

单词 garlic
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEFORE〕Add the onions and garlic first, then the mushrooms. 先加洋葱和大蒜,然后加蘑菇。朗文写作活用〔CAREFUL〕Fry the garlic, being careful not to let it burn. 煎一下大蒜,小心别煎焦。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕Garlic has a taste which tends to linger in your mouth. 大蒜的味道在嘴里往往很久不会消失。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕Add the garlic, ginger and onions and stir-fry for 30 seconds. 加入大蒜、生姜、洋葱炒30秒。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕The use of garlic, whether for medicinal or culinary purposes, dates back several centuries. 大蒜的使用,无论是用于医学目的还是烹任目的,都可上溯至几个世纪以前。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕Whenever I had a cold, my grandmother would concoct a remedy out of herbs, ginger, lemons and garlic. 我一感冒,祖母就会用药草、生姜、柠檬和蒜调制汤药。朗文写作活用〔DISLIKE〕John doesn't like garlic. 约翰不喜欢吃大蒜。朗文写作活用〔MACHINE〕The garlic press uses a screw mechanism to squeeze out juice and pulp. 榨蒜器用一个螺旋装置榨出蒜汁和蒜肉。朗文写作活用〔MEAL〕What would you like for a starter - soup or garlic mushrooms? 第一道菜你想要什么—汤还是蒜头蘑菇?朗文写作活用〔POUR〕Pour the garlic sauce over the hot chicken pieces. 将蒜蓉酱汁倒在热鸡块上。朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕Garlic was once thought to protect people against evil spirits. 大蒜曾被认为能保护人们免受邪神侵害。朗文写作活用〔RECENTLY〕Add one clove of freshly crushed garlic. 加上一瓣刚刚捣碎的大蒜。朗文写作活用〔RUB〕Rub the bowl with garlic before adding the breadcrumbs. 先用大蒜擦擦碗,然后再加入面包屑。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕Garlic has a pungent aroma. 大蒜有股刺鼻的味道。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕If you eat garlic, have some parsley afterwards to keep your breath fresh. 吃过大蒜以后再吃点欧芹可以保持口气清新。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕The whole house smells of garlic - what are you cooking? 整个屋子里都是大蒜的味道,你在做什么吃的?朗文写作活用〔SQUASH〕He pounded some garlic and ginger and put it in the pan. 他捣了一些蒜和姜放入锅里。朗文写作活用〔TASTE〕Can you taste the garlic in the sauce? 你尝得出调味汁里有大蒜味来吗?朗文写作活用〔a touch of〕She noticed a touch of garlic in the sauce.她注意到酱汁里有一点大蒜。韦氏高阶〔add〕The generous amount of garlic adds flavour.蒜多了能提味。柯林斯高阶〔adobo〕A Philippine dish of marinated vegetables and meat or fish seasoned with garlic, soy sauce, and spices and served with rice.阿都波:一种由海菜及肉或鱼做成的菲律宾菜肴,用咖喱、酱油和香料作调料,佐以米饭美国传统〔agree〕Garlic doesn't agree with me.大蒜不合我的胃口。外研社新世纪〔aioli〕A rich sauce of crushed garlic, egg yolks, lemon juice, and olive oil used especially to garnish fish and vegetables.蒜泥蛋黄酱:一种用蒜泥、蛋黄、柠檬汁和橄榄油配制起来的调味汁,尤其用作鱼和蔬菜的配料美国传统〔andouille〕A spicy smoked sausage made with pork and garlic, used especially in Cajun cooking.