

单词 gall
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RUDE〕I can't believe he had the gall to ask you for money. 我不敢相信他竟有脸问你要钱。朗文写作活用〔RUDE〕Ruth was always on the phone and yet she had the gall to tell me off for making one call. 露丝老是在打电话,可我就打了一次,她竟然有脸来训斥我。朗文写作活用〔all-fired〕He had the all-fired gall to quit in the middle of the job.他的脸皮真厚,工作进行到一半竟撒手不干了。英汉大词典〔crust〕Informal Insolence; audacity; gall.【非正式用语】 无礼;放肆;厚颜无耻美国传统〔gall bladder〕She had an operation to remove a stone from her gall bladder.她动了一次手术,摘除了胆结石。剑桥高阶〔gall midge〕Any of various small, mosquitolike flies of the family Cecidomyiidae, having larvae that cause the formation of galls in plants.瘿蚊:一种瘿蚊科的类似蚊子的苍蝇,具有在植物中可形成虫瘿的幼虫美国传统〔gall mite〕Any of various mites of the family Eriophyidae that produce galls on plants.瘿螨:在植物上产虫瘿的瘿螨科的一种瘿螨美国传统〔gall wasp〕Any of various wasps of the family Cynipidae whose larvae produce distinctively shaped galls on oaks and other plants.瘿蜂:一种瘿蜂科的黄蜂,其幼虫在栎树和其它植物上产生特别形状的虫瘿美国传统〔galling〕I daresay he thought he was above the law. I can't get over the gall of the fellow.我想他以为他能凌驾于法律之上,这家伙的蛮横无理真让人受不了。柯林斯高阶〔galling〕It must have galled him that Bardo thwarted each of these measures.巴多对每一项措施都加以阻挠,这一定让他十分气恼。柯林斯高阶〔galling〕It was galling to have to apologize to a man she hated.令人恼火的是得向她憎恶的男人道歉。牛津高阶〔galling〕It was galling to him to have to ask for a loan.他不得不向人借钱,这使他感到屈辱。英汉大词典〔galling〕It was especially galling to be criticised by this scoundrel.被这个无赖指责让人尤其气愤。柯林斯高阶〔galling〕It was especially galling to be criticized by this scoundrel.被这个无赖批评特别令人恼怒。外研社新世纪〔galling〕It was their serenity which galled her most.最让她恼怒的是他们的平静。柯林斯高阶〔galling〕It was very galling to have a younger brother who did everything better than me.我弟弟各方面都比我优秀,真是让我恼火。剑桥高阶〔galling〕She had the gall to suggest that I might supply her with information about what Steve was doing.她竟然厚颜无耻地说或许我可以向她透露一些史蒂夫正在做的事。柯林斯高阶〔galling〕The most galling thing is that the guy who got promoted is less qualified than me.最令人气愤的是,那个得到晋升的家伙,资历还不如我。朗文当代〔galling〕The thought that he might miss the train was galling.想到可能赶不上火车,他感到烦躁。英汉大词典〔galling〕This is a galling defeat.这是一次令人恼怒的失利。韦氏高阶〔gall〕Considering that he never even bothers to visit my parents, I'm amazed that Tim has the gall to ask them for money! 蒂姆从不去看望我父母,可他竟然有脸去向他们要钱,真让我吃惊!剑桥高阶〔gall〕Constant friction against the ship's side soon galled the cable.由于不断和船舷摩擦,缆索很快磨损了。英汉大词典〔gall〕He even had the gall to blame Lucy for it.这件事他居然有脸责怪露西。朗文当代〔gall〕He had the gall to ask his ex-wife for money.他竟有脸向他的前妻要钱。文馨英汉〔gall〕He had the gall to phone me in the middle of the night and demand a lift.他厚颜无耻地在半夜给我打电话要求搭我的车。麦克米伦高阶〔gall〕He had the gall to think that he could replace her.他无耻地认为自己会取代她。韦氏高阶〔gall〕He had the gall to try to borrow money.他竟有脸皮想借钱。英汉大词典〔gall〕He looked ready to explode but then he swallowed his gall.他看来快要发作了,可是随即又把心头的怒火强忍了下去。英汉大词典〔gall〕His rude behavior galled her.他那无礼的行为伤了她的感情。文馨英汉〔gall〕I daresay he thought he was above the law. I can't get over the gall of the fellow.