

单词 identifying
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOOD AT〕Before choosing a career you should spend time identifying your personal strengths and weaknesses. 择业之前应该花点时间认识一下自身的长处和短处。朗文写作活用〔ID card〕A card, often bearing a photograph, that gives identifying data, such as name, age, or organizational membership, about a person.身份证:一种贴有照片并注有姓名、年龄、组织身份等内容,用来确定个人身份的证件美国传统〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕Identifying the cause of a disease must always be the first step towards finding a cure. 发现病因必定是找到疗法的第一步。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Once they'd been pointed out for me, I had no trouble identifying the major stars and planets. 对于一些大的恒星和行星,只要有人指给我看过,我就不难找出它们的位置。朗文写作活用〔USELESS〕In-store videos were of no help in identifying the criminals. 店内录像对于辨认罪犯毫无用处。朗文写作活用〔activate〕The defense system would activate if no proper identifying signal was given.如果不发出适当的识别信号,防御系统就会开动。英汉大词典〔bear〕They also bear the responsibility of correctly identifying queue jumpers.他们还负责准确地指认出插队者。外研社新世纪〔blood typing〕The process of identifying an individual's blood group by serologic testing of a sample of blood.血型鉴定:通过取样血的血清试验认定某人血型的过程美国传统〔brand〕A trademark or distinctive name identifying a product or a manufacturer.商标:标志一种产品或制造商的商标或特有名称美国传统〔bravo〕The bravos, soldiers, whatever they were, wore ordinary street clothes, no identifying colours or badges.那些人, 不知道是杀手还是士兵, 都穿着便服, 没有佩戴任何表明身份的标志或徽章。外研社新世纪〔broad arrow〕Chiefly British A wide arrowhead mark identifying government property.【多用于英国】 镞形标记:表示政府财产的宽箭头标记美国传统〔clean〕We need a systematic plan for identifying and cleaning up waste sites.我们需要一个系统的计划来确认并清理堆放废料的场所。麦克米伦高阶〔collar〕A restraining or identifying band of leather, metal, or plastic put around the neck of an animal.轭,脖围:围置在动物颈上的皮质、金属或塑料制的以便限制和认领用的带美国传统〔data type〕In databases or spreadsheets, a classification identifying one of various kinds of data, as a name, date, or dollar amount, found in a specific data field.数据种类:在计算机数据库或空白表格程序中,辨别在特定数据领域中,各种数据的其中之一的分类,例如名字、日期或钱量美国传统〔difficulty〕The difficulty lies in identifying the precise nature of the problem.困难在于要确定问题的性质。牛津搭配〔docket〕To provide with a brief identifying statement.提供简要认证声明美国传统〔earmark〕An identifying mark on the ear of a domestic animal.耳戳:打在家畜耳部的便于识别的记号美国传统〔earmark〕To place an identifying or distinctive mark on.打上标志:打上可识别的明显的戳记美国传统〔fingerprint〕Ordinarily, spectral patterns were well understood fingerprints for identifying chemical elements in the stars.光谱图型通常是鉴别星球上化学元素特征的人所熟知的依据。英汉大词典〔identification〕The act of identifying.鉴定行为美国传统〔identify〕They had no difficulty in identifying the problem.他们轻而易举地发现了问题。韦氏高阶〔identify〕We began by identifying what we needed for the job.我们首先弄清了做这份工作我们需要具备什么。韦氏高阶〔indicia〕Identifying marks; indications.标记,征象:指示物;标志记号美国传统〔label〕A distinctive name or trademark identifying a product or manufacturer, especially a recording company.标明产品的标记:标明一件产品或厂家身份的特有名号或商标,尤指唱片公司的商标美国传统〔label〕Computer Science A symbol or set of symbols identifying the contents of a file, memory, tape, or record.【计算机科学】 标记,标签:用于标明文件、存储、磁带、记录内容的一个或一系列符号美国传统〔landmark〕A prominent identifying feature of a landscape.陆标:用来显示景色特征的显著标记美国传统〔link〕Computer Science An identifying term attached to an element in a system to facilitate connection to other identified elements.【计算机科学】 连接,链路:系统元件上的识别项目,可简化同其他被识别项目的连接美国传统〔login〕The process of identifying oneself to a computer, usually by entering one's username and password.登录:识别计算机中某人身分的过程,通常要输入用户名称或密码美国传统〔monogram〕A design composed of one or more letters, typically the initials of a name, used as an identifying mark.交织字母:一种被用作辨识标记的由一个或多个字母组成的一种图案,常由姓名的字首组成美国传统〔name brand〕A trademark or distinctive name identifying a product or manufacturer.名牌:标名产品或制造厂家的商标或有特色的名字美国传统〔new〕Identifying the virus gave scientists fresh hope of discovering a vaccine.鉴定病毒给予科学家发现疫苗的新希望。美国传统〔pantheism〕A doctrine identifying the Deity with the universe and its phenomena.泛神论,多神教:区分神和宇宙及其现象的信条美国传统〔phonetic alphabet〕Any of various systems of code words for identifying letters in voice communication.语音字码表:在口声语言传输中用来辨别字母的代码体系美国传统〔shoulder patch〕A cloth patch bearing identifying markings, worn on the upper portion of the sleeve of a uniform.臂章:戴在制服袖子上部且上面带有鉴别标志的一个臂章美国传统〔sign〕To stop transmission after identifying the broadcasting station.在说完广播电台台名之后停止播送美国传统〔slug〕A compositor's type line of identifying marks or instructions, inserted temporarily in copy.嵌条:排版工人暂时插在排好的版上用以标示记号或指示的一行铅字美国传统〔task〕Detectives are now faced with the task of identifying the body.侦探现在面临辨认尸体这项任务。牛津高阶〔ticket〕An identifying or descriptive tag attached to merchandise; a label.标签,票签:贴在商品上的标明性或描述性的标签;标签美国传统〔trademark〕Abbr. TMA name, symbol, or other device identifying a product, officially registered and legally restricted to the use of the owner or manufacturer.缩写 TM商标,牌号:标明产品的名字、符号或其它设计,经过正式注册,并只合法地限于其拥有者或制造商使用美国传统〔trigger-happy〕Having a tendency or desire to shoot a firearm before adequately identifying the target.爱乱开枪的:有向明确认定的目标开枪的倾向或愿望的美国传统〔union label〕An identifying mark attached to a product indicating it has been produced by members of a trade union.联合标记:连接在产品上的识别标记,表示它是由贸易同盟成员生产的美国传统Management succession planning is an ongoing process of identifying and developing talent.管理继承计划是一个不间断的识别和开发人才的过程。牛津商务




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