辣熏肠:用猪肉和大蒜做成的辣味熏肠,特别用在阿卡迪亚人的食品中美国传统〔baba gannouj〕A purée of roasted eggplant and tahini, flavored with garlic and lemon juice.爸爸茄泥:烤茄子加芝麻酱制成的茄子泥,佐以大蒜和柠檬汁美国传统〔blaff〕A West Indian stew consisting of fish or occasionally pork, seasonings such as lime and garlic, and often fruits and vegetables.烩鱼汤:一种西印度的炖制食品,含有鱼或偶尔有猪肉、调味品,如酸橙和大蒜,并常有水果和蔬菜美国传统〔blood〕Cooked garlic helps to prevent blood clotting , and so reduces the risk of heart attack.煮熟的大蒜可以预防血凝块形成,从而减低心脏病发作的风险。朗文当代〔boil〕Boil the chick peas, add garlic and lemon juice.把鹰嘴豆放在开水中煮,并加入大蒜和柠檬汁。柯林斯高阶〔boil〕Boil the chick peas, add garlic and lemon juice.用开水煮鹰嘴豆, 再加入大蒜和柠檬汁。外研社新世纪〔breathe〕I'm sorry if I'm breathing (= blowing out air containing) garlic fumes all over you! 如果我口里的大蒜味儿熏着你了,我很抱歉!剑桥高阶〔breathe〕The fat man opposite was breathing garlic all over me.对面的那个胖男人满口大蒜味,喷了我一身。朗文当代〔breath〕Her breath smelled of garlic.她的嘴里有大蒜味。剑桥高阶〔breath〕His breath smells like garlic. = He has garlic breath.他呼出的气有股蒜味。韦氏高阶〔breath〕His breath smelt of garlic.他呼出的气中有大蒜味。牛津高阶〔chili powder〕A condiment consisting of ground chilies mixed with several seasonings, such as cumin, oregano, and garlic.辣椒粉:由碾碎的辣椒和莳萝、牛至叶和蒜等几种调味品混合而成的一种调味品美国传统〔chimichurri〕A sauce made of chopped fresh parsley seasoned with garlic, pepper, and herbs and bound with oil and vinegar.奇米秋里酱:由剁碎的新鲜荷兰芹,加上大蒜、胡椒、草药来调味,再和油还有醋混合的酱料美国传统〔cholesterol〕Eating garlic can significantly reduce cholesterol in the blood.吃大蒜可以大大减少血液中的胆固醇。牛津搭配〔chop〕Add two finely chopped onions and a clove of garlic.加上两个切碎的洋葱和一瓣大蒜。朗文当代〔chorizo〕A very spicy pork sausage seasoned especially with garlic.蒜味辣肠:一种用大蒜调味的很辣的猪肉肠美国传统〔clove〕Add two garlic cloves, one bay leaf, and one sprig of fresh rosemary.加两瓣大蒜、一片月桂叶以及一小枝新鲜迷迭香。外研社新世纪〔clove〕One of the small sections of a separable bulb, as that of garlic.小鳞茎:一种可分离鳞茎的一小部分,如大蒜的一瓣美国传统〔clove〕This recipe takes four cloves of garlic.这份食谱需要4瓣蒜。剑桥高阶〔crush〕Add three cloves of crushed garlic.加入3瓣捣碎的大蒜。剑桥高阶〔crush〕Add two cloves of crushed garlic.加入两瓣捣碎的蒜。牛津高阶〔crush〕Chop the onion and crush the garlic.把洋葱切碎并压碎蒜头。麦克米伦高阶〔crush〕Crush the garlic finely before adding.把大蒜压成细末后再加入。牛津搭配〔crush〕Peel and crush the garlic.把蒜剥皮并捣碎。外研社新世纪〔crush〕Peel and crush the garlic.把蒜剥皮并捣碎。柯林斯高阶〔dice〕Add the crushed garlic and remaining diced vegetables.加入捣碎的大蒜和剩余的蔬菜丁。柯林斯高阶〔disagreeable〕The flavour of garlic is disagreeable to the English palate.大蒜不适合英格兰人的口味。外研社新世纪〔disagree〕Garlic disagrees with me.我一吃大蒜就不舒服。外研社新世纪〔dream〕The meal was a garlic lover's dream.这顿饭是大蒜爱好者梦寐以求的美餐。韦氏高阶〔either〕You add either one or two cloves of garlic.你加入一两瓣大蒜。朗文当代〔feature〕Garlic features prominently in her recipes.大蒜在她的食谱中占有重要地位。牛津搭配〔feature〕Olive oil and garlic feature prominently in his recipes.橄榄油和大蒜在他的食谱中是重要的材料。