

单词 false
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔apparently〕apparently true but actually false 似是而非英汉大词典〔artificial〕false teeth 假牙牛津高阶〔assume〕assume a false name 使用化名英汉大词典〔assumption〕assumption of a false theory.认定一个错误的理论美国传统〔blatantly〕a blatantly false statement 明显不实的陈述韦氏高阶〔bottom〕a suitcase with a false bottom.活底手提箱柯林斯高阶〔chopper〕choppers Slang Teeth, especially a set of false teeth. choppers 【俚语】 (假)牙:牙齿,尤指一副假牙美国传统〔claim〕firms that make false claims about their products 对自己的产品作虚假宣传的公司朗文当代〔cordiality〕false cordialities 伪装热情的言行英汉大词典〔deceive with〕to deceive the public with false claims用不实之词来欺骗公众21世纪英汉〔enjoin〕enjoin the company from using false advertising 禁止该公司刊登虚假广告英汉大词典〔equation〕the false equation of financial success with happiness 错误地将金钱上的成功等同于幸福麦克米伦高阶〔eyelash〕false eyelashes 假睫毛剑桥高阶〔eyelash〕false eyelashes 假睫毛韦氏高阶〔false positive〕a high rate of false positive results.高比率的错误测试结果柯林斯高阶〔false teeth〕a set of false teeth 一副假牙剑桥高阶〔false〕false ID papers/documents假身份证件/凭证外研社新世纪〔false〕false allegations of rape诬告强奸外研社新世纪〔false〕false documents 假文件韦氏高阶〔false〕false expectations/hopes 空期望/指望韦氏高阶〔false〕false eyelashes 人造睫毛麦克米伦高阶〔false〕false eyelashes 假睫毛英汉大词典〔false〕false eyelashes/teeth 假睫毛/假牙剑桥高阶〔false〕false hellebore藜芦外研社新世纪〔false〕false identity 假冒身份英汉大词典〔false〕false supports for a bridge under construction 在建桥梁的临时支柱英汉大词典〔false〕false teeth/eyelashes 假牙╱睫毛牛津高阶〔false〕a false argument (verdict) 错误的论据(判决) 英汉大词典〔false〕a false argument/assumption/belief 错误的论据╱假设╱信念牛津高阶〔false〕a false argument错误的论点外研社新世纪〔false〕a false beard 假胡子牛津高阶〔false〕a false drawer 暗抽屉英汉大词典〔false〕a false idea.错误的观念。牛津同义词〔false〕a false lover 不忠诚的情人牛津高阶〔false〕a false passport 假护照麦克米伦高阶〔false〕a false scene in a movie 影片中一个牵强附会的镜头英汉大词典〔false〕a false sense of security (=a feeling of being safe when you are not really safe) 虚假的安全感朗文当代〔false〕a false sense of security 虚假的安全感英汉大词典〔false〕a false smile 假笑麦克米伦高阶〔false〕a trunk with a false bottom 带假底的旅行箱韦氏高阶〔false〕judge sb. false 错误地判断某人英汉大词典〔false〕sing a false note 唱出一个走调的音英汉大词典〔false〕to give a false impression of wealth 给人以富有的假象牛津高阶〔false〕to lull sb into a false sense of security(= make sb feel safe when they are really in danger) 哄某人产生虚假的安全感牛津高阶〔fool's paradise〕living in a fool's paradise of false prosperity陶醉在虚假繁荣的幻梦中外研社新世纪〔go〕go under a false name 用化名英汉大词典〔hoax〕hoax calls (=telephone calls giving false information) to the police 恶作剧报警电话朗文当代〔impose〕to impose false articles upon customers向顾客兜售假货21世纪英汉〔jape〕his own merry japes: joke false teeth, whoopee cushions他的独家逗乐子道具——搞笑假牙和放屁坐垫外研社新世纪〔memory〕false memory syndrome 虚妄记忆综合征牛津搭配〔modesty〕false modesty(=pretending to be modest) 故作谦虚麦克米伦高阶〔patently〕a patently false statement.显然是一派胡言美国传统〔plant〕plant false evidence 制造假证据英汉大词典〔propaganda〕spread false propaganda about sb.散布关于某人的谣言英汉大词典〔set〕a set of false teeth 一副假牙牛津高阶〔tooth〕false teeth 假牙剑桥高阶〔under〕traveled under a false name.用假名旅游美国传统〔witness〕bear false witness against sb.作不利于某人的伪证英汉大词典false marketing claims 虚假的营销口号牛津商务a false dawn for the economy 经济复苏的假象牛津商务




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