

单词 freed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AMOUNT〕It is not known how many of the people arrested in last Saturday's protests have been freed. 上星期六抗议活动中被捕的人当中,有多少人已被释放仍不得而知。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕His supporters are demanding that he be freed from prison. 他的支持者要求把他从狱中释放出来。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕Many of these young offenders should have been freed a long time ago. 这些少年犯有许多早就应该被释放了。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕The allies arrived in Brussels on September 3rd and Antwerp was freed the next day. 盟军于9月3日抵达布鲁塞尔,次日解放了安特卫普。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕The dolphins will be freed into the ocean once their injuries have healed. 这些海豚受的伤一痊愈就会被放回海里。朗文写作活用〔PRISON〕He was recently freed after serving a sentence for leading anti-government riots. 他因领导反政府骚乱服刑,最近获释。朗文写作活用〔PRISON〕The industrialist, who was captured on November 24th, was freed after 84 days in captivity. 那位工业家于11月24日被虏,囚禁了84天后获释。朗文写作活用〔accustomed〕Freed acted with his accustomed shrewdness.弗里德以他一贯的精明风范行动起来。柯林斯高阶〔agency〕She was freed from prison through the agency of her doctor.在她的医生的推动下,她被释放出狱。剑桥高阶〔agitate〕His family are agitating to get him freed.他的家人在多方游说将他释放。朗文当代〔amnesty〕Most political prisoners were freed under the terms of the amnesty.大多数政治犯按照大赦的条款获得了自由。剑桥高阶〔bail〕He was freed on $1000 bail.他缴1000元保释金后被释放。英汉大词典〔bail〕He was freed on bail pending an appeal.他被取保候审。柯林斯高阶〔bail〕She was freed on bail pending an appeal.在上诉期间她交保释金后获释。麦克米伦高阶〔bonding〕Freed from the bonds of convention and the fear of what others may think, the mind responds with new solutions.从传统的束缚中解脱出来,不再担心别人会有什么看法,顿时感到柳暗花明。柯林斯高阶〔certitude〕We have this definite certitude that Cicippio will be freed.我们深信西西皮欧会获释。外研社新世纪〔certitude〕We have this definite certitude that Cicippio will be freed.我们非常肯定西西皮欧能够获释。柯林斯高阶〔chain〕At last the country has freed itself from the chains of the authoritarian regime.这个国家最终从独裁政权的束缚中解放了出来。剑桥高阶〔cocoa〕A powder made from cacao seeds after they have been fermented, roasted, shelled, ground, and freed of most of their fat.可可粉:由可可豆经过发酵、烘烤、除壳、研磨和除去大部分脂肪而做成的粉美国传统〔commando〕The hostages were freed in the commando raid.人质在突击队的突袭行动中获释。外研社新世纪〔commando〕The hostages were freed in the commando raid.在突击队的突袭行动中,人质获释。柯林斯高阶〔control〕The press was freed from political control.新闻界从政治控制下被解放了出来。朗文当代〔decree〕More than 200 people were freed by military decree.军方下令释放了200多人。剑桥高阶〔fetter〕They were at last freed from the fetters of ignorance.他们终于从愚昧无知的束缚中解脱出来。牛津高阶〔freedman〕A man who has been freed from slavery.自由民:被解放了的奴隶美国传统〔freedwoman〕A woman who has been freed from slavery.女自由民:被解放了的女奴美国传统〔free〕All the victims have now been freed from the wreckage.所有受害者都已从残骸中解救出来。朗文当代〔free〕Anti-vivisectionists last night freed a number of animals from a laboratory.反对活体解剖的人昨晚放走了实验室里的很多动物。剑桥高阶〔free〕At last the country has been freed from its enormous debts.该国最后被免除了巨额债务。朗文当代〔free〕Both men were freed from the wreckage after a four-hour operation.经过4个小时的施救,两个人都被从残骸中解救出来。剑桥高阶〔free〕By scrapping this scheme, the government has freed vital resources.通过放弃这个项目,政府节省出了极为重要的资源。麦克米伦高阶〔free〕By the end of May nearly 100 of an estimated 2 000 political prisoners had been freed.至五月底,估计 2 000 名政治犯中有近 100 人已经获释。牛津高阶〔free〕He expects to be freed quite soon.他期待很快就能获释。朗文当代〔free〕He had finally been freed of his responsibilities.他终于摆脱了责任。牛津搭配〔free〕He is to be freed of direct responsibility for his staff.他对员工们已经不负有直接责任了。麦克米伦高阶〔free〕Hiring an assistant has freed him to spend more time with his family.雇个助手使他得以腾出更多的时间与家人在一起。韦氏高阶〔free〕She freed herself of worry.她使自己从烦恼中解脱出来。21世纪英汉〔free〕She freed herself of worry.她摆脱忧愁。英汉大词典〔free〕She longed to be freed of her responsibilities.她渴望能卸下肩上的责任。朗文当代〔free〕She was freed from prison last week.她上周获释出狱。朗文当代〔free〕The act had a specific intent, to protect freed slaves from white mobs.这项法案有明确的目的,即保护被解放的奴隶免受白人暴民的伤害。柯林斯高阶〔free〕The animals were freed from their cages.动物从笼子里放了出来。韦氏高阶〔free〕The court ruled that he should be freed on bail of $50 000.法庭判定他交纳 50,000 美元保释金即可获释。