牛津高阶〔flavoured〕This dish is flavoured with basil and garlic.这道菜用了罗勒和大蒜调味。牛津搭配〔flavour〕Garlic adds flavour to the dish.大蒜为这道菜提了味。外研社新世纪〔flavour〕Add flavour to your meal by using more herbs and garlic.多用点香草和大蒜给你的饭菜调味。麦克米伦高阶〔flavour〕This sauce is flavoured with garlic and herbs.这种酱加了大蒜和芳草调味。剑桥高阶〔folk〕Garlic is widely used in Chinese folk medicine.大蒜广泛应用于中国民间医药。牛津高阶〔fry〕Heat the oil in a large pan and fry the onion and garlic for 5 minutes.在大平底锅里热油,把洋葱和大蒜炒5分钟。麦克米伦高阶〔garlicky〕Containing, tasting of, or smelling of garlic.大蒜的:含有大蒜的,尝起来或闻起来有大蒜味的美国传统〔garlic〕Add a crushed clove of garlic (=single section of it) .加一瓣压碎的蒜。朗文当代〔garlic〕For this recipe you need four cloves (= single pieces) of garlic, crushed.按照这个烹饪法,你需备4瓣儿大蒜,并捣碎。剑桥高阶〔garlic〕I don't like food with too much garlic in it.我不喜欢放了太多大蒜的食物。文馨英汉〔garlic〕The recipe calls for two cloves of garlic, minced.这个食谱需要两瓣蒜,要捣碎的。韦氏高阶〔garlic〕To season or flavor (a food) with garlic.用大蒜调味或加味于(一种食物)美国传统〔harissa〕A spicy North African sauce made from chili peppers, garlic, cumin, and other seasonings.哈里萨调料:某种北非洲的调味料,以红番胡椒粉、大蒜、小茴香及其它调味料所调制而成美国传统〔heavy〕Don't go so heavy on the garlic.别用这么多蒜。牛津高阶〔heavy〕The main course was a bit heavy on the garlic.主菜里蒜用得有点儿多。麦克米伦高阶〔hint〕The sauce has a subtle hint of garlic.这个调料里有一点点蒜。韦氏高阶〔hint〕There was a hint of garlic in the sauce.调味汁里有少许大蒜。外研社新世纪〔hummus〕A smooth, thick mixture of mashed chickpeas, tahini, oil, lemon juice, and garlic, used especially as a dip for pita.鹰嘴豆泥:一种由捣碎的鹰嘴豆、芝麻酱、油、柠檬汁和蒜组成的调匀的、粘稠的混合物,尤用于浸泡皮塔面包美国传统〔invincibility〕He also had an invincible faith in the medicinal virtues of garlic.他同时也对大蒜的医学功效深信不疑。柯林斯高阶〔invincible〕Richard had an invincible faith in the medicinal virtues of garlic.理查德对大蒜的药用效果坚信不疑。外研社新世纪〔joint〕Fry four chicken joints in a pan with some mushrooms and garlic.用平底锅将4大块带骨鸡肉与一些蘑菇和大蒜一起煎。剑桥高阶〔kill〕Too much garlic killed the taste of the meat.太多的蒜破坏了肉的味道美国传统〔kosher pickle〕A pickled cucumber flavored with garlic.大蒜腌黄瓜:一种以大蒜调味的腌黄瓜美国传统〔layer〕Arrange the peppers, garlic and tomatoes in layers.把辣椒、蒜和番茄一层一层码好。朗文当代〔layer〕She layered the aubergine slices with tomatoes, garlic, and parsley.她把西红柿、大蒜和西芹做的馅料分层加进茄子的切片中。麦克米伦高阶〔linguiça〕A highly seasoned Portuguese pork sausage flavored with garlic, onions, and pepper.葡萄牙猪肉香肠:用大蒜、洋葱及黑胡椒调味的葡萄牙猪肉香肠,味道极佳美国传统〔longevity〕The ancient Chinese claimed that garlic promoted longevity.中国古人说蒜能延寿。朗文当代〔mean〕It was supposed to be garlic bread, but they'd been a bit mean with the garlic.应该是蒜香面包,但他们用蒜很吝啬。朗文当代〔medicinal〕Garlic is believed to have medicinal properties (=contain things that can cure medical problems) .大蒜被认为具有药用功效。朗文当代〔medicine〕Garlic was widely used in folk medicine.大蒜在民间疗法中被广泛应用。牛津搭配〔mince〕Mince the meat up with some onion and garlic.