

单词 follicles
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔acne〕An inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin that is marked by the eruption of pimples or pustules, especially on the face.痤疮,粉刺:皮脂腺或皮肤的毛囊发炎,特别是脸上小脓疱的溃烂美国传统〔atresia〕The degeneration and resorption of one or more ovarian follicles before a state of maturity has been reached.退化:一个或多个卵子囊在达到成熟状态之前的退化或消失美国传统〔follicle-stimulating hormone〕A gonadotropic hormone of the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the growth of follicles in the ovary and induces the formation of sperm in the testis.促卵泡激素:前部粘液腺的刺激生殖腺的激素,它刺激卵巢内泡的生长并促进睾丸内精液的生成美国传统〔follicular〕Affecting or growing out of a follicle or follicles.影响滤泡或长出滤泡的美国传统〔follicular〕Relating to, having, or resembling a follicle or follicles.小囊的,卵泡的:与小囊有关的,具有一个或多个囊的或与其相象的美国传统〔folliculate〕Having or consisting of a follicle or follicles.小囊似的:具有小囊的或由一个或多个小囊组成的美国传统〔proestrus〕The period immediately before estrus in most female mammals, characterized by development of the endometrium and ovarian follicles.发情前期:大多数雌性哺乳动物发情期前准备期,其特点是子宫内膜和囊状卵泡发育美国传统〔sycosis〕A chronic inflammation of the hair follicles, especially of the beard, characterized by eruption of pimples and nodules.疮:毛发囊的慢性炎症,尤指胡须处的,症状为发丘疹与长小瘤美国传统〔thyroglobulin〕A thyroid protein that stores iodine-containing hormones and is typically present in the colloid of thyroid gland follicles.甲状腺球蛋白:一种内部贮有含碘激素的甲状腺蛋白质,主要存在于甲状腺小囊的胶质里美国传统




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