牛津搭配〔free〕The gunman freed two of the hostages.持枪歹徒释放了两名人质。韦氏高阶〔free〕The hostages were freed unharmed.人质安全获释。麦克米伦高阶〔free〕The press has now been freed from political control.新闻界现在已经摆脱了政治的控制。朗文当代〔free〕They wanted to see the colonies freed.他们期待看到殖民地的解放。外研社新世纪〔free〕They were freed by their kidnappers unharmed.他们被绑架者释放, 毫发未伤。外研社新世纪〔free〕Three people were freed from the wreckage.有三人被救出残骸。牛津高阶〔free〕We freed time each week for a project meeting.我们每周都腾出时间开一次项目会议。牛津高阶〔free〕We have freed up some staff to deal with the backlog of work.我们已腾出一些员工来处理积压的工作。朗文当代〔free〕Winning the prize freed him to paint full-time.获奖使他能腾出时间整天作画。牛津高阶〔hostage〕A prison librarian held hostage for 13 hours has been freed.一名被扣作人质达13小时的监狱图书管理员被释放了。麦克米伦高阶〔hostage〕It is hopeful that two hostages will be freed in the next few days.两名人质有望于接下来的几天获释。外研社新世纪〔hostage〕It is hopeful that two hostages will be freed in the next few days.有两名人质可望在几天后获释。柯林斯高阶〔ice〕The river was freed now of ice.河里的冰现在已经化了。外研社新世纪〔inducement〕The inducement of philosophy was that it freed one from a sense of enslavement to circumstance.哲学的吸引力在于它使人摆脱受环境奴役之感。英汉大词典〔necessity〕Freed from the necessity of earning a living, he decided to travel.终于不必再为生计奔波忙碌了, 他决定去旅行。外研社新世纪〔operate〕This freed the Austrian army to operate against the French.这使得奥地利军队可以对法军作战。柯林斯高阶〔patron〕A slave owner in ancient Rome who freed a slave without relinquishing all legal claim to him.(古罗马)旧奴隶主:恢复奴隶自由但保留一定法律控制权的古罗马奴隶主美国传统〔proclamation〕The President issued a proclamation which freed the slaves.总统发布了解放奴隶的宣言。韦氏高阶〔reciprocal〕They expected a reciprocal gesture before more hostages could be freed.在更多人质能够获得自由之前, 他们期望看到双方都有相应的表示。外研社新世纪〔reciprocal〕They expected a reciprocal gesture before more hostages could be freed.在更多人质获得自由之前他们期望看到对方也有相应的表示。柯林斯高阶〔remission〕With remission for good behaviour, she could be freed in a year.她因为表现良好获得减刑,可能会在一年内重获自由。柯林斯高阶〔safe-conduct〕Tom was freed and given safe-conduct to a neighbouring state.汤姆被释放并发给去邻州的安全通行证。英汉大词典〔shackle〕The country was freed from the shackles of tyranny.这个国家摆脱了专制统治的枷锁。韦氏高阶〔sister〕Modern woman has been freed from many of the duties that befell her sisters in times past.现代女性已经从许多压在旧时女性身上的责任中解放出来了。柯林斯高阶〔slave〕The state of Liberia was formed a century and a half ago by freed slaves from the United States.150年前,从美国获得了自由归来的奴隶建立了利比里亚。柯林斯高阶〔struggle〕She never gave up the struggle to have her son freed from prison.她从未放弃将儿子营救出狱的努力。剑桥高阶〔unlock〕To become unfastened, loosened, or freed from something that restrains.使轻装:被从某一个压抑的事物上解下,松开或释放美国传统〔unstuck〕Freed from a condition of adhesion.未粘住的:从一种粘着的状态被解脱出来的美国传统〔work〕The committee is working to get the prisoners freed.委员会正在设法营救那些被监禁的人出狱。牛津高阶Freed from the fetters of a mortgage, she could once again spend her money as she pleased.从抵押借款的束缚中解脱出来,她又能随自己的意花钱了。剑桥国际Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves. 亚伯拉罕‧林肯解放了奴隶。译典通Anti-vivisectionists last night freed a number of animals from a laboratory involved in cancer research.昨晚反对活体解剖的人从进行癌症研究的实验室里释放了一些动物。剑桥国际He freed his assistant from some of her chores. 他免去了助手某些日常事务。译典通He freed the pole with a wrench.他猛地一扭,松开了这根杆子。剑桥国际Her grandmother was a slave who was freed (=became no longer legally owned by another person) in her forties.她祖母是个奴隶,在四十多岁时获得自由。剑桥国际More than 200 people were freed by military decree. [U] 200 多人由于军事敕令被释放了。剑桥国际Most political prisoners were freed under the terms of the amnesty.大多数政治犯按大赦条例被释放了。剑桥国际Not even his complete forgiveness freed her from her feelings of guilt about her infidelity.甚至连他完全的原谅都无法消除她对于自己不忠的罪恶感。剑桥国际She never gave up the struggle to have her son freed from prison.她从未放弃从狱中救出儿子的斗争。剑桥国际She was freed from prison by / through the agency of her doctor (=her doctor worked to free her).她通过她医生的活动从监狱中被释放出来。剑桥国际The prisoners are being freed under international auspices.在国际力量的支持下,这些囚徒将得到了释放。剑桥国际The reorganization has freed up space in the warehouse.这次调整布局腾出了仓库的空间。牛津商务We have freed the lake from pollution. 我们已经清除了该湖的污染。译典通We have it from a good/reliable source that one hostage will soon be freed.我们得到可靠的消息来源,人质很快将被释放。剑桥国际




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