把肉和一些洋葱、大蒜混合在一起剁碎。朗文当代〔mofongo〕A Puerto Rican dish made of mashed plantains, garlic, and pork cracklings.摩坊哥菜:一道波多黎各菜,由捣碎的大蕉、大蒜和烤猪肉的脆皮组成美国传统〔next〕First, fry the garlic. Next, add the ginger.先炒一下大蒜,再加生姜。剑桥高阶〔oil〕Toast the bread, rub with garlic and drizzle over a little olive oil.烘烤面包,涂上蒜蓉,再洒上一点儿橄榄油。牛津搭配〔onion〕Fry the onion and garlic for about two minutes.把洋葱和大蒜炒大约两分钟。剑桥高阶〔onion〕Put the chopped onion and garlic in the pan...把洋葱末和蒜末放入锅中⋯牛津搭配〔overpowering〕There's an overpowering smell of garlic in the kitchen.厨房里的大蒜味令人无法忍受。剑桥高阶〔overpower〕The flavour of the garlic overpowered the meat.大蒜的味道盖过了肉味。牛津高阶〔papery〕Leave each garlic clove in its papery skin.每瓣蒜外面的薄皮都要留着。外研社新世纪〔papery〕Leave each garlic clove in its papery skin.每瓣蒜外面的薄皮都要留着。柯林斯高阶〔penetrating〕The penetrating odor of garlic soon filled the entire apartment.大蒜刺鼻的气味很快就弥散了整个屋子美国传统〔pestle〕Crush the garlic into a paste using a pestle and mortar.用杵和臼把蒜捣成泥。剑桥高阶〔pesto〕A sauce consisting of usually fresh basil, garlic, pine nuts, olive oil, and grated cheese.香蒜沙司:通常由新鲜香草、大蒜、松果、橄榄油和磨碎的干酪组成的调味汁美国传统〔pistou〕A sauce made of garlic, basil, tomato, Parmesan, and olive oil, used on pasta or in soups and stews.蔬菜蒜泥浓汤:一种由蒜、罗勒、西红柿、干酪和橄榄油制成的调味汁,用于生面团或汤或炖汤美国传统〔pong〕A clove of garlic a day? Phew, that'll make your breath pong a bit.一天一瓣蒜?唷, 那样的话你呼出的气会有点臭。外研社新世纪〔pound〕Pound the garlic and salt together.把大蒜放盐捣碎。外研社新世纪〔pound〕Pound the herbs and garlic until they form a paste.把草药和大蒜捣碎成糊状。韦氏高阶〔preferable〕For this dish, fresh herbs and garlic are preferable.做这道菜,用新鲜香草和大蒜更好。朗文当代〔property〕A unique property of garlic is its strong odor.大蒜独有的特性就是其强烈的气味。韦氏高阶〔pulp〕Peel the garlic and crush it to a pulp.把蒜剥了皮捣成泥。外研社新世纪〔pungency〕Baking reduces the pungency of garlic.烘焙可以减少大蒜的辣味。外研社新世纪〔rafter〕From the rafters of the thatched roofs hung strings of dried onions and garlic.茅草屋顶的椽子上挂着几串干洋葱和蒜。外研社新世纪〔rafter〕From the rafters of the thatched roofs hung strings of dried onions and garlic.茅草屋顶的椽子上挂着几串干洋葱和蒜。柯林斯高阶〔ratatouille〕A vegetable stew, usually made with eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, and onions, seasoned with herbs and garlic, and served hot or cold.普罗旺斯蔬菜杂烩:一种蔬菜杂烩,通常包括茄子,西红柿,西葫芦,洋葱和青椒,由草药或大蒜进行调味,既可冷吃也可热食美国传统〔reek〕Her breath reeked of garlic.她一吐气就有一股难闻的大蒜味。剑桥高阶〔reek〕His breath reeked of garlic.他满口蒜味。21世纪英汉〔reek〕His breath reeks of garlic.他嘴里有蒜臭。英汉大词典〔relish〕The stew relishs of garlic.炖肉有蒜味。英汉大词典〔repeat〕I found that garlics repeated on me.我觉得吃蒜后嘴里总留有蒜味。21世纪英汉〔revolt〕She revolts from eating garlic.她讨厌吃蒜。21世纪英汉〔ristra〕A string on which foodstuffs, such as chilies, onions, or garlic, are threaded or tied for storage.瑞斯塔:将食物,如辣椒、洋葱或大蒜,串起或绑起以供储藏的细绳美国传统〔rub〕Rub the chicken with garlic before putting it in the oven.