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