

单词 fragrance
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔-blooming〕the sweet fragrance of the white blooms.白色花朵的芳香柯林斯高阶〔aroma〕the aroma of roses.See Synonyms at fragrance 玫瑰的芳香 参见 fragrance美国传统〔bouquet〕gathered a posy of violets. See also Synonyms at fragrance 采集一束紫罗兰 参见同义词 fragrance美国传统〔calming〕a fresh, cool fragrance which produces a very calming effect on the mind.一种能够静心怡神的清凉香味柯林斯高阶〔calming〕a fresh, cool fragrance which produces a very calming effect on the mind具有安神作用的清新凉爽的香味外研社新世纪〔delicate〕a delicate fragrance 幽香英汉大词典〔emit〕the refreshing fragrance emitted by perfumes香水发出的令人清爽的香味21世纪英汉〔exhale〕exhale a delicate fragrance 散发出一种美妙的香味英汉大词典〔floral〕a light floral fragrance 幽幽的花香朗文当代〔fragrance〕a brand new fragrance for men 新款男士香水剑桥高阶〔fragrance〕a flower with a lovely fragrance 芳香宜人的花韦氏高阶〔fragrance〕an exciting new fragrance from Dior 迪奥新推出的一款令人惊喜的香水牛津高阶〔fragrance〕flowers that are noted for their fragrance 以芳香著称的花麦克米伦高阶〔fragrance〕fruits full of exquisite fragrance and sweetness 香气扑鼻的水果牛津搭配〔fragrance〕the fragrance of his cologne.他身上古龙香水的味道柯林斯高阶〔fragrance〕the fragrance of lilacs; 紫丁香的芳香;美国传统〔fragrance〕the company's newest fragrance 公司最新推出的香水韦氏高阶〔fragrance〕the delicate fragrance of roses 玫瑰花淡雅的芳香剑桥高阶〔fragrance〕the rich fragrance of a garden flower 一种庭院花卉的馥郁芳香朗文当代〔intoxicating〕the intoxicating fragrance of lilies.百合花的沁人芳香柯林斯高阶〔intoxicating〕the intoxicating fragrance of lilies令人陶醉的百合花香外研社新世纪〔piny〕a piny fragrance 松香英汉大词典〔rich〕the rich fragrance of bamboo freshly chopped 新砍伐翠竹的芬芳 英汉大词典〔snuff〕snuff the fragrance of the rose 吸入玫瑰花的香味英汉大词典〔spread〕flowers spreading their fragrance 散发香气的花朵英汉大词典〔voluptuous〕the voluptuous fragrance of a summer garden 夏季花园中散发出的令人心旷神怡的芬芳朗文当代〔woodsy〕woodsy fragrance 树林特有的芳香英汉大词典




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