把鸡肉放入烤炉之前用大蒜涂抹鸡肉。麦克米伦高阶〔ruin〕I ruined the sauce by adding too much garlic.我放了太多大蒜,把酱汁做砸了。韦氏高阶〔saucepan〕Heat the oil and garlic in a large saucepan.在大平底锅里把油和大蒜加热。朗文当代〔sauté〕Sauté the onion and garlic.嫩煎洋葱和大蒜韦氏高阶〔scampi〕Large shrimp broiled or sautéed and served in a garlic and butter sauce.蒜味大虾:一种在煮或煎炒后浇上蒜汁或黄油的大虾美国传统〔season〕Season the lamb with garlic.给羊肉加蒜调味。牛津高阶〔shake〕Add three shakes of garlic salt.加上抖3次瓶子量的蒜盐。麦克米伦高阶〔slit〕Make a small slit in each chicken breast and push in a piece of garlic.在每块鸡胸上切个小口,塞进一瓣蒜。剑桥高阶〔smack〕The chicken has a smack of garlic in it.这鸡肉有大蒜味。文馨英汉〔smack〕The meat smacks of garlic.这肉有点儿蒜味。英汉大词典〔smell〕Add only a smell of garlic, please.请加一点点大蒜。英汉大词典〔smell〕His breath smelt of garlic.他嘴里有蒜味。牛津高阶〔some〕Heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, a chopped clove of garlic and some black pepper in a heavy saucepan.将几勺橄榄油、一片切碎的蒜瓣和一些黑胡椒粉放入深平底锅里加热。柯林斯高阶〔sparingly〕I've not been sparing with the garlic.我总是用很多大蒜。柯林斯高阶〔sparing〕I've not been sparing with the garlic.我用大蒜一直不吝惜。外研社新世纪〔spoil〕I spoiled the sauce by adding too much garlic.我放了太多的蒜,把调味汁糟蹋了。韦氏高阶〔stink〕Her breath stank of garlic.她嘴里有股大蒜味。牛津高阶〔stink〕His breath stank of garlic.他呼出的气带有大蒜味。英汉大词典〔stink〕His breath stinks of garlic.他的口气有大蒜的臭味。文馨英汉〔stir〕Crush the garlic, then stir it into the soup.把蒜压碎,然后搅入汤中。麦克米伦高阶〔stomach〕I've no stomach for garlic.我不吃大蒜。英汉大词典〔succulent〕Cook pieces of succulent chicken with garlic and a little sherry.佐以大蒜和少许雪莉酒, 烹饪鲜美嫩滑的鸡肉。外研社新世纪〔succulent〕Cook pieces of succulent chicken with ample garlic and a little sherry.烹饪鲜美滑嫩的鸡肉时多加些大蒜,并滴入少许雪利酒。柯林斯高阶〔taste of〕This salad tastes of garlic.这色拉有大蒜味。21世纪英汉〔taste〕I love the taste of garlic.我喜欢蒜味。剑桥高阶〔taste〕She can't endure the taste of garlic.她受不了大蒜的味道。英汉大词典〔taste〕She said there was garlic in the sauce, but I couldn't really taste it.她说酱汁里有大蒜,可是我一点都没吃出来。韦氏高阶〔taste〕The fish tasted faintly of garlic.这鱼带点儿大蒜味儿。牛津搭配〔taste〕The salad tastes of garlic.这道沙拉有蒜味。韦氏高阶〔taste〕You can taste the garlic in it.你可以从中尝出大蒜的滋味。外研社新世纪〔taste〕You can taste the garlic in this stew.在这炖肉里你可以尝出大蒜的味道。牛津高阶〔telltale〕The sauce had the telltale odor of garlic.这酱汁明显有大蒜味儿。韦氏高阶〔then〕Add the oil and then the scallops to the pan, leaving a little space for the garlic.先在锅里放油,然后放入扇贝,留点地方搁蒜。柯林斯高阶〔tone down〕When Ken Hom wrote his first book for the BBC he was asked to tone down the spices and garlic in his recipes.谭荣辉为英国广播公司写第一本烹饪书时, 他被要求减少菜谱里香料和大蒜的使用。外研社新世纪〔tone〕When Ken Hom wrote his first book for the BBC he was asked to tone down the spices and garlic in his recipes.当肯·霍姆为英国广播公司写第一本书的时候,他被要求在菜谱里少用些香料和大蒜。柯林斯高阶〔touch〕Add a touch of garlic and some finely chopped chilli.