

单词 go on holiday
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BECAUSE〕We're not going on holiday this year, simply because we can't afford it. 今年我们不去度假,只是因为我们没有钱。朗文写作活用〔EFFECTIVE/NOT EFFECTIVE〕Going on holiday with my parents would be a surefire recipe for disaster. 和我父母一起去度假准保倒霉。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕We couldn't afford to go on holiday last year. 去年我们没有钱去度假。朗文写作活用〔REFUSE〕As for the idea of going on holiday together, forget it! 说到一起去度假这个想法,那是不可能的!朗文写作活用〔SHOCKED/SHOCKING〕Going on holiday with Ian had been a rude shock -- he'd been argumentative, mean and not at all what she'd expected. 和伊恩一起去度假大大出乎她的意料——他好争辩、小气,根本不是她原来想象的那样。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕This is ridiculous. You've only known him three days, and you're going on holiday with him! 这太荒唐了,你认识他才三天,就要跟他一起去度假!朗文写作活用〔afford〕We can't afford to go on holiday.我们没钱去度假。外研社新世纪〔block〕I wanted to go on holiday with Maria, but she put a block on that plan.我想和玛丽亚一起去度假,但她阻止了这个计划。麦克米伦高阶〔convention〕A lot of the usual conventions are ignored when you go on holiday.度假时, 许多行为规范就不注意了。外研社新世纪〔day〕We're going on holiday the day after tomorrow.我们后天要去度假。麦克米伦高阶〔end〕You're going on holiday at the end of this month, aren't you? 你月底要去度假,是不是?麦克米伦高阶〔essential〕When we go on holiday, we only take the bare essentials.我们去度假时,只带一些最基本的必需品。剑桥高阶〔forget〕We'll have to forget about going on holiday.我们将不得不放弃度假的计划。朗文当代〔fortnight〕I'm going on holiday for a fortnight.我要度假两周时间。外研社新世纪〔go〕We're going on holiday next week.下周我们去度假。麦克米伦高阶〔holiday〕We rang Duncan to ask where he was going on holiday.我们打电话给邓肯,问他要去哪里度假。柯林斯高阶〔holiday〕We rang Duncan to ask where he was going on holiday.我们打电话给邓肯, 问他去哪里度假。外研社新世纪〔holiday〕When are you going on holiday ? 你什么时候休假?朗文当代〔money〕We're not going on holiday this year because we're trying to save money .今年我们想存点钱,就不去度假了。朗文当代〔muggins〕I suppose muggins here will have to take care of the cat when they go on holiday (= I will have to do it but I don't want to).我想只有像我这样的傻瓜才会在他们去度假时替他们照看猫。剑桥高阶〔off-season〕It's best to go on holiday off-season.最好在淡季度假。外研社新世纪〔off〕He could not get time off work to go on holiday.他工作很忙,抽不出时间去度假。柯林斯高阶〔pal up〕I've palled up with some people from work and we're going on holiday together.我和几个同事成了好朋友,准备一起去度假。剑桥高阶〔plus〕Let's not go on holiday in August - it'll be too hot - plus it'll be more expensive.我们不要在8月份去度假——天太热,而且花销会更大。剑桥高阶〔pooh-pooh〕Some seemingly reasonable people go on holiday and pooh-pooh the idea of wearing sunblock.一些看来懂道理的人们在度假时却对涂防晒霜不屑一顾。剑桥高阶〔prepare〕Her parents were busy preparing to go on holiday.她的父母正忙于准备去度假。朗文当代〔quiet〕I'd love to go on holiday somewhere where it's nice and quiet .我很想到一个美丽又清静的地方去度假。朗文当代〔rain〕It always seems to rain when we go on holiday.我们每次度假,总好像会下雨。牛津同义词〔right〕I'm not sure this is the right time to go on holiday.我不敢肯定现在是不是度假的最佳时间。麦克米伦高阶〔sort〕I must get this paperwork sorted before I go on holiday next week.我下星期度假之前必须把这些文书工作处理完。剑桥高阶〔the fag end of sth〕We always used to go on holiday at the fag end of the holiday season.我们过去总是在度假季节的季末去休假。剑桥高阶〔time〕We're going on holiday in two weeks' time (= after two weeks have passed).我们过两周要去度假。剑桥高阶〔today〕We're going on holiday today week.我们下周的今天要去度假。朗文当代〔trump〕My uncle turned up trumps and lent me the money to go on holiday.我叔叔竟然很好说话,借给我外出度假用的钱。英汉大词典〔wind down〕When he goes on holiday, it takes him the first couple of days just to wind down.他去度假时,开始的几天只是放松放松。剑桥高阶For many people going on holiday is a form of escapism.对许多人来说,去度假是一种逃避现实的方法。剑桥国际He suggested that they go on holiday together but she laughed in his face.他建议他们一起去度假,可她当面嘲笑他。剑桥国际He's going on holiday for the third time this year, never mind that (= despite the fact that) he has hardly any money left.他今年已是第三次去度假了,也不管他的钱已所剩无几。剑桥国际I can't afford to go on holiday this year - I'm (flat) broke.我今年没法去旅游度假,我一分钱都没有。剑桥国际I don't think we should go on holiday in August -- it'll be too hot -- plus the fact that it'll be more expensive.我认为我们不应该在8月份度假----天太热,外加花销太大。剑桥国际I must get this paperwork sorted before I go on holiday next week.我必须在下星期度假之前把文书工作做好。剑桥国际I'd prefer to go on holiday in May, as opposed to (= rather than) September.我宁愿五月份去度假而不是九月份。剑桥国际I've got a list as long as my arm (= a very long list) of the things we need to do before we go on holiday.我已列出我们度假前要去做的一长串事情。剑桥国际I've palled up with some people from work and we're going on holiday together.我结交了几个工作上的朋友,我们打算一起去度假。剑桥国际It's an either-or situation--we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we can't do both.这两者只能择其一----我们今年要么买新车,要么去度假,但不能兼得。剑桥国际Many shopkeepers pull down their shutters during August and go on holiday.许多店主在八月关闭商店去度假。剑桥国际They said that they were going on holiday looking for sun, sand, and sex.他们说他们度假是为了追求阳光、沙滩和性爱。剑桥国际They were working like crazy to get enough money to go on holiday.为了挣够钱去度假他们拼命干活。剑桥国际To a great extent/a large extent (= Mostly) people go on holiday there to enjoy the good weather.很大程度上,人们去那里度假是为了享受那里的好天气。剑桥国际When I go on holiday, I just like to lie on a beach and luxuriate.度假时,我喜欢躺在海滩上尽情享受。剑桥国际




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