我猜想他认为自己可凌驾于法律之上。我真是受不了这家伙的厚颜无耻。外研社新世纪〔gall〕I think it galls him to take orders from a younger and less experienced colleague.我想,要他去听命于一个比他年轻且资历比他浅的同事,他会很恼火。剑桥高阶〔gall〕It galled him to have to ask permission to go into town.要进城必须先得到同意, 这让他很恼火。外研社新世纪〔gall〕It galled him to have to ask permission to go into town.进城还须得到允许,这件事很恼怒他。文馨英汉〔gall〕It galled me to have to wait outside.必须在外等候使我十分厌烦美国传统〔gall〕It galls me that such a small group of people can have so much power.这么一小撮人竟然拥有这么大的权力,这让我很气愤。韦氏高阶〔gall〕It galls me to have to apologi ze to her.非得向她道歉使我感到恼火。牛津高阶〔gall〕It really galled him to see Anita doing so well now.看到安妮塔现在干得那么好,他心里实在恼火。朗文当代〔gall〕It was their serenity which galled her most.他们的平静让她最为恼火。外研社新世纪〔gall〕My words must be gall and wormwood to him.我的话在他听来一定逆耳。英汉大词典〔gall〕She had the gall to suggest that I might supply her with information about what Steve was doing.她竟然有脸让我给她提供史蒂夫正在干什么的情况。外研社新世纪〔gall〕That remark galls.那句话使人恼火。英汉大词典〔gall〕The rough strap galled the horse's skin.粗糙的皮带磨伤了马的皮肤。21世纪英汉〔gall〕The saddle galled the horse's back.马鞍擦伤了马背。英汉大词典〔gall〕Then they had the gall to complain! 那时他们居然还有脸抱怨!牛津高阶〔gall〕They haven't the gall to steal, nor the stability to work.他们既无去偷的胆量,也无工作的稳定力。文馨英汉〔gall〕They haven't the gall to steal, nor the stability to work.他们既没脸去偷东西, 也没恒心去工作。外研社新世纪〔gall〕To see his only son die young was gall and wormwood to the old man.看到独子夭折,老人十分痛苦。英汉大词典〔hitch〕Gall hitched herself up onto the high stool.高尔爬上了高凳。朗文当代〔oak apple〕An insect gall on oak trees, caused by certain wasp larvae.栎瘿:由某些黄蜂幼虫引起的栎树上虫瘿美国传统〔saddle blanket〕A blanket placed between a saddle and a horse's back to prevent galling.马鞍座毯:为防止擦伤马背而放置在马鞍和马背之间的毯子美国传统〔unmitigated〕She had the unmitigated gall to suggest that it was all my fault.她竟有脸说都是我的错。韦氏高阶After a galling defeat against France last night, Italy will have to recover their morale for the big match next week.昨晚窝火地被法国队击败后,意大利队必须恢复士气以准备下周的大赛。剑桥国际Considering that he never even bothers to visit my parents I'm amazed that Tim has the gall to ask them for money! 蒂姆从未看望过我的父母,我很惊讶他竟有脸问他们要钱。剑桥国际He had the gall to tell me that I was fat! 他竟无礼到对着我说我胖了!剑桥国际He was galled by her insulting language. 他被她侮辱性的语言激怒了。译典通I don't know how she can have the gall to accuse other people of inefficiency when she's the most incompetent person I know! 我不知道她怎么会有脸去指责他人效率低,她才是我所知道的最无能的人!剑桥国际I think it galls him to take orders from a younger and less experienced colleague.我想,听令于一个比他年纪轻且经验又比他少的同事,一定使他很恼火。剑桥国际It was very galling to have a younger brother who did everything better than me.有个做什么事都比我做得好的弟弟,真让人恼火。剑桥国际She had an operation to remove a stone from her gall bladder.她接受了一次摘除胆结石的手术。剑桥国际The medicine is as bitter as gall. 这药像胆汁一样苦。译典通The rope was galled. 绳子磨损了。译典通Their unkind remarks galled her. 他们不友善的话语使她恼怒。译典通They had the gall to attend our party without invitations. 他们竟有脸皮未经邀请就来参加我们的派对。译典通Your words must be gall and wormwood to him. 你的话在他听来一定逆耳。译典通




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