加少许大蒜和一些切细的辣椒。外研社新世纪〔way〕This is a good way to peel garlic.这个办法剥大蒜很好。外研社新世纪〔well documented〕The medicinal value of garlic is well documented.有大量文献记载了大蒜的药用价值。剑桥高阶〔wherever〕Garlic is a plant that grows wherever there is a warm climate.大蒜是一种能在任何气候温暖的地方生长的植物。麦克米伦高阶〔whiff〕He leaned towards me and I caught/got a whiff of garlic.他向我靠过来,我闻到一股大蒜的味道。剑桥高阶〔wind〕I like garlic but it gives me terrible wind.我爱吃大蒜,但吃了肚子胀气很厉害。剑桥高阶〔your〕Garlic is good for your blood.大蒜对血液有益。剑桥高阶Garlic is good for your blood.大蒜对人的血液有好处。剑桥国际Garlic repeats on him. 他嘴里留有大蒜的余味。译典通Cook the four chicken joints in a pan with some mushrooms and garlic.把那四大块鸡肉放在平底锅里加些蘑菇和大蒜煮。剑桥国际Could I have half a pound of garlic sausage, please.请你给我称半磅蒜味香肠。剑桥国际Crush the garlic into a paste using a pestle and mortar.用杵和臼把蒜捣成泥。剑桥国际Crush three cloves of garlic and then add to the mixture.把三瓣大蒜捣碎,加入混合物中。剑桥国际First, fry the garlic. Next, add the ginger.先煸一下大蒜,然后加生姜。剑桥国际From the kitchen came the tantalizing smell of garlic.厨房里传出诱人的蒜香。剑桥国际He leaned towards me and I caught a whiff of garlic on his breath.他屈身向我靠来,我闻到了他呼吸里的一股大蒜气味。剑桥国际He puréd the garlic by pressing it through a sieve.大蒜从滤网中挤出来做成了蒜泥。剑桥国际Heat the oil in the pan and fry the onion and garlic for about two minutes.先在锅里把油热一下,然后把洋葱和大蒜炒两分钟左右。剑桥国际Her breath reeked of/with garlic.她的呼吸有大蒜味。剑桥国际I like garlic but it gives me terrible wind.我喜欢大蒜,但它使我胀气。剑桥国际I love the taste of garlic.我喜欢蒜味。剑桥国际I'm sorry if I'm breathing (= letting out air containing) garlic fumes all over you! 我很抱歉如果我口里的大蒜味儿熏着你了。剑桥国际Mash (together) the garlic and salt into a thick paste.将大蒜和盐(一起)捣成厚厚的糊状物。剑桥国际Mix the garlic and the salt together to obtain a paste.把大蒜和盐拌在一起做成酱。剑桥国际One of my fellow passengers on the train that morning smelt strongly of garlic.那天早上一个与我同乘一辆火车的人大蒜味儿很重。剑桥国际Pesto is made of basil leaves, parmesan cheese, pine nuts, garlic and olive oil which have all been crushed together.香蒜沙司是由罗勒叶、帕尔马干酪、松仁、大蒜和橄榄油调和而成的。剑桥国际Pound the garlic into a paste and then fry it with the onions.把大蒜捣成酱和洋葱一起炒。剑桥国际Roasted garlic with sheep's milk cheese is the quintessential Corsican meal.油炸大蒜加羊奶酪是最典型的科西嘉菜。剑桥国际Roughly chop the coriander and mix it with the garlic.粗略地切碎胡荽,并与大蒜混合到一起。剑桥国际The meat had a smack of garlic. 这肉有点蒜味。译典通The medicinal values of garlic are well-documented.大蒜的医学价值是有大量文献记录的。剑桥国际The smell of garlic drifted enticingly out from the kitchen.诱人的大蒜的香气从厨房中飘出。剑桥国际The smell of garlic filled the kitchen. 厨房里弥漫著大蒜味道。译典通There's an overpowering smell of garlic in the kitchen.厨房里大蒜味熏得倒人。剑桥国际This recipe takes four cloves of garlic.这种烹饪方法需用四瓣大蒜。剑桥国际We lunched on garlic sausage and some bread. 我们午餐吃大蒜香肠肉加面包。译典通




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