

单词 fugitive
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cain〕In the Old Testament, the eldest son of Adam and Eve, who murdered his brother Abel out of jealousy and was condemned to be a fugitive.该隐:在旧约全书中,是亚当和夏娃的长子,他出于忌妒而谋杀了他的弟弟亚伯并作为逃犯而被判罪美国传统〔ESCAPE〕Porter escaped in 1995 and remains a fugitive. 波特于1995年出逃,目前仍然在东躲西藏。朗文写作活用〔beat〕The police beat the countryside for the fugitive.警察在乡间搜捕逃犯。英汉大词典〔believe〕The fugitive is believed to be headed for the Canadian border.据信,逃亡者正向加拿大边界方向逃窜。21世纪英汉〔bounty hunter〕One who pursues a criminal or fugitive for whom a reward is offered.为得赏而追捕缉拿罪犯或逃犯的人美国传统〔encompass〕The fugitives were encompassed by the police.逃犯们被警察包围了。英汉大词典〔extradite〕To give up or deliver (a fugitive, for example) to the legal jurisdiction of another government or authority.引渡(逃犯等):把对(如逃犯等)的合法审判权放弃或让给另一政府或当局美国传统〔extradition〕Legal surrender of a fugitive to the jurisdiction of another state, country, or government for trial.引渡:将逃犯的审判权合法地让渡给另一个州、国家或政府美国传统〔force〕Tear gas forced the fugitives out of their hiding place.催泪弹气体将逃犯从藏身之处呛了出来。美国传统〔fugitive from justice〕She has been charged with helping a fugitive from justice.她被指控帮助逃犯。韦氏高阶〔fugitive〕Fugitive families who have fled the fighting in the cities are now trying to survive in the mountains.那些逃离城市战火的家庭正设法在山区生存下来。剑桥高阶〔fugitive〕As he daydreamed, fugitive thoughts/dreams passed through his mind.当他想入非非时,一些转瞬即逝的想法/梦想在脑中闪过。韦氏高阶〔fugitive〕Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid were fugitives from justice (= they ran away to avoid being tried in court).布奇‧卡西迪和日舞小子都是逃犯。剑桥高阶〔fugitive〕He's a fugitive from the law.他是个在逃犯。韦氏高阶〔fugitive〕The fugitive hours were gone and would not return.匆匆流逝的光阴一去不复返。英汉大词典〔fugitive〕The rebel leader was a fugitive from justice.叛乱头目是一名逃犯。外研社新世纪〔fugitive〕The rebel leader was a fugitive from justice.叛军头目是一名在逃的不法之徒。柯林斯高阶〔fugitive〕They discovered that the slave was a fugitive.他们发现这个奴隶是个逃亡者。韦氏高阶〔fugitive〕Thousands of fugitives are fleeing from the war-torn area.数以千计的难民逃离被战争蹂躏的地方。剑桥高阶〔hiding〕The fugitive had spent five weeks in hiding.逃亡者已经躲藏了 5 个星期。牛津搭配〔magnet〕The mountains remain a magnet for all kinds of fugitives.这个山区是逃亡者们的乐园。麦克米伦高阶〔manhunt〕An organized, extensive search for a person, usually a fugitive criminal.搜捕:对某人,通常是潜逃犯,所进行的有组织的仔细搜索追捕美国传统〔marshal〕US marshals specialize in finding fugitives and escapees.美国的执法官专职负责追查逃犯及越狱犯。剑桥高阶〔nab〕To seize (a fugitive or wrongdoer); arrest.逮捕:拘捕(逃犯或罪犯);逮捕美国传统〔outlaw〕A fugitive from the law.逃犯:逃离法律的亡命之徒美国传统〔quest〕The Puritans became fugitives in quest of liberty.清教徒变成了追求自由的逃亡者。柯林斯高阶〔requisition〕Law A formal request of one government to another demanding the return of a criminal or fugitive.【法律】 引渡犯人的要求:一国政府向另一国政府提出的交回罪犯或逃亡者的正式要求美国传统〔requisition〕The fugitive was arrested in England on the requisition of our Government.该逃犯应我国政府的引渡要求在英国就逮。英汉大词典〔reward〕The police are offering a reward for information leading to the capture of the fugitive.警方正悬赏征集抓捕逃犯的线索。韦氏高阶〔roadblock〕A barricade or an obstruction across a road set up to prevent the escape or passage, as of a fugitive or enemy troops.路障:如阻止叛逃者或敌军通行的关卡等横跨公路设置以阻止逃跑或通行的障碍物美国传统〔runner〕A fugitive.逃亡者美国传统〔sanctuary〕A sacred place, such as a church, in which fugitives formerly were immune to arrest.避难所:以前逃亡者避难或被保护的场所,如教堂美国传统〔scent〕The trail of a hunted animal or fugitive.踪迹:遭追捕的动物或逃亡者的踪迹美国传统〔shake〕The fugitive couldn't shake the police.逃犯没能摆脱警方的追捕。韦氏高阶〔skip〕The fugitive skipped town.逃亡者匆匆逃离了小镇美国传统〔sort〕They are now fugitives of a sort.他们现在都成了逃亡者。英汉大词典〔surrender〕The delivery of a prisoner, fugitive from justice, or other principal in a suit into legal custody.引渡:罪犯、逃犯或一案件中的首犯从司法审判到合法监护的转移美国传统〔underground〕They had been living underground as fugitives.他们作为逃亡者一直隐秘地生活。韦氏高阶〔unmolested〕Like many fugitives, he lived in Argentina unmolested for many years.像很多逃亡者一样,他也平安无事地在阿根廷生活了多年。柯林斯高阶〔unmolested〕Like many fugitives, he lived in Argentina unmolested for many years.像许多逃亡者一样, 他也在阿根廷平静生活了许多年。外研社新世纪〔want〕The fugitive is wanted by the police.警方在通缉那个逃亡者。英汉大词典〔want〕The fugitive is wanted by the police.逃犯已被警方通缉美国传统〔whip〕The fugitives wanted to rest, but the fear of capture whipped them on.逃亡者们想停下休息,但因怕被抓住而不得不继续赶路。英汉大词典Fugitive families who have fled (=families who have run away from) the fighting in the cities are now trying to survive in the mountains.逃离那些城市战火的家庭现在正设法在山区中生存下来。剑桥国际After three weeks, the police finally caught the fugitives.三星期后,警方终于抓住了逃亡者。剑桥国际Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid were fugitives from justice (=they ran away to avoid being tried in court).布奇·卡西迪和桑登斯·基德都是逃犯。剑桥国际He paid rare and fugitive visits to us. 他难得来看我们,而且来去匆匆。译典通He struggled to capture his fugitive impressions in a poem.他尽力在诗中把握自己那种稍纵即逝的印象。剑桥国际Huck was a fugitive slave. 哈克是个逃奴。译典通She travelled on a boat full of fugitives from post-Holocaust Europe.她乘上了一条难民船,船上载满从大屠杀后的欧洲来的难民。剑桥国际The fugitive lived in a cave in the mountain crag for several years. 这个逃犯在一个山上峭壁的岩洞里住了几年。译典通The police are pursuing after a fugitive. 警察在追捕一名逃犯。译典通The police were in a hurry to hunt a fugitive from justice. 警察正急于搜捕逃犯。译典通Thousands of fugitives are fleeing from the war-torn area.成千上万的难民在逃离被战争毁坏的地区。剑桥国际US marshals specialize in finding fugitives and escapees.美国的司法官专职是寻找逃犯及越狱犯。剑桥国际




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