

单词 hebrew scripture
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bible〕Abbr. B.,Bib.The Hebrew Scriptures, the sacred book of Judaism.缩写 B.,Bib.犹太教《圣经》:希伯来的圣经,一本犹太教的圣书美国传统〔Elohim〕A name for God in the Hebrew Scriptures.埃洛希姆: 希伯来《旧约圣经》中对上帝的称呼之一美国传统〔Masora〕The body of Judaic tradition relating to correct textual reading of the Hebrew scriptures.旧约圣经正解的传统:关于校正希伯来圣经原文读本的犹太人的传统美国传统〔Midian〕An ancient tribe in northwest Arabia, said in the Hebrew Scriptures to be descendants of Abraham.米甸族:阿拉伯西北部的一种远古族群,在希伯来经典中记载为亚伯拉罕的后代美国传统〔Pentateuch〕The first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures.《五经》:希伯来圣经首五卷美国传统〔Tanakh〕The sacred book of Judaism, consisting of the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings; the Hebrew Scriptures.犹太教圣书,犹太圣典,希伯来圣经:犹太教的圣书,包含律法书、先知书和作品集;希伯来圣经美国传统〔Torah〕A scroll of parchment containing the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, used in a synagogue during services.希伯来圣经,托拉:包括希伯来经典的一大部书籍,用于宗教仪式时向人们布道美国传统〔cabala〕Often Cabala A body of mystical teachings of rabbinical origin, often based on an esoteric interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures. 常作 Cabala 希伯来教义:犹太原旨主义者神秘教义的一种集合体,常基于对希伯来圣经的神秘解说美国传统〔law〕The first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures.希伯来圣经中的最初五卷美国传统




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