

单词 getting
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Christmas season〕the rush of the Christmas season [=the time of year when people are getting ready for Christmas] 圣诞节期的忙碌韦氏高阶〔GET〕to succeed in getting something, especially something that is difficult to get 成功获取某物,尤指难以得到的东西朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕a small but successful program to boost the number of African-Americans getting into college 为增加非裔美国人上大学人数而采取的一个规模不大却卓有成效的计划朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕getting upset easily 容易生气的朗文写作活用〔WAY〕a clever or dishonest way of getting what you want 得到想要之物的精明或不诚实的方法朗文写作活用〔ahead〕get/keep/stay ahead Getting ahead at work is the most important thing to her at the moment.目前,对她来说在工作上获得成功是最重要的。朗文当代〔along〕getting along in years.上了年纪美国传统〔beat up on〕a politician who is getting beat up on by his critics 惨遭评论家抨击的政治人物韦氏高阶〔big deal〕made a big deal out of getting there on time; losing one penny was no big deal.如果不能按时到达事情就大了;丢一便士不是什么大事美国传统〔brass tacks〕getting down to brass tacks.认真考虑实质问题美国传统〔communicate〕the challenge of getting the two groups to communicate with each other 让两个团体彼此沟通的挑战韦氏高阶〔deuce〕had a deuce of a time getting out of town; a deuce of a family row.离开城镇过了段倒霉的日子;家庭口角的不幸美国传统〔difficulty〕the difficulty of getting accurate information获取准确信息的困难外研社新世纪〔dread〕his growing dread of getting old他对衰老与日俱增的恐惧外研社新世纪〔duck〕duck the situation by getting drunk 以喝醉酒来逃避现状英汉大词典〔face time〕a celebrity who has been getting a lot of face time 电视上频频出镜的名人韦氏高阶〔flabby〕getting flabby around the waist.See Synonyms at limp 腰部变得松垂 参见 limp美国传统〔flirt〕flirted with the idea of getting a job; 浮现着求职的念头;美国传统〔funky〕a lifestyle that is getting funkier all the time 越来越时髦的生活方式英汉大词典〔get〕getting back to the subject.回到主题美国传统〔get〕puts all his energy into getting and spending.把所有的精力用在赚钱和花钱上美国传统〔good〕a movie that has been getting good reviews 一直获得好评的电影韦氏高阶〔grinding〕the grinding difficulty of getting to the stadium去体育馆的一路艰辛外研社新世纪〔grip〕getting a grip on the new technique.学会掌握新科技美国传统〔ground〕the destruction caused by getting coal out of the ground 挖煤所造成的破坏麦克米伦高阶〔hamper〕hamper a person from getting elected 妨碍某人当选文馨英汉〔hamper〕hamper sb. from getting elected 阻碍某人当选英汉大词典〔hog〕lives high on the hog since getting his share of the inheritance.他自从继承遗产后过得很奢侈美国传统〔hung up〕students who are hung up on getting perfect grades 为取得理想成绩而忧心忡忡的学生韦氏高阶〔invest〕invested much time and energy in getting a good education.付出许多时间和精力以求得良好的教育美国传统〔job〕young diplomats getting on-the-job training 接受在职培训的年轻外交官麦克米伦高阶〔logistics〕the logistics of getting such a big show on the road如此大型的巡演的组织工作外研社新世纪〔lotion〕a great new lotion for getting rid of head lice一款药效极好的新型除头虱药水外研社新世纪〔masculinity〕being unable to prove his masculinity to society by getting his partner pregnant无法通过让伴侣怀孕向社会证明他的男性气概外研社新世纪〔means〕a means of getting what you want 得到你想要的东西的方法牛津搭配〔modesty〕modesty about getting undressed.要把衣服脱掉, 觉得羞怯。牛津同义词〔modest〕modest about getting undressed.因要脱衣服而觉得羞怯。牛津同义词〔morass〕for fear of getting caught in a legal morass因为担心卷入法律困境外研社新世纪〔more〕getting more and more worried.变得越来越忧虑美国传统〔pedestrian〕pedestrian concerns like paying the bills and getting the kids to school on time 诸如付账单以及按时送小孩上学之类的要操心的琐事韦氏高阶〔point〕get some points on getting a job 听取关于就业的意见英汉大词典〔punter〕an unsuspecting punter who thinks they're getting a real bargain以为自己得了巨便宜东西而毫无戒备的受骗者外研社新世纪〔rigmarole〕the whole rigmarole of filling out application forms, getting people to write letters of recommendation, and taking several tests 填写报名单找人写推荐信以及接受几次测验这一整套的繁琐程序英汉大词典〔shake〕getting a fair shake.做了一笔公平交易美国传统〔sharpish〕getting the work done sharpish 迅速完成工作韦氏高阶〔sneaky〕a sneaky way of getting an advantage.鬼鬼祟祟的占便宜的方法。牛津同义词〔spill〕water behind a dam, getting ready to spill over.大坝里的水随时都会溢出来柯林斯高阶〔stand-up〕getting by on likeability, professionalism and the kind of nerve you need to do stand-up.凭借个人魅力、精湛的技艺和进行单人喜剧表演所需要的勇气过活柯林斯高阶〔sure-fire〕a sure-fire way of getting attention肯定能引起别人注意的方法外研社新世纪〔system〕a system for getting your work done.把工作完成的方法。牛津同义词〔tight〕getting tight at a bar 在酒吧喝得烂醉韦氏高阶〔together〕getting along together.合得来美国传统〔used〕getting used to the cold weather; was used to driving a small car.开始习惯寒冷的天气;过去惯常开一辆小车美国传统〔view〕study hard with a view to getting an A 为得A而努力学习英汉大词典〔visible〕visible signs that the region's economy is getting stronger 该地区经济增强的明显迹象麦克米伦高阶〔waste〕waste disposal(= the process of getting rid of waste) 废物处理牛津高阶〔wedding〕a wedding dress (=the dress worn by a woman who is getting married) 婚纱朗文当代〔word〕is one of the best ways of getting business.口头介绍是揽生意的最好方法之一。朗文当代getting more face time with clients 获得更多面见顾客的时间牛津商务people getting a free ride by viewing news on the Web rather than buying newspapers 不买报纸而搭便车在网页上浏览新闻的人牛津商务




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